Genomics course for doctoral nursing faculty seeks participants

Nursing faculty interested in learning how to incorporate genomic content into their curricula, practice and scholarship are invited to apply for the Translation and Integration of Genomics is Essential to Doctoral NuRsing (TIGER) program.  

TIGER, a two-part program which begins in January 2024, is led by Principal Investigator Laurie Connors, PhD(c), DNP, FAANP, FAAN, professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. This will be the third cohort to participate in the program, which prepares PhD and DNP nurses to impact the current and future doctoral nursing workforce by ensuring skills training in genomics.  

“The TIGER project is for doctoral nurses at colleges and universities throughout the United States,” Connors said. “It is a research educational program supported by the National Human Research Genome Institute of the National Institutes of Health. TIGER was developed to increase the capacity and capability of doctoral nurses, DNPs and PhDs, in genomics to support equity and access to genomic informed health care.” 

Headshot of Laurie Connors in dark jacket and white blouseThe program includes an in-person workshop scheduled for January 16, 2024, held as a preconference in conjunction with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Doctoral Education conference in Naples, FL. A stipend, up to $1,500 for conference travel expenses including hotel, meals and transportation, is available based on acceptance of competitive application. The remainder of the TIGER program from February through December 2024 includes monthly, web-based sessions with national genomic experts. Upon completion of the program, up to 22.75 continuing education credits will be provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and open until September 30, 2023. For questions and additional information, please visit  

The TIGER research education program is supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number R25HG011018 (PI: Connors). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.