Faculty Mentoring

  • The Associate Dean for NTT Faculty Affairs & Advancement is available to work directly and individually with NTT faculty as requested to discuss career development and a plan for rank advancement, including identification of additional mentors specific to goals and objectives.
  • The Non-Tenure Track Appointment and Promotion committee provides a “Preparing for Your Promotion” session once per year in the spring to align with the dossier submission and review cycle for those interested in seeking rank promotion.  In addition, the Associate Dean for NTT Faculty Affairs & Advancement meets individually with all those considering dossier submission development and the committee assigns a mentor for dossier preparation.
  • VUSN supports a nursing specific Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship cohort in collaboration with the Center for Teaching for an immersive experience in pedagogical philosophy, innovative teaching strategies, and mentoring for growth and development in the academic role.
  • A Scholarship in Progress Peer Support (SIPPS) group meets periodically to support development of ideas, practice/ scholarly professional presentations for all faculty, the majority of participants being NTT faculty.  Participants can create mentoring connections to partner with other faculty in common areas of scholarly interest for ongoing mentoring.
  • An application-based Faculty Scholarship Program was created for NTT in 2014 to fund scholarship in clinical excellence and excellence in teaching and learning for faculty in an academic role as opposed to a research role. As part of the program, faculty are mentored in proposal development by the FSP Committee, mentors for project implementation are identified, and faculty are mentored by the Associate Dean for Clinical Scholarship throughout the process.
  • The Associate Dean for Clinical Scholarship works directly to provide mentorship for faculty seeking grants, and development of packets for fellowships or awards.