Introducing VUSN’s new website

Introducing the new Vanderbilt University School of Nursing website

The VUSN web team is delighted to announce the official launch of the redesigned Vanderbilt University School of Nursing website. Take a look around and let us know what you think.

We have taken significant time during the process to think through not only how we present content online, but to re-evaluate all facets of the online experience, including visual design and organization. We rebuilt the website from the ground up, incorporating new website design standards, a content management system, and database integrations.

Dean Linda Norman guided us in our goals, which were to provide visitors with easy-to-find and accurate information, improved usability and maintenance, and adherence to Google’s search standards. Another important goal was to better promote the extensive, cutting-edge research that our faculty are conducting at VUSN.

The new website is full of helpful resources that are available at all times on every page in the top navigation.

Improved features include:

  • Responsive design that will allow the content to be mobile-friendly and scalable across all devices
  • Expanded news section that contains ability to tag articles to be used on multiple pages and news feeds
  • Faculty and staff directory databases that contains more comprehensive information, including contact, profile, social and research information
  • Improved social media and video content integration
  • Helpful contact and location services

We hope that you will find the new website easy to use, clean, and informative. If you experience any problems, please let us know by emailing us:

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