Peter Buerhaus, PhD, FAAN, FAANP(h), a renowned researcher who studies the health care workforce and economy will share his expertise on the future of nursing, health equity and the relationship balance between nurses, leadership and educators. He will be the inaugural speaker in a new Leadership Lecture Series presented by the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing on Thursday, April 7.
Buerhaus will present two lectures: Creating the 21st Nursing Workforce Needed by Society: Building on Our Strengths to Address Post-Pandemic Health Needs of Society from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in NA 155 (RSVP to attend in person | Register to attend by Zoom) and Educators, Leaders and Nurses: Resetting Relationships from 4-5 p.m. (Register to attend by Zoom).
“We are excited to hear from Dr. Buerhaus, who is the leading expert on the state of the U.S. nursing and physician workforces,” said Pamela R. Jeffries, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH, Vanderbilt School of Nursing dean and the Valere Potter Distinguished Professor of Nursing. “His new research on lessons learned from the pandemic will give us much to consider, particularly in terms of health inequity and what that means for society’s needs from nursing. I also look forward to the insight he has as a contributor to the Future of Nursing report and its implications for our profession.”
Buerhaus, a professor of nursing at Montana State University, has published more than 135 peer-reviewed articles, with five designated as “classics” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and co-authored the book, The Future of the Nursing Workforce in the United States: Data, Trends, and Implications. He also serves as an adviser on policy and peer reviews articles for health services research and nursing journals.
He was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing in 1994 and elected into the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine in 2003 (now the National Academy of Medicine). One of his most recent projects was serving on the taskforce that authored the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s The Future of Nursing: 2020-2030, a report that nursing schools, professional associations and others use to help develop future strategic plans.
Buerhaus has received numerous awards, including the Nell J. Watts Life Time Achievement for Nursing from Sigma Theta Tau International and the Lois Capps Policy Luminary Award from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. He also held a
postdoctoral faculty fellowship in healthcare finance and a visiting professorship at Johns Hopkins University. Buerhaus was professor and senior associate dean for research at VUSN before joining Montana State.
He has served on an array of boards and committees for the National Academy of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, University of Michigan School of Public Health’s Behavioral Workforce Research Center, and Bozeman Health, as well as chaired the National Health Care Workforce Commission.
Future speakers for the VUSN Leadership Lecture Series will include VUSN’s visiting professors, Susan Dorsey, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Tonda Hughes, PhD, RN, FAAN, as well as other nursing and health care leaders whose research and expertise provide direction and insight for the nursing profession.
“We’re fortunate to have a robust visiting professor program. The expertise of our visiting professors and their desire to share that knowledge in the Leadership Lecture Series speaks to a commitment to advance education and offer professional development,” Jeffries said. “Through these presentations, we amplify knowledge that will advance our field and share information with students, our university and the wider community.”
The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Leadership Lecture Series welcomes nationally recognized leaders to share their expertise, knowledge and leadership lessons with students, staff, faculty and alumni, as well as with the wider Vanderbilt and nursing communities