One of the major challenges of VUSN’s new building expansion is that it’s taking place right next to where we work, teach, research and learn. We’re committed to making this construction period as swift and stress-free as possible. That’s why we’ll post construction updates and news here whenever we have them. Check this page often as a map of revised entrances will be provided during the phases of construction.

Construction updates

Expansion Navigation Map: Phase IV




Frist Hall to Godchaux hall
Frist Hall to Nursing Annex
Godchaux Hall to Frist Hall
Godchaux Hall to Nursing Annex
Nursing Annex to Frist Hall
Nursing Annex to Godchaux Hall
Wesley Place Garage to Frist Hall
Wesley Place Garage to Nursing Annex
Wesley Place Garage to Godchaux Hall

To Godchaux Hall from Frist Exterior Exit:

Turn left after exiting Frist on the second floor.
Enter Medical Research Building III (MRB III).
Turn left inside the building and then right to the elevator.
Take the elevator to Level B (basement).
Turn right when you exit the elevator area. Make an immediate left.
Pass the loading dock. Exit right.
Go straight down the ramp to the wooden ramp leading to Godchaux’s main entrance or take the stairs to your left to Godchaux’s back door (ID badge required).

To Godchaux Hall from Nursing Annex:

Exit the Nursing Annex by its rear doors. Turn left.
Go through the small break area and enter the tunnel through the double doors.
When the tunnel reaches darkened stairs, turn left. At the next intersection, turn left (signs say Godchaux Hall Main Entrance). Pass the elevators. Pass the loading dock.
Exit right.
Go straight down the ramp to the wooden ramp leading to Godchaux’s main entrance or take the stairs to your left to Godchaux’s back door. (ID badge required).

To Frist from Godchaux:

Turn right from the wooden ramp in front of Godchaux.
Enter the Level B (basement) entrance of Medical Research Building III (MRB III).
Turn left, then right to the elevators.
Take the MRB III elevator to the first floor.
Turn left when you exit the elevator area.
Turn right toward the exterior doors. Exit onto a walkway/green area.
At the end of the green area, turn right into an angled walk.
You are at the rear entrance to Frist, which opens onto the building’s second floor. (ID badge required).

To Frist Exterior Exit from Nursing Annex:

Exit the Nursing Annex by its rear doors. Turn left.
Go through the small break area and the double doors. Take the tunnel.
At the darkened stairs, turn left.
At the next intersection, turn left (signs say Godchaux Hall Main Entrance).
Turn left to the elevators. This is Medical Research Building III. Take the MRB III elevator to the first floor.
Turn left when you exit the elevator area.
Turn right toward the exterior doors. Exit onto a walkway/green area.
At the end of the green area, turn right into an angled walk.
You are at the rear entrance to Frist, which opens onto the building’s second floor (ID badge required).

To Nursing Annex from Godchaux:

Turn right from the wooden ramp in front of Godchaux.
Enter the Level B (basement) entrance of Medical Research Building III (MRB III).
Turn left. Pass the elevators.
At the next intersection, turn right (signs say Godchaux Nursing Annex).
When the tunnel ends at darkened stairs, turn right and continue through the tunnel to the double doors.
Go through the double doors and through the small break area. Make an immediate right.
Enter the Nursing Annex by its rear doors.

To Nursing Annex from Frist Exterior Exit:

Turn left after exiting Frist on the second floor.
Enter Medical Research Building III (MRB III).
Turn left inside the building and then right to the elevator.
Take the elevator down one floor to Level B (basement).
Turn right when you exit the elevator area. Make an immediate right.
At the next intersection, turn right (signs say Godchaux Nursing Annex).
When the tunnel ends at darkened stairs, turn right and continue through the tunnel to the double doors.
Go through the double doors and through the small break area. Make an immediate right.
Enter the Nursing Annex by its rear doors.

Alternative to MRB III between Godchaux and Frist:

Exit Godchaux toward 21st Ave.
Turn right on 21st.
Walk past the MRB III loading dock and loading zone to an external staircase.
Climb to the first level and turn right onto the walkway.
Take the walkway to the green area behind Godchaux and enter the backdoor of Frist.

Exit Frist and turn left toward MRB III.
Just before the MRB III doors, turn left onto the walkway around the building.
Just after the walkway turns right, you’ll see external stairs.
Take the stairs down to ground level.
Turn left on 21st. Pass the loading area and turn left onto the Godchaux ramp.


Wheeled deliveries to the Nursing Annex, atrium and Frist after July 29, 2017:
Take the ramp from 21st Ave. S. into the Level B entrance to MRB III. Turn left. Pass the elevators. At the next intersection, turn right (signs say School of Nursing Annex). When the tunnel ends at darkened stairs, turn right. Enter the double doors at the end of the tunnel. Go through the small break area and make an immediate right. Enter the Nursing Annex by its rear doors. To reach the atrium and access Frist Hall, go past the classrooms to emerge in the atrium.

Construction WebCam

Follow the construction live from our VUSN Construction Webcam page. Included are auto-updated images and time-lapse videos. Below is a live image from the front entrance.


  1. New building expansion planned for Vanderbilt School of Nursing

    March 23, 2017

    The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing will soon break ground on a new 29,947-square-foot addition connecting to its existing buildings on the Vanderbilt campus. Construction is expected to begin in late spring and be completed in August 2018. More »

  2. School of Nursing parking lot closing May 15

    May 11, 2017

    A parking lot on 21st Avenue South, Lot 7, will close permanently Monday, May 15, as the university begins work on the new 29,947-square-foot addition to the School of Nursing. Lot 7 will be converted to a green space, with a drive that will allow for drop off at the entry of the $23.6 million facility that will be built at the intersection of VUSN’s historic Godchaux Hall and the Patricia Champion Frist Hall near the south side of Heard Library. More »

  3. Construction re-routes walkway near School of Nursing

    June 1, 2017

    Fencing around the new School of Nursing expansion project construction area was put up Wednesday, May 31. There is a temporary walkway between the Heard Library and the School of Nursing that leads to the steps up to campus and down to the VUSN buildings. Visitors to the school can use that walkway or enter from the MRB III area in front of Godchaux Hall and avoid stairs. More »

  4. Construction Update: Tree Service

    June 05, 2017

    A tree service is working this week to clear the trees needed for the new building construction. The process should take 1-2 days, Monday-Tuesday, June 5-6, although rain may push the work into Wednesday, June 7. The basswood in front of Frist will be removed last. While that work is being done, the atrium entrance will be closed temporarily.

  5. Vanderbilt School of Nursing breaks ground for new building

    June 21, 2017

    Students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing gathered June 20 for a groundbreaking ceremony officially starting construction on the nursing school’s new $26.3 million expansion. More »

  6. Construction Update: Front Desk

    June 28, 2017

    A new reception desk has been set up in the Godchaux lobby. Receptionist Ellen Smogur will move into that location today. This will become the main entrance to the School of Nursing for the duration of the new building construction. On Wednesday, July 5, the external entrance to the atrium will be closed permanently and construction fencing will be installed to close off access to the green area in front of Frist. New signage will be installed around the construction site to help direct people. The atrium entrance may also be closed briefly at various times this week while work occurs outdoors.

  7. Construction Update: Atrium

    July 20, 2017

    On Saturday, July 29, the automatic door from Godchaux onto the atrium ramp will be permanently closed (pictured below). Construction of an internal wall partitioning off the ramp will begin and continue through Friday, August 4. Demolition of the atrium ramp and internal courtyard is scheduled for August 7-15. The work will be noisy and dusty.

  8. Atrium Ramp Closure

    July 31, 2017

    Work continues in progress of atrium ramp closure.

  9. Atrium Demolition

    August 8, 2017

    Atrium demolition underway.

  10. Track Drill holes

    August 30, 2017

    Track Drill holes in solid rock to create a honeycomb pattern to help keep down the noise when the removal of rock takes place.

  11. Godchaux Walkway/Door Closed

    October 16, 2017

    The door connecting Godchaux Hall to the Annex and Frist Hall is now closed. It is no longer possible to move from Godchaux to Frist and the Annex without going outside the buildings. Frist and the Annex are still be connected via the kitchen walkway. All entry into and exit from Godchaux is via the 21st Ave. main entrance and Godchaux’s back door near Medical Research Building (MRB) III. Remember entrance through Godchaux’s back door is with ID card only.

  12. Annex/Frist Pass-through Closure

    March 30, 2018

    The kitchen/pass-through that connects Frist and the Annex is finally closing on Monday, April 2. The construction team has worked hard to keep the walkway accessible for as long as they could, but now it needs to close. You will have to enter Frist and the Annex from their rear entrances from now on.
