Dean Norman's July 24 Return to Campus Email to Faculty, Staff & Post-Docs

Dear VUSN faculty, staff and post-docs:

I am following up on Vanderbilt University’s update on our return to campus from earlier this week. It included information about the required return to campus educational module and COVID-19 Return to Campus Acknowledgement, as well as information about symptom monitoring and classroom protocols. If you missed the Provost’s message earlier this week, here are links to the Faculty and the Staff & Post-Docs versions.

This email summarizes and details key items related to VUSN that you need to know and act upon.

Fall semester 2020 COVID-19 Return to Campus Acknowledgement

As part of the university’s efforts to reduce density on campus, all staff whose work can be completed remotely should continue to do so as students return to campus this fall. Staff will be informed by their supervisors or Senior Associate Deans when and under what circumstances they are to return to work on campus and should not return until authorized.

Before returning to campus and the start of the fall semester, all VUSN students, faculty, staff and post-docs must complete the COVID-19 Return to Campus Acknowledgment. The acknowledgment explains the university’s guiding principles and related plans associated with the return to campus, describes certain guidelines and protocols you will be required to follow, and requests you to confirm that you will cooperate to protect the health and safety of our campus community. At the conclusion of the module, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have been informed of the risks and responsibilities associated with the return to campus and agree to follow all Vanderbilt University guidelines related to reducing the spread of COVID-19 infection.

You must complete the acknowledgement in Oracle Cloud by August 12.

To access the COVID-19: Return-to-Campus Acknowledgment, use this link.

The link will take you to a sign-on page. Select the single sign-on (SSO) tab (royal blue color), then use your VUNet ID and password. See diagram below. It is very important that you use the Company Single Sign-On button to access the familiar VU sign-on page for the acknowledgement. Three (3) attempts to log-in the “wrong way” will lock you out. Should that occur, email for assistance.

    • As part of the acknowledgement, you will agree to cooperate with Occupational Health, VUSN and other university and public health authorities with regards to campus protocols, including symptom monitoring, testing, contact tracing, and—if necessary—quarantine and self-isolation protocols.
    • Please complete your acknowledgement (deadline August 12) as soon as possible to ensure a smooth return to campus.

COVID-19 Testing & Recovery: Faculty, staff and post-docs

You are not required to be tested for COVID-19 to return to campus. For complete details, please review the FAQs for testing.

You are asked to monitor your health, and should you have symptoms, are required to call the Occupational Health Center (OHC) at (615) 936-0955.

All individuals must be free of any symptoms related to COVID-19 to participate in activities on campus. Campus-wide approaches to safety and the practice of mask wearing and physical distancing are critical, as individuals can be without symptoms and still be COVID-19 positive. Individuals who have been authorized to return to campus after testing positive must also conduct daily symptom monitoring before coming to campus. It is the individual’s responsibility to comply, and it is our shared duty as a community to act responsibly.

A symptom monitoring tool has been created within the existing VandySafe app for daily self-monitoring. We strongly recommend that all VUSN faculty, staff and post-docs use VandySafe on a daily basis. You can find it in the Apple and Google Play stores.

Should you test positive for COVID-19 or need to quarantine due to exposure, you will be asked to self-quarantine at home and follow current CDC guidance as directed by OHC until you have recovered. If you had symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test, recovery status (and clearance to return to campus/work) is assigned when: 1) the individual remains fever free without the use of fever reducers for 24 hours, 2) symptoms have improved, and 3) it has been at least 10 days since their symptoms first appeared. If you tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms, you can be cleared to return to campus 10 days after the test as long as you do not develop symptoms. If you develop symptoms, then you must follow the recovery strategy for those with symptoms. Notification for return to on-campus activities is directed through Occupational Health.

Classroom Protocols

As I wrote last week, Vanderbilt has established protocols based on guidance from the CDC, leading subject matter experts across our campus and a range of faculty leaders. Classroom protocol details

Gatherings Protocols

We all know that the School of Nursing loves gatherings and social events. In this new COVID-19 era, however, we need to be judicious. The university’s protocols with respect to gatherings prioritize core mission activities central to the university’s mission. Gatherings must be conducted in accordance with VU-established guidelines, and some gatherings will be approved. These requirements for in-person gatherings are subject to change based on public health guidance and Vanderbilt protocols. Gatherings protocol details

Additional VU information

The Vanderbilt University Return to Campus website has a great deal more information regarding policies, protocols and assistance, including information for community members with children. Please visit the community messages section of the VU website for more complete information.

VUSN Specific Information

I am very pleased that we will be able to welcome students, faculty, post-docs and staff back to campus for fall 2020 in-person classes.

To make it easier for the VUSN community to find the most up-to-date and specific information on Return to Campus for the School of Nursing, we have launched a VUSN dedicated VUSN Return to Campus webpage at Please visit it often. Urgent messages will also be delivered via email so check your email frequently. For questions not addressed here or online, contact your supervisor or senior associate dean.

These are difficult circumstances for all of us to navigate. Please know that the university is listening to feedback from town halls, emails and working groups charged with further developing plans to ensure a successful fall semester.  Through it all, Vanderbilt is committed to providing the best possible education experience for its students and supporting faculty, staff and post-docs in their teaching, research and administrative efforts.

Thank you for your patience, flexibility and commitment to VUSN and the greater university community. I look forward to seeing you on campus in August or later in the year.

Best regards,


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