faculty profile

Deonni Stolldorf   PhD, RN, FAAN

Associate Professor


Dr. Stolldorf is an Assistant Professor with the School of Nursing. She joined the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing faculty in 2015, after completing the VA Quality Scholars 2-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville TN. Dr. Stolldorf's background includes Intensive Care Nursing, Nursing Professional Development, Adult Nurse Practitioner, and Nurse Consultant experiences. Dr. Stolldorf focuses on the implementation and sustainability of healthcare interventions to improve patient safety and the quality of care in acute care hospitals and emergency departments. These include rapid response teams, medication reconciliation, the VA Warrior to Soulmate program, intervention for patients with acute heart failure, and more recently, Hospital at Home programs. She investigates contextual determinants and the tailoring of implementation to enhance implementation and clinical effectiveness. Secondary research areas are in breast cancer survivors (lymphedema, quality of life) and measurement (sustainability, family health-related quality of life, social determinants of health).   Dr. Stolldorf was recently appointed as the Senior Faculty Scholar in the VA Quality Scholars program and in this capacity mentors pre- and post-doctoral fellows in the program.


  • VA Quality Scholar Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System/Vanderbilt University
  • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Pre-doctoral fellowship in Health Care Quality and Patient Outcomes, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Post-Master's Certificate (Adult NP), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • M.Cur, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
  • B.Soc.Sc, University of the Orange Free State, South Africa (Nursing)

Current Research/Scholarly Interests

  • Health services researcher and implementation scientist.
    • Transitions of care- medication reconciliation
    • Interventions for patients with acute heart failure discharged from the emergency department
    • Clinical decision support tools
  • Hospital at Home -implementation and caregiving
  • Social determinants of health
  • Research methods
    • Mixed-methods research
    • Survey methods
    • Measurement

Academic Interests

  • Implementation Science
  • Measurement


(Only 2020 and 2021 represented)

2021, Sept: Stolldorf, D.P. (Co-I). Storrow, Liu, Kripalani (MPIs). Tailored dissemination and implementation of emergency care clinical decision support to improve emergency department disposition. NHLBI; R01; Effort: 5% (Y1-2) (10% Y 3-4); Project awarded:; $845,915

2021, April: Collins, S., Stolldorf, D.P. (Dual-PI). Implement and Evaluate the impact of a heart failure self-care coaching strategy on 30-day acute heart failure events through ongoing formative and summative evaluation informed by the RE-AIM framework in four emergency departments of two large integrated health systems. PCORI. 3 years. $1,217,585.00

2020, Dec Stolldorf, D.P.(Co-I). Kripalani, S.(PI). Assessment of social determinants of health. Effort 20% Project start date: May 2021. Project award: $500,000 (VUMC) Project period: 1 year.

2021, Aug: Stolldorf, D.P. (PI). The Vanderbilt Hospital at Home Program: laying the foundation for a novel learning community. (VR55752). ($11,875.00) (NCATS/NIH UL1 TR002243). August 19, 2021 - June 30, 2022

2020, March; Stolldorf, D.P. (PI). Sustainability Instrument Pilot Survey. (VR54549) ($2000) (NCATS/NIH UL1 TR002243). March 17, 2020 - June 30, 2021

Training grants

2017, Sept: Stolldorf, D.P. (PI). Implementing and Sustaining Complex Interdisciplinary Healthcare Interventions: Learning from Medication Reconciliation. $424,270 (K01HS025486). September 30, 2017 - September 30, 2020; No cost extension September 30, 2021.

2017, Jun: Stolldorf, D.P. (Trainee). Implementing and Sustaining Medication Reconciliation in Emergency Care Settings. Awarded: $317,175 - July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2019. Relinquished after 3 months in lieu of AHRQ K01 funding. (K12HL133117).

Representative Publications


Stolldorf, D.P., Schirle, L., Kleinpell, R., Akard, T. F., Piano, M.R. Longitudinal Evaluation of Research-Intensive Nursing Science PhD Programs: Metrics and Methods. Nursing Outlook. (In press)

Ferren, M.D., Von Ah, D., Stolldorf, D.P, Newhouse, R.P. (2022) Seeking to understand: Qualitative research on sustainability of evidence- based practice in acute care. Journal of Nursing Administration. PMID: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35179141/

Germack, H., Cary, M., Gilmartin, H., Girouard, S., Jones, T.M., Martin, B.J., Norful, A.A., Anusiewicz, C.V., Riman, K.A., Schlak, A.E., Squires, A., V. Estrada, L.V., Gazarian, P., Gerchow, L., Ghazal, L.V., Henderson, M.D., Mitha, S., Mpundu, G., Nikpour, J., Royster, M., Thompson, R., Stolldorf, D.P. (2021) Leading Policy and Practice Change During Unprecedented Times: The Nursing Health Services Research Response. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 12(2), 56-60. PMCID: PMC8425338

Stolldorf, D.P., Ridner, S.H., Vogus, T.J., Roumie, C.L., Schnipper, J., Dietrich, M.S., Schlundt, D.G., Kripalani, S. (2021). Implementation Strategies in the Context of Medication Reconciliation: A Qualitative Study. Implementation Science Communications, 2(1), 63. PMCID: PMC8193884

-Study highlighted by AHRQ News Now https://www.ahrq.gov/news/newsletters/e-newsletter/772.html

Schnipper, J.L., Reyes Nieva, H., Mallouk, M., Mixon, A., Rennke, S., Chu, E.S., Mueller, S.K., Smith, G.R., Williams, M.V., Wetterneck, T.B., Stein, J., Dalal, A.K., Labonville, S., Sridharan, A., Stolldorf, D.P., Orav, E.J., Levin, B., Gresham, M., Yoon, C., Goldstein, J., Platt, S., Nyenpan, C.T., Howell, E., Kripalani, S., and MARQUIS2 Site Leaders, for the MARQUIS2 Study Group. (2021) Effects of a refined evidence-based toolkit and mentored implementation on medication reconciliation at 18 hospitals: results of the MARQUIS2 study. BMJ Quality & Safety, bmjqs-2020-012709. PMID: 33927025 Advance online publication.

Spalluto, L.B., Lewis, J.A., Stolldorf, D., Yeh, V.M., Callaway-Lane, C., Wiener, R.S., Slatore, C.G., Yankelevitz, D.F., Henschke, C.I., Vogus, T.J., Massion, P.P., Moghanaki, D., Roumie, C.L. (2021) Organizational readiness for lung cancer screening: A cross-sectional evaluation at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 18(6), 809-819. PMCID: PMC8180484

Koelmeyer, L., Gaitatzis, K., Ridner, S.H., Boyages, J., Nelms, J., Hughes, T.M., Elder, E., French, J., Ngui, N., Hsu, J., Stolldorf, D.P. (2021) Implementing a prospective surveillance and early intervention model of care for breast cancer related lymphedema into clinical practice: Application of the RE-AIM framework. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(2), 1081-1089. doi: 10.1007/s00520-020-05597-5

Boehm, L., Stolldorf, D.P., Jeffery, A. (2020). Implementation science training and resources for nurses and nurse scientists. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(1), 47-54. PMCID: PMC6942197

-Designated as "Editor's Choice" for issue

-Recognized as a top-downloaded paper by journal for 2020

Stolldorf, D.P., Schnipper, J., Mixon, A.S., Dietrich, M.S., Kripalani, S. (2019). Organisational context of hospitals that participated in a multi-site mentored medication reconciliation quality improvement project (MARQUIS2): A cross-sectional observational study. BMJ Open, 9(11), e030834. PMCID: PMC6830625

Mixon, A.S. Smith, G.R., Mallouk, M., Reyes Nieva, H., Kripalani, S., Rennke, S., Chu,E., Sridharan, A., Dalal, A., Mueller, S., Williams, M., Wetterneck,T., Stein, J.M., Stolldorf, D., Howell, E., Orav, J., Labonville S., Levin, B., Yoon, C., Gresham, M., Goldstein, J., Platt, S., Nyenpan, C., Schnipper, J.L. (2019). Design of MARQUIS2: study protocol for a mentored implementation study of an evidence-based toolkit to improve patient safety through medication reconciliation. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 659. PMCID: PMC6737715

Squires, A., Germack, H., Muench, U., Stolldorf, D., Witkoski-Stimpfel, A., Yakusheva, O., Brom, H., Harrison, J., Patel, E., Riman, K., Martsolf, G. (2019). The interdisciplinary research group on nursing issues: Advancing health services research, policy, regulation, and practice. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 10(2), 55- 59. doi: 10.1016/S2155-8256(19)30116-4

Ridner, S.H., Doersam, J.K., Stolldorf, D.P., Dietrich, M.S. (2018). Development and validation of the Lymphedema Symptom Intensity and Distress Survey-Lower Limb. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 16(6), 538-546. PMCID: PMC6306663

Stolldorf, D.P., Fortune-Greeley, AK, Nieuwsma, JA, Gierisch, JM, Datta, SK, Ethridge, KA, Angel, C, Millspaugh, D, Jackson, GL. (2018). Measuring sustainability of a grass-roots program in a large integrated healthcare delivery system: The warrior to soul mate program. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health, 4(2), 81-90. PMCID: PMC6707729

Stolldorf, D.P., Dietrich, M.S., Chidume, T., McIntosh, M., Maxwell, C. (2018). Nurse-initiated mobilization practices in two community ICUs: A Pilot Study. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 37(6), 318-323. PMCID: PMC6913089

Representative Presentations

Owings, S., Jones, A.C., Stolldorf, D.P. (2021, December): Overcoming Barriers to Implementing Medication Reconciliation: A Mentored Approach. 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington, DC, Virtual.

Stolldorf, D.P., Dietrich, M. (2021, December). Implementation Strategies associated with Implementation Outcomes and Sustainability. 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington, DC, Virtual.

Stolldorf, D.P., Dietrich, M. (2020, December). The Sustainability Scale for Healthcare. 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington, DC, Virtual.

Stolldorf, D.P., Ridner, S., Roumie, C., Schnipper, J., Schlundt, D., Vogus, T., Kripalani, S. (2019, December). Application of the ERIC Taxonomy across implementation phases. 12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Washington, DC.

Stolldorf, D.P., Mixon, A.S., Schnipper, J., Kripalani, S. (2018, June). Implementation of a Medication Reconciliation Toolkit (MARQUIS): A Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting. Seattle, WA.

Chu, E.S., Stolldorf, D.P., Mixon, A.S., Smith, G., Dalal, A.K., Muller, S., Sridharan, A., Williams, M., Schnipper, J.L. (2018, April). Development of a Sustainment Program for the MARQUIS2 Collaborative. Society of General Internal Medicine. Denver, CO.

Mixon, A.S., Smith, G.R., Dalal, A.K., Rennke, S., Stolldorf, D., Mueller, S., Sridharan, A., Chu, E., Schnipper, J.L. (2018, April) Rationale and design of MARQUIS2: Implementing an evidence-based toolkit to Improve Patient Safety through Medication Reconciliation. Society of General Internal Medicine. Denver, CO.

Stolldorf, D.P., Vogus, T., Havens, D., Jones, C. (2017, December). A new model of sustainability: Learning from rapid response team. 10th Annual Conference on the Science of the Dissemination and Implementation in Health. Arlington, VA.


  • Research in Nursing and Health (RINAH)
  • Implementation Science
  • Implementation Science Communications
  • Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
  • BMJ Open
  • BMJ Health Services Research

Professional Organizations

  • Past Chair: AcademyHealth Interest Group: Interdisciplinary research group on nursing issues.
  • Member: AcademyHealth, Southern Nursing Research Society, Sigma Theta Tau International


  • Valere Potter Distinguished Deans Faculty Fellow (2020)
  • Dean's Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Research Endeavors, Vanderbilt University (2018)
  • Recipient of Provost Research Studio, Vanderbilt University (2017)
  • Best abstract in the category "Research, Translation, Dissemination, Implementation and Impact", Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (2014)