Frequently Asked Questions

Policy for On‐Line or Off‐Campus Testing


What type of tests are given in the specialty year?

There is a combination of types of tests utilized in the specialty year. Some are case analysis that require
use of research and evidenced based practice literature. Others are closed‐ book, multiple‐ choice tests.
Most of the tests in the core courses within the specialties, such as Advanced Health Assessment,
Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Advanced Practice courses are closed‐ book, multiple‐choice tests
that are consistent with the test style and content of the certification exams.


What are the testing methods used for the closed‐book, multiple‐choice exams.

The majority of the courses in the specialty level curricula utilize on‐line testing procedures exclusively.
The faculty list times on the syllabi that describe when the test will be open and requires that students
must take the test on‐line only during that time period. All tests are given at times outside of the
regular class presentation periods.


Why are the test times set to be out of class periods?

Many of the courses are offered both as face to face sessions and can be accessed on‐line at any time to
facilitate students who are located out of the Nashville area, who work and can’t attend the face to face
sessions, or who want to participate in the course in an asynchronous time period. Class time is not
used for testing as it is variable as to when the student "attend" class. Testing procedures have been
developed based on student request for availability of tests to be taken at alternate time periods.


When will the tests be administered?

The on‐line test times are designed to accommodate work schedules, clinical practica schedules, class
times, and different time zones. Each course has a day and time frame for the on‐line access. For
instance, in the N305A Advanced Health Assessment course, the on‐line test times will be from 6‐9 AM
and 6‐9 PM on the test days. Other courses will have a set schedule of days and times for on‐line access
as well and the times vary depending on the course. Students may only take the test during those times
as the test is only available through Blackboard, the course management system, for those specific
times. A paper and pencil version of the test is not available, only on‐line access.


Why must the tests be proctored?

There have been changes in the accreditation requirements concerning on‐line methodologies. Schools
must utilize procedures to identify the student and to ensure academic integrity. VUSN has used on‐line
testing methods for several years. We must be compliant with accreditation standards. The Remote
Proctor is the method that VUSN will utilize for on‐line testing and will accommodate students taking
the tests at various times and in their home locations.


What if I don’t want to use the Remote Proctor and want to take the test at VUSN?

Each course will list the times for on‐campus testing that will be proctored and use the computer based
on‐line access of the test. The testing hours for on‐campus will be limited to business hours of VUSN
which are 8‐5pm., Monday‐Friday.


If I don’t purchase the Remote Proctor at the beginning of Fall semester, can I change my mind and use it later?

Yes, you will be able to purchase it at a later time period. It may be advantageous for students to utilize
the Remote Proctor particularly during the semesters when they have clinical courses. The schedules
and locations of clinical sites may make it difficult to take tests at VUSN during regular business hours of
the course testing periods.


I have a learning disability that requires that I take tests in a distraction free environment.

Students who have disabilities that are approved by the Vanderbilt Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
Action, and Disability Services (EAD) will take their exams on‐campus in the EAD Office in a proctored
environment. The use of the Remote Proctor also creates a distraction free environment.