School of Nursing named AAMN Best School for Men

men in nursing panel

The American Association for Men in Nursing has named Vanderbilt University School of Nursing an AAMN Best School of Nursing. The honor recognizes a nursing school for significant efforts in recruiting and retaining men in the nursing profession.

In informing VUSN of the honor, the AAMN wrote:

The Recognition Review Committee has completed the review of your application and we were very impressed. Your history, consistency, quality and commitment to creating an inclusive environment for men who are becoming professional nurses is impressive. You should be very proud of your work and the work of your leadership team.

In order to be considered for the honor, nursing schools create detailed portfolios that outline their support for men. Information can include how the school meets male student and faculty needs, data on student pass rates, demographics and statistics on male students, faculty and staff. The portfolio is then reviewed by the AAMN.

“Health care needs more nurses and it needs more diversity. Male nurses bring an understanding of male health care needs and perspectives that are needed,” said VUSN Dean Linda D. Norman, DSN, FAAN, the Valere Potter Menefee Professor of Nursing. “Although VUSN has long been a champion of men in nursing, we wouldn’t have received this honor without the efforts and vision of two current male faculty. Professor Tom Christenbery and Instructor Chance Allen spent months researching, collecting data and documenting school activities. The application they prepared was comprehensive and impressive.”

Christenbery, PhD’04, MSN’87, and Allen, MSN’12, said they undertook the project to recognize the rich history of men at VUSN and to use the award as a means to support student recruitment.

“Male students and faculty have made a long and rich stream of significant contributions to VUSN,” Christenbery said. “While we recognize these contributions internally, it is time for VUSN male students and faculty to be recognized nationally and for VUSN to be acknowledge as an excellent school for males. The national recognition will inspire many highly qualified males from diverse walks of life to join our nursing program.”

Allen, who advises VUSN’s AAMN student chapter, concurred. “I hope that publicizing the award will increase the likelihood that men will apply to VUSN and, therefore, increase the numbers of men in the nursing profession as a whole,” he said.

The two men will accept the award on behalf of VUSN during ceremonies at AAMN’s national conference in October.

Read more about men in nursing at Vanderbilt or download a pdf of VUSN’s 52-page AAMN Best School application.