School of Nursing recognizes faculty, staff, colleagues and honorary nurses

Group of VUSN faculty and staff with VUMC doctor and CEOs

Two longtime friends of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing were named honorary VUSN nurses, a leading researcher was recognized for service to faculty and students, and outstanding faculty and staff received school awards during the School of Nursing’s spring Faculty/Staff Assembly May 17.

Luke Gregory, Linda Norman, Mitch EdgeworthVUSN Dean Linda Norman, DSN, FAAN, the Valere Potter Menefee Professor of Nursing, surprised Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital and Clinics CEO Mitch Edgeworth, MBA, and Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital CEO Luke Gregory, FACHE, by designating them Honorary VUSN Nurses for their continual support of the School of Nursing and nurses.

Norman began by noting the characteristics of nurses shared by the two CEOs.

“Nurses, by their natures and education, respect every individual, and are compassionate, committed to the patient, and champions who protect the patient’s health. Nurses are leaders and change agents. They are collaborative and committed to common goals,” Norman said. “Although your training has been in other professions – you, like nurses — are committed to the welfare of the sick, injured and vulnerable, as well as to the welfare of all those who work under your leadership.”

“You are — and long have been — dedicated and ardent supporters of the School of Nursing. You are vital to our mission of education, practice and research. Your support, leadership and collaboration are outstanding. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I name you honorary VUSN nurses now and forever,” she said.

Sunil Kripalani, Linda NormanTo commemorate their new honorary nursing titles, Norman presented the CEOs with personalized Vanderbilt University School of Nursing white coats, which they promptly donned.

Sunil Kripalani, MD, associate professor of Medicine and director of the Center for Clinical Quality and Implementation Research in the Institute for Medicine and Public Health, was honored with the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Service to Faculty and Students.

In announcing the award, Norman credited Kripalani with advancing VUSN’s research mission by collaborating with faculty and students in a variety of research projects and providing opportunities to expand evidence-based care. She thanked him for helping enhance VUSN’s research reputation and for mentoring students and faculty alike.

The school also recognized 12 VUSN faculty and staff members for contributions to the school and students.

2018 VUSN Faculty and Staff winners with awards

Assistant Professor Deonni Stolldorf, PhD, received the Dean’s 2018 Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Research Endeavors. She was singled out for her contributions in research, particularly in the area of health service and implementation and sustainability of health care interventions.

Terri Crutcher, DNP, assistant dean for clinical and community partnerships, received the Dean’s 2018 Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Clinical Practice. Crutcher was recognized for her ongoing leadership and valuable contributions to VUSN’s practice division, particularly her work with various sites in times of transition and growth, as well as her impact as quality consultant to the Tennessee Primary Care Association.

The Dean’s 2018 Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Informatics Endeavors went to Nursing Informatics Specialty Director Trish Trangenstein, PhD, for her stellar work in leading the specialty and helping establish its national reputation.

Assistant Professor Erin Rodgers, DNP, accepted the Dean’s 2018 Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Academic Endeavors. She was honored for her consistent and tireless commitment to educating the nurses of the future and for her dedication as an advocate, mentor and champion of excellence.

VUSN Faculty/Staff awards in front of Dean Linda NormanAssociate Professor Melanie Lutenbacher received the Ingeborg Mauksch 2018 Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award. The award honors Mauksch, VUSN’s first endowed chair and the first endowed chair in nursing in the United States. Faculty peers select the award recipient. Lutenbacher was recognized as a mentor extraordinaire to scores of PhD and DNP students and faculty colleagues.

Director of Organizational Improvement Susie Leming-Lee, DNP, and Assistant Professors Sharon Karp, PhD, and Abby Parish, DNP, received the 2018 VUSN Tradition Meets Innovation Faculty Award. The three were honored for their successful implementation of a new integrated core MSN course that required new content and teaching methods, as well as support of the faculty charged with teaching the new course.

Grants Resource Officer Deborah Fertitta and Department Education Specialist Allie Saxon each received the 2018 VUSN Tradition Meets Innovation Staff Award. Fertitta was recognized for her valued contributions to VUSN’s grants office for more than seven years, including most recently providing insight, assistance and wisdom regarding process and system changes. Saxon was honored for helping develop a series of webinars for the AGACNP and ENP specialties, particularly for her initiative in determining how the webinars could be accomplished and working tirelessly to make them happen.

Simulation Lab Nurses Tia Coleman, RN, and Diana Kelley, RN, received the 2018 School Life Staff Award for promoting VUSN’s mission in establishing a positive working, learning and collaborative environment. The two collaborate on creating and enhancing students’ and faculty members’ simulation experiences. They were recognized for their teamwork, communication, creativity and organization in creating rich and positive experiential learning experiences.

Norman also announced several faculty promotions during the assembly. Betsy Kennedy, PhD, was promoted to professor; Karen Hande, DNP, was named associate professor; and Michael Gooch, DNP, Melissa Glassford, DNP, Keely Bowman, DNP, and Natasha McClure, DNP, were all promoted to assistant professor.

Photos by Anne Rayner, Vanderbilt University

Top image:
Front row, from left: Mitch Edgeworth, Trish Trangenstein, Susie Leming-Lee, Deborah Fertitta, Tia Coleman, Allie Saxon. Back row, from left: Deonni Stolldorf, Erin Rodgers, Melanie Lutenbacher, Abby Parish, Sunil Kripalani, Luke Gregory.

Right images, top to bottom:
Image one: Luke Gregory (left) and Mitch Edgeworth celebrate receiving Vanderbilt University School of Nursing white coats from Dean Linda Norman.

Image two: Sunil Kripalani receives his award from Dean Norman.

Image three: 2018 VUSN Faculty/Staff Award recipients.

Image four: VUSN awards are representations of the distinctive entrance to the school’s historic Godchaux Hall.