
Pet Therapy Research Aimed at Children with Cancer [Video]

June 5, 2014

It’s not unusual to see dogs in a hospital setting, but is there scientific evidence that man’s best friend help’s children? Vanderbilt researchers are working to find that answer as Barb Cramer reports.

Wellcast: Recommendations for pregnancy and birth

June 5, 2014

Michelle Collins, associate professor of nursing and director of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Nurse-Midwifery Program, speaks with Health Plus’ Laura Osterman about the practice of midwifery and what women can do to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Listen here.

Preparing for Labor & Birth: Why Women Who Prepare For Birth Do Better In Labor

June 1, 2014

(With Dr. Michelle Collins, CNM, Vanderbilt University) How well women do in labor is directly connected to how well they prepared for birth. And it’s downright fascinating. It dates back to the ‘early days of man’ & how we all handle fear. After nearly 30 years delivering babies, Dr. Michelle Collins has a few insights…

13 Midwives Inducted as Fellows of the American College of Nurse-Midwives

May 23, 2014

Silver Spring, MD – The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) honored 13 midwives who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and contributions to the midwifery community throughout their careers. A limited number of midwives are selected for this highly coveted distinction and are inducted as fellows during theACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition each year.

Love Inducted as Fellow in the National Academies of Practice

May 8, 2014

Rene A. Love, DNP, PMHCNS/NP-BC, Assistant Professor and Director of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Family) Program, was recently inducted as a Distinguished Scholar and Fellow in the Nursing Academy of the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Love was selected for Fellowship based on her extensive clinical practice and…

Serving the Never-served

May 6, 2014

When the Clinic at Mercury Courts opened in the summer of 2012, the staff expected to be inundated with patient visits. Designed to provide medical care for people and families transitioning from homelessness and other poverty situations, the clinic on Murfreesboro Road is located within a 5-mile radius of 12 properties serving low income and…