Selected Works


Abanes JJ, Adams S. Using a web-based patient-provider messaging system to enhance patient satisfaction among active duty sailors and marines seen in the psychiatric outpatient clinic: A pilot study. Nursing Clinics of North America. Jan 2014;49(1),91-103.

Akard TF, Gilmer, MJ. Invisible communities of dying children and their loved ones. Palliative and Supportive Care. Oct 2014.

Allison MM. Communicating risk with relatives in a familial hypercholesterolemia cascade screening program: A summary of the evidence. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. May 2014;1-12.

Beuscher L, Cook T, Elliott SD. Aha! moments: Student insights regarding a new DNP program. Women’s Health Care: A Clinical Journal for NPs. Feb 2014;32-38

Auerbach D, Buerhaus P, Staiger, D. Registered nurses are delaying retirement, a shift that has contributed to recent growth in the nurse workforce. Health Affairs. August 2014;33(8),1474-1480.

Buerhaus P, Staiger D, Auerbach D. The rapid growth of graduates from associate, baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing. Nursing Economic$. Dec 2014;32(6)290-295.

Buerhaus P, DesRoches C, Dittus R, Donelan K. Practice characteristics of primary care nurse practitioners and physicians. Nursing Outlook. Nov 2014.

Donelan K, Ward J, DesRoches C, Buerhaus P, Hinshaw A, Romano C, Sheoneboom B. National surveys of military personnel, nursing students and the public: Drivers of military nursing careers. Military Medicine. 2014;179(5),557-565.

Christenbery T. The curriculum vitae: Gateway to academia. Nurse Educator. Dec 2014;39(6)267-268.

D’Apolito K. Assessing neonates for neonatal abstinence: Are you reliable?. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. July 2014;28(3), 220-231.

Deng J, Fu MR, Armer JM, Cormier JN, Radina E, Thiadens SRJ, Dietrich MS, Weiss J, Tuppo CM, Ridner SH. Self-reported information sources and perceived knowledge in individuals with lymphedema. Lympholog. Jan 2014;46(4),173-183.

Fu M, Deng J, Armer J. Putting evidence into practice: Cancer-related lymphedema. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Dec 2014;18 68-79.

Kolnick L, Deng J, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Rezk J, Dietrich M, Murphy BA. Associations of oral health items of the Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey with a dental health assessment. Oral Oncology. 2014;50(2),135-140.

Balachandran R, Fritz MA, Dietrich MS, Danilchenko A, Mitchell JE, Oldfield VL, Lipscomb WW, Fitzpatrick JM, Neimat JS, Konrad PE, Labadie RF. Clinical testing of an alternate method of inserting bone-implanted fiducial markers. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Sept 2014;9(5)913-920.

Iannelli RJ, Finlayson AJ, Brown KP, Neufeld R, Gray R, Dietrich MS, Martin PR. Suicidal behavior among physicians referred for fitness-for-duty evaluation. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2014;36(6)732-736.

McRackan TR, Rivas A, Hedley-Williams A, Raj V, Dietrich MS, Clark NK, Labadie RF. Impedance testing on cochlear implants after electroconvulsive therapy. Journal of ECT. Dec 2014;30(4)303-308.

McRackan TR, Best J, Pearce EC, Bennett ML, Dietrich MS, Wanna GB, Haynes DS, Labadie RF. Intratympanic dexamethasone as a symptomatic treatment for Ménière’s disease. Otology & Neurotology. Oct 2014;39(9)1638-1640.

McRackan TR, Fang TY, Pelosi S, Rivas A, Dietrich MS, Wanna GB, Labadie RF, Haynes DS, Bennett ML. Factors associated with recurrence in squamous cell carcinoma involving the temporal bone. Otology and Neurotology. Apr 2014;123(4),235-239.

Wanna GB, Noble JH, Carlson ML, Gifford RH, Dietrich MS, Haynes DS, Dawant BM, Labadie RF. Impact of electrode design and surgical approach on scalar location and cochlear implant outcomes. Laryngoscope. Nov 2014;124 S1-S7.

Young CC, Dietrich MS. Screening for rumination and brooding may be a feasible method of identifying adolescents at high risk for depression. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Dec 2014;29(6)688-695.

Young CC, Dietrich MS, Lutenbacher M. Brooding and reflection as explanatory of depressive symptoms in adolescents experiencing stressful life events. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Mar 2014;35(3),175-180.

Holley SL, Ketel C. Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) & Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE): Understanding the process from an advanced practice viewpoint. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. August 2014;59(4)453-459.

Mhyre JM, D’Oria R, Hameed AB, Lappen JR, Holley SL, Hunter, SK, Jones RL, King JC, D’Alton ME. The maternal early warning criteria: A proposal from the National Partnership for Maternal Safety. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Oct 2014;124(4)782-786.

Hopkins L, McCroskey D, Reeves G, Tanabe P. Implementing a urinary tract infection clinical practice guideline at an ambulatory, urgent care practice. Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care.

Ivory CH. Lean In to our profession. Nursing for Women’s Health. May 2014;18(2),101-104.

Ivory CH, Wade K. Methodological flaws in ‘The Clinical and Economic Impact of Nurse to Patient Staffing Ratios in Women Receiving Intrapartum Oxytocin’. American Journal of Perinatology. May 2014.

Ivory CH. Standardizing the words nurses use to document perinatal failure to rescue elements. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Jan 2014;43(1),13-24.

Karp SM, Barry KM, Gesell SB, Poa EEK, Dietrich MS, Barkin SL. Parental feeding patterns and child weight status for Latino preschoolers. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice.
Jan 2014;8(1),e88-e97.

King J, Magdic K. Chest pain: A time for concern?. AACN: Advanced Critical Care. July 2014;25(3),279-283.

Krau S. Meeting the challenges of aging and health-related changes. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2014;49(2),xi-xii.

Krau S. Nurse-Sensitive outcomes: Indicators of quality care?. Nursing Clinics of North America.
Mar 2014;49(1),ix-x.

Douglas MK, Rosenkoetter M, Pacquiao D, Clark Callister L, Hattar-Pollara M, Lauderdale J, Milstead J, Nardi D, Purnell L. Guidelines for implementing culturally competent nursing care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. Apr 2014;25(2),109-121.

Eschiti V, Lauderdale J, Burhansstipanov L, Sanford S, Weryackwe L, Flores Y. Developing cancer- related educational content and goals tailored to the Comanche Nation. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Apr 2014;18(2),237-242.

Lutenbacher M, Gabbe PT, Karp SM, Dietrich MS, Narrigan D, Carpenter L, Walsh W. Does additional prenatal care in the home improve birth outcomes for women with a prior preterm delivery? A randomized clinical trial. Maternal and Child Health Journal. July 2014;18(5),1142-1154.

Maxwell C. Availability of selected Institute of Medicine recommendations for geriatric care in hospitals providing care to injured older adults. Geriatric Nursing. Mar 2014;35(2),27-31.

Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Dietrich MS, Fallon WF, Minnick AF. Hospitals’ adoption of targeted cognitive and functional status quality indicators for vulnerable elders. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Oct 2014;29(4)354-362.

McNaughton CD, Kripalani S, Cawthon C, Mion LC, Wallston KA, Roumie CL. Association of health literacy with elevated blood pressure: A cohort study of hospitalized patients. Medical Care. Apr 2014;52(4),346-353.

Miller A, Wagner CE, Song Y, Burns K, Ahmad R, Parmley CL, Weinger M. Implementing goal-directed protocols reduces length of stay after cardiac surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesiology. 2014.

Miller S, Taylor-Piliae R. Effects of Tai Chi on cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults: A review. Geriatric Nursing.

Bradas C, Bowden V, Moldaver B, Mion LC. Implementing the ‘No One Dies Alone’ program: Process and lessons learned. Geriatric Nursing. Nov 2014;35(6)471-473.

Cawthon C, Mion LC, Willens DE, Roumie CL, Kripalani S. Implementing routine health literacy assessment in hospital and primary care patients. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Feb 2014;40(2),68-76.

Mion LC, Sandhu SK. Screening for dementia in hospitalized older adults: Try the Mini-Cog. Geriatric Nursing. July 2014;35(4),313-315.

Staggs VS, Mion LC, Shorr RI. Assisted and unassisted falls: Different events, different outcomes, different implications for quality of hospital care. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. August 2014;40(8),358-364.

Monroe TB, Misra SK, Habermann RC, Dietrich MS, Cowan RL, Simmons SF. Pain reports and pain medication treatment in nursing home residents with and without dementia. Geriatrics & Gerontology International.
July 2014;14(3),541-548.

Norman A, Monroe TB, Carter M. Potential inappropriate treatment of suspected urinary tract infections among nursing home residents. Clinical Scholars Review. 2014;7(1),52-56.

Paulson CM, Monroe TB, Mion LC. Pain assessment in hospitalized older adults with dementia and delirium. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. June 2014;40(6),10-15.

Yevchak A, Fick D, McDowell J, Monroe TB, May K, Grove L, Kolanowski A, Waller J, Inouye S. Barriers and facilitators to implementing delirium rounds in a clinical trial across three diverse hospital settings. Clinical Nursing Research. Apr 2014;23(2),201-215.

Ho X, O’Connor B, Mulvaney SA. Features of online health communities for adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Jan 2014;(36)1,1-16.

Mulvaney SA, Jaser SS, Rothman RL, Russell W, Pittel EJ, Lybarger C, Wallston K. Development and validation of the diabetes adolescent problem solving questionnaire. Patient Education and Counseling. July 2014.

Neal JL, Lamp JM, Lowe NK, Gillespie SL, Sinnott LT, McCarthy DO. Differences in inflammatory markers between nulliparous women admitted to hospitals in pre-active versus active labor. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2014.07.050.

Sribanditmongkol V, Neal JL, Patrick TE, Szalacha LA, McCarthy DO. Effect of perceived stress on cytokine production in healthy college students. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2014.

Phillippi JC, Buxton M. Twitter as a study prompt: Engaging adult learners on the go. Journal of Nursing Education.
June 2014;53(6),363.

Phillippi JC, Avery, M. The 2012 American College of Nurse-Midwives core competencies for basic midwifery practice: history and revision. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2014;59(1),82-90.

Kapu A, Kleinpell R, Pilon B. Quality and financial impact of adding nurse practitioners to impatient care teams. Journal of Nursing Administration. Feb 2014;44(2),87-96.

Pilon B, Crutcher T, Leming-Lee S, Watters R, Wolgast K, Arnow D. The value proposition for graduate education of emerging nurse leaders: Immediate benefit to organizations. Nurse Leader. June 2014;12(3),81-85.

Stark CM, Pope J. Massive open online courses: How registered dietitians use MOOCs for nutrition education. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. August 2014;114(8),1147-1155.

Carretta C, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS. Hope, hopelessness, and anxiety: A pilot instrument comparison study. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. August 2014;28(4),230-234.

Ridner SH, Bonner CM, Doersam JK, Rhoten B A, Schultze B, Dietrich MS. Bioelectrical impedance self-measurement protocol development and daily variation between healthy volunteers and breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Feb 2014;12(1),2-9.

Germano E, Schorn MN, Phillippi JC, Schuiling K. Factors that influence midwives to serve as preceptors: An American College of Nurse-Midwives survey. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Mar 2014;59(2),167-175.

Schorn MN, Phillippi JC. Volume replacement following severe postpartum hemorrhage. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2014;59(6),336-343.

Scott PA. Predischarge oxygen saturation check for the well newborn. Journal for Nurse Practitioners.
Mar 2014;10(3),209-210.

Limonero JT, Tomas-Sabado J, Gomez-Romero MJ, Mate-Mendez J, Sinclair VG, Wallston KA, Gomez-Benito J. Evidence for validity of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale in a young Spanish sample. Spanish Journal of Psychology.
May 2014;17(34),1-9.

Heflinger C A, Wallston KA, Mukolo A, Brannan A M. Perceived stigma toward children with emotional and behavioral problems and their families: The attitudes about child mental health questionnaire (ACMHQ). Journal of Rural Mental Health. Apr 2014;38(1),9-19.

McNaughton C, Rothman R, Storrow A, Wallston KA. Measuring numeracy and health literacy in the emergency department. Academic Emergency Medicine. August 2014;21(8),944-5.

Meyers AG, Salanitro, A., Wallston KA, Cawthon C, Vasilevskis EE, Goggins KM Davis CM, Rothman RL, Castel LD, Donato KM, Schnelle, JF, Bell SP, Schildcrout JS, Osborn CY, Harrell FE, Kripalani S. Determinants of health after hospital discharge: rationale and design of the Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study (VICS). BMC Health Services Research. Jan 2014;14(10).

Wallston KA, Slagle JM, Speroff T, Nwosu S, Crimin K, Feurer ID, Boettcher B, Weinger MB. Operating room clinicians’ ratings of workload: a vignette simulation study. Journal of Patient Safety. June 2014;10(2),95-100.

Wallston KA, Goggins KM, Kripalani S. Evaluating the brief health literacy screen—the author’s reply. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Jan 2014;29(1),22.

Wallston KA, Cawthon C, McNaughton CD, Rothman RL, Kripalani S. Psychometric properties of the brief health literacy screen in clinical practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Jan 2014;29(1),119-26.

Fitzhenry F, Wells N, Slater V, Dietrich MS, Wisawatopnimit P, Chakravarthy AB. A randomized placebo-controlled pilot study of the impact of healing touch on fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Integrated Cancer Therapy. Mar 2014;13(2),105-113.

Widmar B. How self-care education in ventricular assist device programs is organized and provided: A national study. Heart and Lung – Journal of Acute and Critical Care. Jan 2014;43(1),25-31.

Wilbeck J, Phillippi JC, Schorn MN. Teaching management of the unexpected birth: Application of multi-modal techniques. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. 2014;36(1),87-96.

Baumgartner R, Williams T. Advanced practice provider mentoring pilot project: Program development and evaluation. Tennessee Nurse. 2014;77(2),10-11.


Book Chapters

Johnson LA, Deng J, Beck M. Lymphedema. In: Irwin M, Johnson LA, ed. Putting Evidence into Practice: A Pocket Guide to Cancer Symptom Management. Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society; 2014:145-157.

Barkley T, King J. Heart failure. In: Barkley T, ed. Guidelines for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

King J, Barkley T. Cardiovascular assessment; Coronary artery disease and hyperlipidemia; Angina and myocardial infarction. In: Barkley T, ed. Practice Guidelines for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Martens M. Anxiety disorders. In: Jacqueline Rhoads J, Murphy PJM, ed. Clinical Consult to Psychiatric Nursing for Advanced Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company; 2015: 187-218.

Maxwell CA, Rader E, Fallon WF. Outcomes for surgical care in the elderly. In: Yellon JA, Luchette FA, ed. Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care. New York, NY: Springer; 2014:225-235.

Phillippi JC, Latendresse GA, McCance KL. Alterations of female reproductive systems. In: McCance KL, Huether SE, ed. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. 7th ed. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier; 2014:800-884.



Johnson K, Vanderhoef D. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Review Manual.
3rd ed. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Credentialing Center; 2014.


Faculty Presentations

Akard TF. The impact of parent distress, parent-child interactions, and coping on the adjustment of siblings after a child’s death from cancer. International Society of Pediatric Oncology; October 2014; Toronto, Canada.

Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Friedman D, Given B, Hinds P, Gilmer MJ. Examining feasibility of a legacy-making intervention for children with cancer. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Akard TF, Gilmer MJ. Feasibility of web based video recording in pediatric palliative care populations. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Grenfell-Dexter R, Ruehrdanz A, Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Gilmer MJ. The role of animal-assisted interventions with children newly diagnosed with cancer. McGill University; September 2014; Montreal, Canada.

Skeens MA, Akard TF, Fortney C, Dietrich MS, Gilmer MJ, Gerhardt C. Life after the death of a brother or sister, does a year make a difference for bereaved siblings?. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Allison MM. An evidence-based approach to cascade screen relatives for familial hypercholesterolemia. The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing; May 2014;Baltimore, MD.

Allison MM. Communicating risk with relatives of familial hypercholesterolemia patients: A summary of the evidence. Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses’ Association; April 2014; Atlanta, GA.

Andrews S. Creative teaching of growth and development to accelerated nursing students. ISRN Summer Institute on Evidence-based Practice; August 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Bernet A. Hospitalization for suicide attempt: Continuity of care and transitions to post-discharge behavioral health treatment. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; October 2014; Indianapolis, IN.

Beuscher L, Simmons M. Improving communication of older patients’ psychiatric needs in hospital transition to skilled nursing facility. Gerontological Advance Practice Nurses Association; September 2014; Orlando, FL.

Buerhaus P. Future of nursing in an era of health reform. American Association of Colleges of Nursing; October 2014; Washington, DC; North West Organization of Nurse Executives; October 2014; Seattle, WA; Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing; October 2014; Murfreesboro, TN; American Association of Colleges of Nursing; Nashville, TN.

Cole S, Waynick-Rogers P. VPIL and CELA: The use of a standardized patient to promote interprofessional education. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Collins M. Nitrous oxide in obstetrics. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; October 2014; Cape Cod, MA.

D’Apolito K. Assessment of neonatal abstinence syndrome. March of Dimes Women’s Health Symposium: Healthy Beginnings; November 2014; Las Vegas, NV.

D’Apolito K. Addiction in pregnancy and neonatal abstinence syndrome; Update on the incidence and treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome; Pharmacologic management of NAS. Academy of Neonatal Nursing; September 2014; New Orleans, LA.

D’Apolito K. Providing optimal care for neonates with neonatal abstinence syndrome. The Audry Harris Neonatal Conference of Northwest Arkansas; September 2014; Fayetteville, AK.

Deng J. Quantifying lymphedema with non-invasive methodology. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Deng J, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Fleischer A, Wells N, Murphy BA. Initial evaluation of head and neck external lymphedema and fibrosis assessment criteria. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Deng J, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Mannion K, Murphy BA. A comparison of symptom burden in head and neck cancer patients with and without lymphedema. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Deng J, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Measurement of head and neck lymphedema: A comprehensive review. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Fogel SC, Elliason M. An ecological framework for understanding healthy weight in sexual minority women’s communities. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality; September 2014; Baltimore, MA.

Gilmer MJ, Barboza K. Conversations in pediatric palliative care: Personal glimpses. National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Gilmer MJ, Akard TF, Barrera M, Dietrich MS. Changes over time in parents after the death of a child to cancer. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, D.C.

Gooch M. ALS, GBS, MGC, PD: Neuro gone wild; Name that sign II; Naloxone, it’s not just for opioids anymore. Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association; Sept 2014; Nashville, TN; Emergency Nurses Association; October 2014; Indianapolis, IN.

Gooch M. Alien invasion: Attack of the allergic reactions; Hormones, glands, and steroid: Endocrine simplified; Making the positives and negatives of electrolytes and acid-base add up. ANCC; October 2014; Destin, FL.

Gooch M, Wilbeck J. Development of a capstone simulation experiences: Orchestrating the intersection of skill performance, clinical knowledge and professional behaviors. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Hendrix SS. A worksite wellness toolkit for small employers. Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Holley SL, Ketel C. Ongoing professional practice evaluation & focused professional practice evaluation. Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing; October 2014; Murfreesboro, TN.

Gee R, Ivory CH. The horizon-The focus and challenges for nurses & physicians. Dignity Health; September 2014; Las Vegas, NV.

Ivory CH. Disruptive innovations in nursing; Guidelines for professional registered nurse staffing for perinatal units; Meeting breastfeeding core measures. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; November 2014; Washington, D.C.

Johnson R, Cook T. Pharmacy deserts: A Perspective of low-income community residents. Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantees’ Conference; December 2014; National Harbor, MD.

Kapu A, Jones P. Structural empowerment: Outcomes of adding advanced practice providers to interprofessional teams. Center for the Advancing Provider Practices; November 2014; Chicago, IL.

Karp SM, Lutenbacher M, Wallston KA. Psychometric evaluation of the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale in a heterogeneous sample of mothers of infants. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Karp SM, Lutenbacher M, Dietrich MS. Associations among maternal characteristics, attitudes towards infant feeding and reported feeding practices. American Public Health Association-Maternal Child Health Section; November 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Karp SM, Lutenbacher M, Dietrich MS. Examining infant growth trajectory in the first six months of life. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Kennedy B. Interpreting and using student evaluations for teaching effectiveness. National League for Nursing; September 2014; Phoenix, AZ.

Ketel C. Development of an internet-based population management program to improve communication within an IPCP team providing primary care. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Ketel C, Trangenstein T. Evaluation of an internet-based patient engagement and education program. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Cortes T, Olsan T, Mackin L, Pedack A, Deechakawan W, Kim J. Advanced practice nursing education for quality improvement in services to older adults – Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Quality Improvement Symposium. Gerontological Advance Practice Nurses Association; September 2014; Orlando, FL.

Lindstrom K. Hospice 101: When to refer to hospice. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners; June 2014; Nashville, TN.

Love R. Building a blueprint for evaluation of DNP project outcomes. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties; April 2014; Denver, CO.

Love R. Growing pains: Trials, tribulations, and pearls of advancing DNP programs. International Society of Psychiatric Nursing; March 2014; Greenville, SC.

Lutenbacher M. Depression and vitamin D in the perinatal period. Western Institute of Nursing; April 2014; Seattle, WA.

Lutenbacher M. Using academic-clinical partnerships to enhance communities: Integrating nursing students into quality transitional care teams. Association of Community Health Improvement; March 2014; Orlando, FL.

Lutenbacher M. Gestational weight gain in women participating in a clinical trial to improve birth outcomes. Southern Nursing Research Society; February 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Lutenbacher M, Karp SM, Moore E. Reflections of Black women who choose to breastfeed: Influences, challenges and supports. American Public Health Association – Maternal Child Health; November 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Lutenbacher M, Williams S. Reflections of key stakeholders on the systematic statewide implementation of an evidence-based nurse home visitation program targeting high risk pregnant women. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Mukherjee K, May A, Miller RS. Pre-injury cognition and physical function of injured older adults: Does a brief screening instrument identify patients at risk?. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma; September 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

Maxwell CA, Dietrich MS, Minnick AF, Mion LC. Pre-injury physical function of injured older adults: Patient vs. proxy responses. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

McClure N. Creating and sustaining academic clinical partnerships to improve outcomes in pediatric asthma patients; Teach it and they will come (but not back to the Association of Asthma Educators; August 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Miller A. User centered design: designing usable software. Society for Technology in Anesthesiology; January 2014; Orlando, FL.

Miller S. Collaborative, high-volume, repetitive simulations: Strategies for success. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Mion LC. Facilitating person-centered care for the prevention of delirium in hospitalized persons with dementia. Alzheimer’s Association; July 2014; Copenhagen, Denmark.

Moore E, Watters R, Wallston KA. Teaching EBP: Measurement of attitudes, support, self-efficacy and behavior. National League for Nursing; September 2014; Phoenix, AZ.

Moore G. Childhood trauma and access to trauma-informed care. Thistle Farms National Conference; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Monroe TB. Does interdisciplinary care improve prescribing practices and medication outcomes in nursing home residents: A case study. National Academies of Practice; April 2014; Washington, DC.

Monroe TB. Psychophysics and neurobiology of pain in women with Alzheimer’s Disease. Association of Translational Science; April 2014; Washington, DC.

Monroe TB. Complementary and alternative medicine in long-term-care. American Pain Society; April 2014; Tampa, FL.

Morris M. Perceptions of low income mothers about good parenting. Southern Nursing Research Society; February 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Mulvaney SA. Blending mobile and web technologies to improve outcomes in diabetes. International Society for Research on Internet Interventions; October 2014; Valencia, Spain.

Mulvaney SA. Leveraging internet and mobile technologies to support adolescent self-management. American Association of Diabetes Educators; August 2014; Orlando, FL.

Mulvaney SA. Use of common technologies for problem solving in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. American Diabetes Association; April 2014; San Francisco, CA.

Norman L, Gelmon S, Jellinek P. Key ingredients: What we’ve learned and more. Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future; November 2014; Phoenix, AZ.

Nelson B. Clinical decision support to improve preventive care in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium; April 2014; Orlando, FL.

Norman L. Developing interprofessional education collaboration across multiple institutions Universities, Professional Schools, Clinics, & Health Systems. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative; March 2014; Nashville, TN.

Parish A, Monroe T, Mion LC. Nurses’ perceptions of pain in long term care residents with dementia: A focus group study. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Phillippi JC. Learning through a new lens. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Phillippi JC. Connection and convenience: Facets of effective prenatal care. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Phillippi JC, Buxton M, Overstreet M. Interprofessional simulation of a retained placenta and postpartum hemorrhage for nurse-midwifery & nurse-anesthesia students. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Phillippi JC, Schorn, MN. Facilitators of prenatal care access. International Confederation of Midwives; June 2014; Prague, Czech Republic.

Pilkenton D. Teaching labor support: An intradisciplinary simulation. American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2014; Denver, CO.

Pilkenton D, Collins M, Holley S. Intradisciplinary simulation on labor support: Therapeutic use of self and effective communication. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Pilon B. Successful models for academic affiliated advanced practice nursing in the US; Evaluating a nurse-led collaborative practice team; Understanding how U.S. advanced practice nurses have used clinic associations to advocate for greater autonomy and expanded scope of practice. International Council of Nurses; August 2014; Helsinki, Finland.

Pilon B. Nurse managed health centers and data—Past, present and future in a collaborative practice world. National Nursing Centers Consortium; June 2014; Alexandria, VA.

Rhoten BA. Body image and sexuality after treatment for head and neck cancer. Oncology Nurses Society; November 2014; Nashville, TN.

Bernas M, Feldman J, Lasinski B, Ridner SH. Primary lymphedema. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Lasinski B, Ridner SH. Impact of lymphedema self-care on patient outcomes. National Lymphedema Network; September 2014; Washington, DC.

Ridner SH. Living with lymphedema with BIS; The fibrosis lymphedema continuum in patients with head and neck cancer. Macquarie University Faculty of Human Sciences.; September 2014; Sydney, Australia.

Ridner SH. A longitudinal study of body composition in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation-based therapy utilizing DEXA and CT imaging (MASCC-0 221). Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; June 2014; Miami, FL.

Ridner SH. Body image-related issues for breast cancer survivors with lymphedema (MASCC-0093). Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; June 2014; Miami, FL.

Ridner SH. Feasibility of digital photo analysis for objective measure of postural changes after surgical management of head and neck cancers (MASCC-0612). Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; June 2014; Miami, FL.

Ridner SH. Barriers to lymphedema self-care (MASCC-0030). Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; June 2014; Miami, FL.

Ridner SH. Internal lymphedema correlates with subjective and objective measures of dysphagia in head and neck cancer (MASCC-0112). Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer; June 2014; Miami, FL.

Ridner SH. Using MRI to characterize lymphatic structure and function without exogenous contrast agents. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; May 2014; Rome, Italy.

Ridner SH. Visualization of healthy and compromised lymphatic systems using noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging. Tennessee Physical Therapy Association (TPTA); March 2014; Nashville, TN.

Robbins HM, Stewart LS, Morris MH, Alexander EH, Williams DJ, Barton MP. OB Blitz: A strategy for teaching essentials prior to clinical engagement. American Association of Colleges of Nursing; November 2014; Baltimore, MD.

Schorn MN. Inter-Professional Education (IPE): Synchronous, asynchronous, clinical practice, simulation across disciplines, across universities; Role of the basic scientist in inter-professional education. International Association of Medical Science Educators; June 2014; Nashville, TN.

Schorn MN. Institutional learning about, from and with each other for IPE curriculum implementation. All Together Better Health; June 2014; Pittsburg, PA.

Scott P. The benefit of consistency to the care of newborns with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Pediatrics Advanced Practitioner Conference; February 2014; Orlando, FL.

Sheppard M. Assessment of off-label usage of antipsychotics in middle Tennessee nursing homes. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; October 2014; Indianapolis, IN.

Sheppard M. Dementia and antipsychotics in the long term care setting: A quality improvement initiative Meharry Vanderbilt Consortium Geriatric Education Center and Q-Source Collaboration; April 2014; Memphis, TN; Tennessee Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative Learning Session Three; May 2014; Nashville, TN; Tennessee Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative Learning Session Three; May 2014; Knoxville, TN.

Sheppard M. Assessment of off-label usage of antipsychotics in middle Tennessee nursing homes. Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing; May 2014; Nashville, TN; American Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry; March 2014; Orlando, FL; International Society of Psychiatric Nurses; March 2014; Greenville, SC.

Shifrin M. Cardiac catheterizations: Patients, procedures, and potential problems; The advanced pulmonary assessment. American Association of Critical Care Nurses; September 2014; Nashville, TN.

Shifrin M. An evidence-based approach to end-of-life nursing education in intensive care units. Chatham University; September 2014; Pittsburgh, PA.

Sinclair V. Resilient coping findings in a large, community-based twin study. Society of Behavioral Medicine; April 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

Smallheer B. Back up that case: A new perspective on the reverse case study; Developing and managing an integrated simulation between various levels of nursing student education. American Association of Colleges of Nursing; November 2014; Baltimore, MD.

Smallheer B. Back Up That Case: A New Perspective on the Reverse Case. Improvement Science Summit on Research Methods Theme: Building Evidence to Impact Outcomes; August 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Smallheer B. Video Recorded versus Instructor Proctored Evaluation for Student Check-offs. Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning; June 2014; Orlando, FL.

Smallheer B. Developing and Managing an Integrated Simulation Within and Between Various Levels of Nursing Student Education. Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning; June 2014; Orlando, FL.

Smith M. Implementing an academic-clinical partnership to promote successful transition of heart failure patients from hospital to home. American Association of Heart Failure Nurses; June 2014; Los Angeles, CA.

Goggins KM, Kripalani S, Wallston KA. For whom do nurses over-report health literacy?. Health Literacy Research Conference; November 2014; Bethesda, MD.

Scott AM, Kripalani S, Wallston KA, Cavanaugh K, Osborn CY, Mulvaney S, Rothman RL. Measures to assess a health literate organization. American Association for Communication in Healthcare; October 2014; Orlando, FL.

Wallston KA. Food insecurity, diabetes self-care, and glycemic control. Society for General Internal Medicine; April 2014; Denver, CO.

Wallston KA. QI assessment survey. Care Coordination Institute; April 2014; Columbia, SC.

Wallston KA. Expressive writing in breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. Society of Behavioral Medicine; April 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

Wallston KA. Disparities in the treatment of depression among low-income racially and ethnically diverse patients with Type 2 diabetes; Relationship between depressive symptoms, antidepressant use, and patient attitude and behaviors among low-income patients with Type 2 diabetes. Society of General Internal Medicine; April 2014; San Diego, CA.

Wands LM, Wallston KA. Self-care behaviors among women with fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis; Patient-Provider discussions of self-management of fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. State of the Science; September 2014; Washington, DC.

White RO, Wallston KA, Kripalani S, Trochez KM, Rothman RL. Interpreter use, health communication, and diabetes factors among Latinos with limited English-proficiency. American Academy of Communication in Healthcare; October 2014; Orlando, FL.

Watters R. Quality improvement in healthcare: An interdisciplinary approach. Elsevier Faculty Development; January 2014; Las Vegas, NV.

Weiner E. Keynote: Bipartisan politics can work! How HIT is helping to transform health care. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Weiner E, Carrigg C, Gordon J, McNew R, Miller S. Orientation to the virtual world of Second Life. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Wells N. Transforming staff nurses professional practice through immersion in evidence-based practice. Summer Institute on Quality Improvement; August 2014; San Antonio, TX.

Wells N. Controlling pain in the ambulatory setting using a standard opioid protocol. MASCC/ISOO; June 2014; Miami Beach, FL.

Widmar SB. Interventional procedures and common complications. American Association of Critical Care Nurses; September 2014; Nashville, TN.

Widmar SB. Advanced practice institute-dedicated procedural cadaver lab. American Association of Critical Care Nurses; May 2014; Denver, CO.

Widmar SB, Dietrich MS, Minnick AF. How self-care education in ventricular assist device programs is organized and provided. MyLVAD (Patient and Provider VAD Internet Resource of MedStar Washington Hospital); September 2014; Washington, DC.

Bryant S, Wilbeck J. Simulation strategies for improved intra-professional collaboration. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Wilbeck J. And the answer is – FLUID!. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners; September 2014; June 2014; Nashville, TN.

Wilbeck J. Strategies to enhance success among dual specialty advance practice nursing programs. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties; The lack of consensus regarding the scope of practice for the academically Prepared Family/Emergency Nurse Practitioner; April 2014; Denver, CO.

Wilbeck J, Gooch M. Utility of phone simulations across nurse practitioner programs. National League for Nursing; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Myers J, Baumgartner R, Williams T. Leadership Excellence in Advanced Practice (LEAP!): Implementing a group mentoring program for advanced practice professionals. ANCC; October 2014; Dallas, TX.

Williams T. Results of a one-year advanced practice provider mentoring pilot program. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners; June 2014; Nashville, TN.

Wolgast K. Patient centered transition for children and youth with special health care needs. Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.; October 2014; Nashville, TN.

Wolgast K. Examining facilitators and barriers to transition care outcome for children and youth with special healthcare needs. Children’s Hospital Association 2014 Transforming Children’s Health Care – Together: Care Coordination in a Complex Environment Conference; May 2014; Atlanta, GA.

Young C. HIV pharmacology. American Nurses Credentialing Center; April 2014; Nashville, TN.


Faculty Honors & Awards

Akard TF. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Poster Award, 2014; Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Brilliant Investigator Award Nominee, 2014

Deng, J. Elsevier and Editors of Applied Nursing Research, Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2014; March of Dimes, Nursing Research Award, 2014

Fogel, S. American Academy of Nursing, Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, 2014
Gilmer MJ. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Poster Award, 2014; and 2015 HealthCare Heroes Award, Nashville Business Journal

Gordon J. Credo Award, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2014

Hande K. Sigma Theta Tau International Iota Chapter, Best Poster, 2014

Hamrin V. Excellence in Practice Award, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2015

Keck B. University of Alabama Birmingham School of Nursing, DNP Outstanding Poster Presentation, 2014; DNP ‘Most Informational’ Poster Presentation, 2014

Kim J. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Excellence in Leadership Award, 2014; NYU College of Nursing, Susan Kun Leddy Memorial Fund Scholarship, 2014; inducted into the National Academies of Practice (NAP), Fellow, 2014

Lauderdale J. Levi Watkins Jr. Faculty Award, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2015

Maxwell CA. National Institute on Aging, Butler-Williams Scholars Program, 2014

Minnick, A. (co-award with Linda Norman and Beth Donaghey) American Academy of Nursing, Nursing Outlook, 2014 Nursing Outlook Excellence in Education Award, 2014

Norman LN. University of Virginia School of Nursing, Distinguished Alumni Award, 2014

Parish A. Inducted into the National Academies of Practice (NAP, Fellow 2014

Phillippi JC. American College of Nurse Midwives Foundation, Excellence in Teaching from the American College of Nurse-Midwives Foundation, 2014

Pilon, B. Alexander Heard Distinguished Professor Award, Vanderbilt University, 2014

Rhoten, BA. American Nurses Association, American Nurses Advocacy Institute Fellow, 2014

Smallheer, B. March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year, 2014

Weiner, E. Institute of Medicine, Induction into the Institute of Medicine



Buerhaus P. AcademyHealth, Board of Directors, 2014-2018

Collins M. Directors of Midwifery Education, Secretary, 2015-2016; American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, Member, Mentorship Committee, 2014-2015

Deng J. National Lymphedema Network, Chair, Scientific Conference Committee, 2016 NLN International Conference, 2014-2016

Fogel S. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality, Vice President of Lesbian Health Fund, 2014-2015

Lauderdale J. Council on Workforce Innovation 2014 Health Care Diversity Forum, Advisory Council Member, present

Wolgast K. American College of Healthcare Executives Middle Tennessee Chapter, Chair, Membership Committee, 2014-2015.


New Editorships

Kennedy B. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 2014-present


Student Journals

Jackson J, Santoro M, Ely T, Boehm L, Kiehl A, Anderson L, Ely E. Improving patient care through the prism of psychology: Application of Maslow’s hierarchy to sedation, delirium, and early mobility in the intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care. Feb 2014; 29(3), 438-444.

Al-Natour A, Gillespie GL, Wang L , Felblinger, D. A comparison of intimate partner violence between Jordanian nurses and Jordanian women. Journal of Forensic Nursing. Jan 2014; 10(1), 13-19.

Gillespie GL, Fisher BS.  Healthcare employees’ work-related victimization and use of preventive measures. Journal of Hospital Administration. May 2014; 3(5), 170-181.

Gillespie GL, Gates DM, Kowalenko T, Bresler S, Succop P. Implementation of a comprehensive intervention to reduce physical assaults and threats in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Nursing. Apr 2014;40(6)586-591.

Gillespie GL, Farra SL, Gates DM. A workplace violence educational program: A repeated measures study. Nurse Education in Practice. Jan 2014;14(5)468-472.

Hittle K, Bolick B, Kline-Tilford A, Keesing H. NAPNAP position statement on age parameters for pediatric nurse practitioners. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. July 2014; 28(4), A15-16.

Husson NM, Zulkosky KD, Fetter M, Kamerer J. Integrating community health simulation scenarios: Experiences from the NCSBN national simulation study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Mar 2014;11(11)e1-e6.

Husson NM, Zulkosky KD. Recruiting and training volunteer standardized patients in the NCSBN national simulation study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Jan 2014;9(9)487-489.

Zulkosky KD, Kamerer J, Fetter ME, Husson NM. Role of clinical faculty during simulation in national simulation study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Feb 2014;10(10)529-531.

Jeffery AD, Pickler RH. Barriers to nurses’ adherence to central venous catheter guidelines. Journal of Nursing Administration. July 2014; 44(7), 429-435.

Jeffery AD, Mutsch KS, Knapp L. Knowledge and recognition of SIRS and sepsis and pediatric nurses. Pediatric Nursing. Mar 2014;40(6)271-278.

Holden RJ, Schubert CC, Mickelson RS. The patient work system: An analysis of self-care performance barriers among
elderly heart failure patients and their informal caregivers. Applied Ergonomics. Feb 2014;47 133-150.

Myers L. Best practices in developmental screening and referral for young children. The Nurse Practitioner. Jan 2014;39(12)1-6.

Myers L. Exploring public health nursing at the community and systems level. Journal of Nursing Education. Jan 2014;53(9)S118.

Thompson DG, Tielsch-Goddard A. Improving management of patients with autism spectrum disorder having scheduled surgery: Optimizing practice. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. Aug 2014; 28(5), 394-403.



Jeffery A, Jarvis R. Staff Educator’s Guide to Clinical Orientation: Onboarding Solutions for Nurses. Indianapolis, IN; Sigma Theta Tau International; 2014.



Barut J, Lambert K. Creating a ‘culture’ of recovery: Connecting cultural contexts and recovery for psychiatric mental health nurses. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; February 2014; Indianapolis, ID.

Barut J, Woodard J. How to lead effective therapeutic groups: Development of an orientation module through a nurse driven collaboration between educators and bedside nurses. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; February 2014; Indianapolis, IN.

Barut J, Brammer S. The power of stories: Perspectives of a nurse and a person with lived experience on storytelling as a therapeutic intervention. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; January 2014; Nashville, TN.

Boehm L. Assessing and managing delirium in the ICU. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists; January 2014; Minnesota Hospital Association, MN.

Myers L. Speed-dating for public health nursing; Partnering to provide public health nursing at the ‘top of the world’. American Public Health Association – Public Health Nursing Section; March 2014; New Orleans, LA.

Myers L, Holmes S, Hartmann J. Best practices in developmental screening and referral for health care providers. MN LEND- Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities; February 2014; Minneapolis, MN.

Myers L, Stadick J, Helget J. Engaging alumni in a nursing skills day. Professional Nurse Educator Group (PNEG); February 2014; Rochester, MN.

Myers L, Zust B, Meyer H. Innovative ways to implement undergraduate research in a nursing department. Professional Nurse Educator Group (PNEG); February 2014; Rochester, MN.

Phillips J. Alarm safety at the front line; Process improvement at the unit level; Handoff communication: A key to patient safety. American Association of Critical Care Nurses; February 2014; Valley Forge, PA; Phillips Medical Device Company; February 2014; Phoenix, AZ.

Phillips J. Process improvement at the unit level; Medication safety: Way beyond the five rights. Wolters-Klewer Publishers; February 2014; Las Vegas, PA.

Reed C. Valuing interruptions during nursing work. Arkansas Nurses Association; February 2014; Little Rock, AR.