School of Nursing Professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Curriculum Affairs Betsy Kennedy, BSN’89, MSN’93, PhD, ANEF, has been named as an Association of Women’s Health and Obstetrics Neonatal Nurses fellow. She is one of 33 in the first group of fellows who will be inducted at the June 2023 AWHONN Annual Convention.
“For me, in this pivotal time, induction renews my commitment to action and empowering nurses for action in creating the preferred future of obstetric care,” she said.
The new fellowship, designated by the letters FAWHONN, was created to honor nurses who lead the field in contributions to women and newborn health care, demonstrating excellence in policy, research, education, advocacy or clinical practice.
“AWHONN has been my specialty professional organizational home for 30 years, so I’m especially honored and privileged to be part of the inaugural class among esteemed colleagues,” Kennedy said. “I’m fortunate to have had many exceptional mentors along the way. I thank them and look forward to continuing to share the expertise, care, and dedication they modeled.”
Becoming an AWHONN Fellow demonstrates commitment to the profession and to the highest standards of nursing care in the specialty of women’s health, obstetric or neonatal nursing.