TIGER program seeks doctoral nurses for genomics education program

TIGER Translation and Integration of Genomics is Essential to Doctoral NursingThe Translation and Integration of Genomics is Essential to Doctoral NuRsing (TIGER) program is accepting applications until September 1, 2022. The two-part program, which begins in January 2023, is led by Principal Investigator Laurie Connors, PhD(c), DNP, FAANP, professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. This is the second year of the program, which prepares PhD and DNP nurses to understand and incorporate genomic content into nursing academic curricula, scholarship and practice. 

“TIGER is a research educational program in genomics supported by the National Human Research Genome Institute of the National Institutes of Health; it was developed to increase the capacity and capability of doctoral nurses in the translation of genomics as a means to support the improved health outcomes expected with personalized health care,” said  Connors. “With broad reach and sustainable impact, the TIGER project targets doctoral nurses at colleges and universities throughout the United States. Ideally, the course will reach every state and eventually every U.S. college and university with a doctoral nursing program and impact the current and future doctoral nursing workforce by ensuring skills training in genomics.” 

TIGER begins with a conference on January 17, 2023, and continues with monthly virtual sessions. Some applicants may also be selected for a travel stipend of up to $1,500 to be applied toward TIGER conference travel for hotel/meals/local transportation. 

Accepted applicants will be notified by September 30, 2022. For questions and additional information visit https://nursing.vanderbilt.edu/tiger/. Nurses who complete the program and evaluation tool may earn up to 22.75 contact hours. Upon completion of the program, continuing education credits will be provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. 

This workshop and education award are supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number R25HG011018 (PI: Connors). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. 

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