Student Forms

Contract for Incomplete Grade - After discussion with your instructor, complete the form at this link to initiate the process of submitting a contract for an incomplete grade.

Elective Course Form – Complete this form if you are an MSN student who wishes to enroll in an elective outside of your specialty or program of study.

Independent Study AgreementIf you wish to enroll in an Independent Study (IS), please follow these instructions to complete the request.

Request for Leave of Absence – If you wish to take a Leave of Absence (LOA), complete this form and forward to your academic director for signature. 

Request for Change of Status

When you log into the Kuali system, your name, student ID and email address will automatically generate in the form.

  • Current Classification: Choose your current degree or entry type.
  • Current Status: Choose your current academic status, ie Full Time or Part Time.
  • New Status Requested: Choose your desired change from the options shown. If only requesting a clinical placement change, choose Not Applicable. “Drop a Specialty” is only for use by dual-specialty students or DNP+PMC students. Before choosing this option, be sure you have spoken to both of your academic directors before completing this form. Please note that this form is not appropriate for requesting a change of specialty.
  • Clinical Placement Change: If requesting a clinical placement change, choose from the options shown and indicate in which state you wish your clinicals to be located. Otherwise, choose Not Applicable from the drop-down menu.
  • Reason for Change: Describe your reason for requesting the status change in the final box. If your change will require a change in Expected Graduation Term, please indicate that new term here.

When you have completed the form, click Submit in the upper right-hand corner, and it will automatically be routed for signatures by the appropriate parties. You will receive a communication confirming your submission. When the process is complete, you will receive a second email notification that your changes have been approved and processed.

Questions about this process or this form should be directed to

Withdrawal from the School of Nursing – To withdraw from the school, complete this form and forward to your academic director for signature.

Transfer of Credit – If you have been admitted to VUSN and wish to request transfer credit, read this form very carefully and complete, then return to OES. We do not review transfer credit requests until after admission to the school.

Other student forms.