2018 Reunion giving reaches new record

VUSN Class of 1968 with Dean Linda Norman

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing alumni have contributed nearly $460,000 so far in honor of Reunion 2018. The record-setting Reunion total includes gifts made by more than 200 alumni in class years ending with a ’3 or ’8, as well as all VUSN Quinqs (alumni who graduated from the School of Nursing more than 50 years ago).

Alumna Leah Kinnaird served as 1968 Reunion class chair. “The 50th Reunion of the 1968 nursing class exceeded all expectations,” she said. “Being together on the campus where we met, studied, laughed and cried together revitalized memories. Touring the new nursing school building linked the familiar heritage with the future possibilities for the profession we share.”

VUSN overall Reunion Chair Pam Jones, DNP’13, MSN’92, BSN’81, said it was great to have so many alumni return to campus for Reunion. “Everything from the Quinq luncheon to the tailgate on Saturday were very well attended,” Jones said. “On top of that, our alumni from Reunion years have been amazingly generous. Their gifts will have an immediate impact on today’s nursing students.”

All gifts made to the School of Nursing by Reunion alumni will be added to the record-breaking Reunion 2018 total through December 31, 2018. This includes any gifts made through Vanderbilt’s Sock Campaign during the month of November.

Current class participation and gift stats can be seen at the VUSN Reunion website; final Reunion 2018 results will be announced in January.

View photos from VUSN Reunion 2018 events

The Class of 1968 Quinqs gather for a class photo with Dean Linda Norman at the school’s luncheon in their honor. From left, bottom row: Dean Norman, Karen Fishman, Claudia Ann Baldwin, Janis Holeman Reynolds, Tippy Valin Carmody. Middle row: Sally Hale Womack, Karen Cross Lorenz, Leah Snyder Kinnaird, Elizabeth Northcutt Helms. Top row: Nancy Thier, Cheryl Chiles Dothard.

Photo: Caroline Taylor, VUSN

For more information:
Nancy Wise
(615) 322-3894

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