Mickelson Receives VUSN PhD Student Excellence in Writing Award

Robin Mickelson, MS, RN, PhD(c) and a 5th year PhD student, recently received this year’s Dean’s Award for PhD Student Excellence in Writing. The award recognizes PhD students who demonstrate excellence in writing by an accepted, peer-reviewed first author publication. A selection committee comprised of PhD faculty rate submitted articles based on originality and potential impact.

Mickelson is the first author of an accepted publication in The Journal of Health Policy and Technology, Nursing Administration titled “Medication-related Cognitive Artifacts Used by Older Adults with Heart Failure.” She co-authored the article with Richard Holden, PhD, Dept. of BioHealth Informatics at Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, and Matt Willis, MA, MPhil, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University.

The award was presented by Dean Linda Norman, DSN, RN, FAAN, during a luncheon for PhD students and faculty as part of the fall intensive week. State-of-the-art technology used for PhD course work enabled Dean Norman to present the award to Mickelson from Portugal.

Mickelson’s current research dissertation project is studying the cognitive work underlying medication adherence as a foundation for the development of useful and usable technology to assist older adults with medication management. Prior to starting our PhD program in fall 2011, she worked as an informatics nurse specialist implementing and evaluating electronic health record systems. While a PhD student, she has presented her research at several conferences including podium presentations at The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting and the Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics. She has also co-authored numerous articles in publications including the Journal of Applied Ergonomics.

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