
VIGH Announces Nurses in Residence for Central Province of Kenya

July 12, 2013

The Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health is pleased to award the first Global Health Nurse in Residence positions to Grace Appert and Laine Scott-Nelson. There were selected from an impressive group of nineteen applicants representing a wide range of employed nurses, nurse practitioners and soon-to-be graduates.

Schorn named to key post at VUSN

July 11, 2013

Mavis Schorn, Ph.D., CNM, has been named senior associate dean for Academics at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. She has served as assistant dean for Academics for the past three years while maintaining an active clinical practice at West End Women’s Health Center.

New service helps patients keep glucose levels on track

July 11, 2013

Following her successful heart valve surgery at Vanderbilt, Gwendolyn English and her family faced a long journey home to Florida. Her family was concerned about the trip, because English has diabetes and her blood sugar levels had been fluctuating erratically. “We were really worried about the drive home. She could go unconscious or get very…

VUSN to offer Lean Methodology in Health Care course

July 9, 2013

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Health Systems Management program is offering a Lean Methodology in Health Care course this fall. Lean is a quality improvement methodology first developed by Toyota and applied to numerous industries, including health care.

VUSN to offer Lean Methodology in Health Care course

July 9, 2013

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Health Systems Management program is offering a Lean Methodology in Health Care course this fall. Lean is a quality improvement methodology first developed by Toyota and applied to numerous industries, including health care.

Vanderbilt planning for the future

July 5, 2013

An executive committee has been named and will meet regularly this summer to develop a framework of ideas to guide a university-wide academic strategic planning process that will set the course for Vanderbilt’s future. “Throughout the strategic planning process, we will reflect on where we were 10 to 15 years ago, where we are now,…