Melanie Lutenbacher

  • Longtime faculty and staff retire

    Longtime faculty and staff retire

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Nov. 26, 2021

  • Dressed in academic regalia, faculty emeriti Susie Adams and Melanie Lutenbacher process into Commencement 2021

    Vanderbilt University confers emerita status on five School of Nursing faculty; Dean Norman named dean emerita

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    May. 20, 2021

  • MSN graduates and Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NPs Michael Booth, Austin Rockenhaus and Ashley Arlington.

    Dean urges Class of 2021 to work for health equity and autonomy

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    May. 17, 2021

  • Using Academic Community Partnerships to Improve Asthma Care in Elementary Schools with Limited School Nurse Services

    Using Academic Community Partnerships to Improve Asthma Care in Elementary Schools with Limited School Nurse Services

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Dec. 8, 2019

  • Melanie Lutenbacher, VUSN

    New study shows breastfeeding gap widens between black and white U.S. babies

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Oct. 14, 2019

  • Currently Funded Grants and Contracts

    Currently Funded Grants and Contracts

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Oct. 9, 2018

  • Luke Gregory, Dean Linda Norman, Mitch Edgeworth

    School of Nursing recognizes faculty, staff, colleagues and honorary nurses

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    May. 24, 2018

  • Nashville skyline

    Mayor appoints faculty, staff representatives to Metro boards

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Jul. 19, 2016

  • Kudos: School of Nursing faculty, alumna recognized

    Kudos: School of Nursing faculty, alumna recognized

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    May. 26, 2016

  • Breastfeeding after return to work may depend on hours on the job

    Breastfeeding after return to work may depend on hours on the job

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    May. 17, 2016

  • Friends, finances may affect how long women breastfeed

    Friends, finances may affect how long women breastfeed

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Apr. 20, 2016

  • Future of the Libraries Committee named

    Future of the Libraries Committee named

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Oct. 23, 2014

  • Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance awards grants to support community engagement in celebration of its 15-year anniversary

    Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance awards grants to support community engagement in celebration of its 15-year anniversary

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Jun. 19, 2014

  • Lutenbacher honored by nursing academy

    Lutenbacher honored by nursing academy

    The 2020-21 academic year saw a number of School of Nursing longtime faculty and staff retire and be honored with virtual retirement events. In fall 2020, longtime Admissions Coordinator Bernie Rimgale retired, as did then-assistant dean for student affairs Sarah Ramsey, BA’77, MEd’81. Rimgale joined VUSN in 1985 and worked… Read More

    Dec. 18, 2009