VUSN student-organized trauma workshop draws international participants

Abby Jones, Susannah Spero, guest Stephanie Tillman, Megan Lewis and Kelly Quaine

The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN) student chapter of Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health (NSRH) recently hosted “Trauma-Informed Pelvic Care,” an interactive, live-streamed workshop led by guest speaker Stephanie Tillman, CNM. A nurse-midwife in Chicago, Tillman is also known for her blog, “Feminist Midwife.”

People from Canada, Mexico, the UK, and across the U.S. watched the workshop, which had a total of 185 online viewers and 50 in-person participants. Workshop participants were interprofessional, with representation from midwifery, advanced practice and bedside nursing, medicine, physical therapy and education, among others.

Stephanie TillmanTillman spoke about the spectrum of trauma and offered practical strategies for providing evidence-based health care to patients who have survived trauma, such as alternative positioning for pelvic exams and trauma-informed approaches to obstetric emergencies. In-person and livestreaming attendees were able to ask and answer questions throughout the workshop.

The Vanderbilt chapter of NSRH gathered pre- and post-event surveys, and attendee feedback was unanimously positive. One participant wrote, “Before this I could recognize that trauma-informed care was important but had no idea how to implement it. Now I feel like I have a toolbox full of resources to help me continue learning and start modifying my practice.”

The Vanderbilt chapter of NSRH is currently co-chaired by Abby Jones (PreSpecialty Nurse-Midwifery student), Megan Lewis (Nurse-Midwifery student), Kelly Quaine (PreSpecialty Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner student), and Susannah Spero (Family Nurse Practitioner student). Carrie Plummer, PhD, ANP-BC, is the group’s faculty adviser. The group has an active member base at VUSN, and has connected with other chapters across the country.

This is the second interprofessional workshop hosted by the VUSN chapter this school year. “We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm about Stephanie Tillman’s recent workshop at VUSN,” Lewis said. “We’re very grateful to Stephanie, the technology team at VUSN, and the VUSN administration for making this event possible.”

by Susannah C. Spero, RN, Family Nurse Practitioner student


Image, above:
From left, PreSpecialty student Abby Jones, FNP student Susannah Spero, guest Stephanie Tillman, NMW student Megan Lewis and PreSpecialty Student Kelly Quaine after the event. 

Image, right:
Stephanie Tillman, Feminist Midwife