Selected Works

Journal Publications

Choi S, Adams S, MacMaster SA, Seiters J. Predictors of residential treatment retention among individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. June 2013;45(2)122-131.

Rasch R, Davidson D, Seiters J, MacMaster S, Adams S, Darby K, Cooper RL. Integrated recovery management model for ex-offenders with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders and high rates of HIV risk behaviors. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Sept 2013;24(5)438-448.

Zoorob RJ, Durkin KM, Gonzalez SJ, Adams S. Training nurses and nursing students about prevention, diagnoses, and treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Nurse Education in Practice. Dec 20131-7.

Bernet AC. Predictors of psychiatric readmission among veterans at high risk of suicide: The impact of post-discharge aftercare. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. Oct 2013;27(5)260-261.

Buerhaus P. Human factors engineering, bar coding medication administration, and nursing: An interview with Drs. Richard Holden and Laurie L. Novak. Nursing Economics. August 2013;31(4)190-193,197.

Buerhaus P, Auerbach D, Staiger D, Muench U. Projections of the long-term growth of the registered nurses workforce: A regional analysis. Nursing Economics. Jan 2013;31(1)13-17.

Buerhaus P, Retchin S. The dormant National Health Care Workforce Commission needs congressional funding to achieve its promise. Health Affairs. Nov 2013;31(11)2021-2024.

Auerbach D, Staiger D, Muench U, Buerhaus P. The nurse workforce in an era of health reform. New England Journal of Medicine. Mar 2013;368(16)1470-1472.

Auerbach DI, Chen PG, Friedberg MS, Reid R, Lau C, Buerhaus P, Mehrotra A. Nurse-managed health centers and patient-centered medical homes could mitigate expected primary care physician shortage. Health Affairs. Nov 2013;32(11)1933-1941.

DesRoches C, Gaudet J, Perloff J, Donelan K, Iezonni L, Buerhaus P. Using medicare data to assess nurse practitioner provided care. Nursing Outlook. Nov 2013;61(6)400-407.

Donelan K, DesRoches C, Dittus R, Buerhaus P. Perspectives of physicians and nurse practitioners on primary care practice. New England Journal of Medicine. May 2013;368(20)1898-1906.

Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Vanderboom C, Ransom J, Harris M. Using present-on-admission coding to improve exclusion rules for quality metrics: The case of failure-to-rescue. Medical Care. August 2013;51(8)722-730.

Gross B, Anderson F, Busby S, Frith K, Panco C. Using culturally sensitive education to improve adherence with anti-hypertension
regimen. Journal of Cultural Diversity. June 2013;20(2)75-79.

Collins M. Share with women, nitrous oxide for pain relief in labor. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health. Dec 2013;58(6)727-728.

Collins M. To dip or not to dip: that is the question. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Sept 2013;9(8)544-545.

D’Apolito K. Breastfeeding and substance abuse. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mar 2015;56(1)202-211.

Deng J, Fu M, Armer J, Cormier J, Radina E, Thiadens S, Dietrich MS, Weiss J, Tuppo C, Ridner SH. Factors associated with symptoms and infection occurrence among individuals with secondary extremity lymphedema. Supportive Care in Cancer. June 2013;21(1)s29.

Deng J, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Wells N, Murphy BA. Assessment of external lymphedema in patients with head and neck cancer: A comparison of four scales. Oncology Nursing Forum. Sept 2013;40(5)501-506.

Kolnick L, Deng J, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Rezk J, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Validation of late oral health outcomes, an oral health subscale of the Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey in post-radiation therapy head and neck cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer. June 2013;21(1)64.

Kolnick L, Deng J, Epstein JB, Migliorati CA, Rezk J, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Associations of oral health items of the Vanderbilt Head and Neck Symptom Survey with a dental health assessment. Oral Oncology. 2013.

Sawyer MD, Dietrich MS, Pickens RB, Herrell SD, Miller SD. Adequate or not? A comparison of 24-hour urine studies for renal stone prevention by creatinine to weight ratio. Journal of Endourology. Mar 2013;27(3)366-369.

Dillon NP, Kratchman LB, Dietrich MS, Labadie RF, Webster RJ 3rd, Withrow TJ. An experimental evaluation of the force requirements for robotic mastoidectomy. Otology & Neurotology. Sept 2013;34(7)e93-e102.

Sawyer MD, Anderson CB, Viprakasit DP, Dietrich MS, Herrell SD, Miller NL. An individualized weight-based goal urine volume model significantly improves expected calcium concentrations relative to the 2-L goal urine volume. Urolithiasis. Oct 2013;5(41)403-409.

Aragon J, Hudnut-Beumier J, White M, Chavis A, Dietrich MS, Bickman L, Scholer SJ. The effect of primary care interventions on children’s media viewing habits
and exposure to violence.
Academic Pediatrics. Nov 2013;13(5)531-539.

Finlayson AJR, Dietrich MS, Neufeld R, Roback H, Martin PR. Restoring professionalism: The physician fitness-for-duty evaluation. General Hospital Psychiatry. Dec 2013;35(6)659-663.

Foster TL. Factors affecting recruitment and participation of bereaved parents and siblings in grief research. Progress in Palliative Care. Sept 2013.

Foster TL. Gilmer MJ, Friedman, DL, Given B, Hendricks-Ferguson V, Hinds PS. From qualitative work to intervention development in pediatric oncology palliative care research. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. May 2013;30(3)153-160.

Steele AC, Kaal J, Thompson AL, Barrera M, Compas BE, Davies B, Fairclough DL, Foster TL, Gilmer MJ, Hogan N, Vannatta K, Gerdhardt CA. Bereaved parents and siblings offer advice to healthcare providers and researchers after a child’s death from cancer. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. May 2013;35253-259.

Stanley T, Gordon J, Pilon B. Patient and provider attributes associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Jan 2013;9(1)34-39.

Hamrin V, McGuiness T. Motivational interviewing: A tool for increasing psychotropic medication adherence for youth. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. June 2013;51(6)15-18.

Hande K. Hepatitis C Virus infection: Adult screening and guideline update. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Oct 2013.

Hande K. Measuring endoscopic performance for colorectal cancer prevention quality improvement in a gastroenterology practice. Nursing Clinics of North America. Nov 2013.

Holley S. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. June 2013;9(6)398-399.

Jessee MA, Mion LC. Is evidence guiding practice? Reported versus observed adherence to contact precautions: A pilot study. American Journal of Infection Control. Nov 2013;41(11)965-970.

Karp SM, Howe-Heyman A, Dietrich MS, Lutenbacher M. Breastfeeding initiation in the context of a home intervention to promote better birth outcomes. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2013.

Gesell SB, Karp SM. The role of families and providers in preventing childhood obesity when we take a systems approach to ending the epidemic. Reviews in Health Care. 2013;4(1)3-9.

Krau SD. Bites and stings: Epidemiology. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)143-150.

Krau SD. The impact of heat on morbidity and mortality. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)243-250.

Krau SD. Heat-Related illness: A hot topic in critical care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)251-262.

Krau SD. Summer activities: Incidents and accidents. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)287-296.

Krau SD. Genomics. Nursing Clinics of North America. Dec 2013;48(4)xiii-xiv.

Krau SD. Cytochrome p450 Part 1: What nurses need to know; Part 2: What nurses need to know about the Cytochrome p450 family systems; Part 3: Drug interactions: essential concepts and considerations. Nursing Clinics of North America. Dec 2013;48(4)671-680, 681-696, 697-706.

Lindstrom KB, Melnyk Mazurek B. Feasibility and preliminary effects of an intervention targeting schema development for caregivers of newly admitted hospice patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine. June 2013;16(6)680-685.

Lutenbacher M, Karp SM, Dietrich MS, Sullivan J. Are services to Tennessee children with special health care needs comparable with national achievement of MCHB objectives? Public Health Nursing. Jan 2013;30(1)7-17.

Lutenbacher M, Gabbe PT, Karp SM, Dietrich MS, Narrigan D, Carpenter L, Walsh W. Does additional prenatal care in the home improve birth outcomes for women with a prior preterm delivery? A randomized clinical trial. Maternal and Child Health Journal. August 2013.

Maxwell CA. Screening hospitalized injured older adults for cognitive impairment and pre-injury functional impairment. Applied Nursing Research. August 2013;26(3)146-150.

Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Minnick AF. Geriatric resources in acute care hospitals and trauma centers: A scarce commodity. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. August 2013;39(10)1-10.

Minnick AF, Norman LD, Donaghey B. Defining and describing capacity issues in U.S. Doctor of Nursing Practice programs. Nursing Outlook. Apr 2013;61(2)93-101.

May KN, Mion LC. Nurses’ impact on the hospital environment: Lessening or contributing to the chaos?. Geriatric Nursing. Jan 20133472-74.

Monroe TB, Carter MA, Feldt KS, Dietrich MS, Cowan RL. Pain and hospice care in nursing home residents with dementia and terminal cancer. Geriatrics and Gerontology International. Mar 2013.

Monroe TB, Herr KA, Mion LC, Cowan R. Ethical and legal issues in pain research in cognitively impaired older adults. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Sept 2013;50(9)1283-1287.

Monroe TB, Kenaga H, Dietrich MS, Carter MA, Cowan RL. The prevalence of employed nurses identified or enrolled in substance use monitoring programs. Nursing Research. Jan 2013;62(1)10-15.

Monroe TB, Sumathi MK, Habermann RC, Dietrich MS, Cowan RL, Simmons SF. Pain reports and pain medication treatment in nursing home residents with and without dementia. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. Sept 2013.

Mion LC. Flu vaccination: Get it. Geriatric Nursing. Nov 2013;6507-508.

Waters TM, Chandler AM, Mion LC, Daniels MJ, Kessler LA, Miller ST, Shorr RI. Use of ICD-9-CM codes to identify inpatient fall-related injuries. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. Dec 2013;61(12)2186-2191.

Moore ER, Watters R. Educating DNP students about critical appraisal and knowledge translation. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. Oct 2013;10(1)1-8.

Moore V. Annual exams in women before age 21. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Oct 2013;9(9)615-616.

Mulvaney SA, Ho X, Cala C, Chen Q, Nian H, Patterson B, Johnson KB. Assessing adolescent asthma adherence and symptoms using mobile phones. Journal of Medical Internet Research. July 2013;7(41)0.

Mulvaney SA, Lilley JS, Cavanaugh KL, Pittel EJ, Rothman RL. Validation of the Diabetes Numeracy Test with adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Apr 2013.

Kumah-Crystal Y, Mulvaney SA. Utilization of blood glucose data in patient education. Current Diabetes Reports. July 2013.

Phillippi JC, Bull A, Holley S. Expanding primary care opportunities: Simulation for clinical reasoning. Journal of Nursing Education. May 2013;52(5)299-302.

Phillippi JC, Myers CR. Reasons women in Appalachia decline Centering Pregnancy care. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health. Sept 2013;58(5)516-522.

Phillippi JC, Roman M. Motivation and facilitation: A theory of prenatal care access. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health. Sept 2013;58(5)509-515.

Rhoten BA, Murphy B, Ridner SH. Body image in patients with head and neck cancer: A review of the literature. Oral Oncology. May 2013.

Ridner SH. Pathophysiology of lymphedema. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. Feb 2013;29(1)4-11.

Ridner SH, Poage-Hooper E, Kanar C, Doersham JK, Bond SM, Dietrich MS. A pilot randomized trial evaluating low-level laser therapy as an alternative treatment to manual lymphatic drainage for breast cancer-related lymphedema. Oncology Nursing Forum. July 2013;40(4)383-93.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS. A comparison study of symptoms associated with cancer and non-cancer related lower limb lymphedema (MASCC-0762). Supportive Care in Cancer. June 2013;21S269.

Fu MR, Ridner SH, Hu SH, Stewart BR, Cormier JN, Armer JM. Psychosocial impact of lymphedema: A systematic review of literature from 2004 to 2011. Psychooncology. July 2013;22(7)1466-84.

Rane S, Donahue PM, Towse T, Ridner SH, Chapell M, Jordi J, Gore JC, Donahue MJ. Clinical feasibility of noninvasive visualization of lymphatic flow with principles of Spin Labeling MR Imaging: Implications for lymphedema assessment. Radiologia. July 2013.

Smith MK, Squiers J. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: An overview. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)263-272.

Wallston KA, Cawthon C, McNaughton CD, Rothman RL, Osborn CY, Kripalani S. Psychometric properties of the Brief Health Literacy Screen in clinical practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine. August 2013.

Audet CM, McGowan CC, Wallston KA, Kipp AM. Relationship between HIV stigma and self-isolation among people living with HIV in Tennessee. PLoS One. August 2013;13(8)e69564.

Carrico AR, Spoden M, Wallston KA, Vandenbergh MP. The environmental cost of misinformation: Why the recommendation to use elevated temperatures for handwashing is problematic. International Journal of Consumer Studies. July 2013;37(4)433-441.

Mayberry LS, Gonzalez JS, Wallston KA, Kripalani S, Osborn CY. The ARMS-D out performs the SDSCA, but both are reliable, valid, and predict glycemic control. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Nov 2013;102(2)96-104.

Mukolo A, Villegas R, Aliyu M, Wallston KA. Predictors of late presentation for HIV diagnosis: A literature review and suggested way forward. AIDS and Behavior. Jan 2013;17(1)5-30.

Osborn CY, Wallston KA, Shpigel A, Cavanaugh K, Kripalani S, Rothman RL. Development and validation of the General Health Numeracy Test (GHNT). Patient Education and Counseling. June 2013;91(3)350-356.

Osborn CY, Mayberry LS, Wallston KA, Johnson KB, Elasy TA. Understanding patient portal use: Implications for medication management. Journal of Medical Internet Research. July 2013;15(7)e133.

Willens DE, Kripalani S, Schildcrout JS, Cawthon C, Wallston KA, Mion LC, Davis C, Danciu I, Rothman RL, Roumie CL. Association of brief health literacy screening and blood pressure in primary care. Journal of Health Communications. Oct 2013;18 129-142.

Willens DE, Kripalani S, Schildcrout JS, Cawthon C, Wallston KA, Mion LC, Davis C, Danciu I, Rothman RL, Roumie CL. Association of brief health literacy screening and blood pressure in primary care. Journal of Health Communication. Oct 2013;(18)129-142.

Wright Nunes J, Greene JH, Wallston KA, Eden S, Shintani A, Elasy T, Rothman RL, Ikizler TA, Cavanaugh KL. Pilot study of a physician-delivered education tool to increase patient knowledge about CKD. American Journal of Kidney Disease. Mar 2013.

Fitzhenry F, Wells N, Slater V, Dietrich MS, Wisawatapnimit P, Chakravarthy AB. A randomized placebo-controlled pilot study of the impact of healing touch on fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Oct 2013.

Weiner E, Weaver C, Kennedy R, Marin H, Brennan P. A proposed model for advancing the science of nursing informatics and its value proposition for clinical practice, nursing education and research. Proceedings of AMIA 2013 Annual Symposium. Nov 2013;1457-1459.

Fitzhenry F, Wells N, Doran J, Hughart K, Levy M, Doulis J. Applying bar code medication administration to make a difference in adverse drug events with potential for harm: Lessons learned. Computers, Informatics, Nursing. Oct 2013;31(10)457-462.

Fitzhenry F, Wells N, Slater V, Dietrich MS, Wisawatapnimit P, Chakravarthy AB. A randomized placebo-controlled pilot study of the impact of healing touch on fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Oct 2013.

Wilbeck J, Gresham C. North American snake and scorpion envenomations. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)173-90.

Ziegler C. The chest assessment and interpretation. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Mar 2013;9(3)182-183.

Ziegler C. Travel-related illness. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2013;25(2)333-340.

Faculty Presentations

Adams S. SBIRT across the lifespan: Meeting the goals of Healthy People 2020. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties; April 2013; Pittsburgh, PA.

Adams S. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: An opportunity for prevention. Louisiana Consortium of Graduate Nursing Education; January 2013; St. Charles, LA.

Adams S, Dilks T, Vanderhoef D. Is the 4th ‘P’ lost? Innovative pedagogies to maintain the role and scope of PMHNP practice. American Psychiatric Nurses Association; October 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Adams S, DiNisco J, Hapenny A, Nelson N, Pickett L. The perceived value of the 4th ‘P’: Experiences in teaching, learning & implementing psychotherapy skills among PMHNP students & new graduates. Poster: American Psychiatric Nurses Association; October 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Lusk P, Shea C, Adams S,
Farrell M, Marshall, B. Building interprofessional bridges in
graduate nursing education: Preparing graduates for leadership in collaborations that improve mental health  American Psychiatric Association; October 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Adams S. Collaborative Practice: The VPIL Experience. Workshop: American Psychiatric Nurses Association; October 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Anthamatten A. Assessment of beta cell function in diabetes. Poster: National Conference for Nurse Practitioners; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Anthamatten A. Demystifying diabetes. Symposia: American College of Nurse Midwives; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Bell C. Building a theoretical foundation for adolescent end-of-life research. Poster: American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (ASPHO) and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium (PBMTC); April 2013; Miami, FL

Beuscher L. Training nursing aides to communicate choices to nursing. Southern Nursing Research Society; February 2013; Little Rock, AR. AMN; October 2013; Dallas, TX. University of South Carolina; October 2013; Columbia, SC.

Buerhaus P. The nursing workforce in an era of health reform. ATI conference for Nurse Educators; April 2013; Las Vegas, NV.

Buerhaus P. Key trends in nursing workforce in an era of health reform. National Forum of State Workforce Centers; June 2013; Scottsdale, AZ. Minnesota State University; September 2013; Mankato, MN. The University of Wisconsin; September 2013; Madison, WI.

Buerhaus P. The nursing workforce in an era of health reform and slow jobs recover: Outlook for the future. Philippine Nurses Association of America; July 2013; Cleveland, OH.

Buerhaus P. The context for constructing a research agenda in an era of health reform: Skating /researching to where the puck/research problems will be. Council on Graduate Education for Adminstration in Nursing; November 2013; Baltimore, MD.

Buxton M. The use of simulation to teach ethics in midwifery education. American College of Nurse Midwives; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Christenbery T. Doctoral writing in the age of Twitter: How to create a scholarly writing environment. Workshop: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties; April 2013; Pittsburg, PA.

Cole S. The role and value of rotating faculty to enhance the interprofessional clinical experience. Collaborating Across Borders; June 2013; Vancouver, BC.

Collins M. Laughing through labor? The resurgence of nitrous oxide as a labor analgesic. The use of simulation to teach ethics in midwifery education. Skills update and review for students, new grads to experienced midwives. No laughing matter: Nitrous oxide is making its way into births in the United States. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

D’Apolito K. Establishment of inter-observer reliability using the Finnegan Scoring Tool. International Neonatal Nursing Conference; September 2013; Belfast, Ireland.

Deng J, Murphy BA, Wells N, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Using a team approach to develop and validate a head and neck cancer related external lymphedema and fibrosis grading criteria. Oncology Nurses Society; November 2013; Dallas, TX.

Deng J, Murphy BA, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Comparison of symptom burden among head and neck cancer patients with and without secondary lymphedema. International Congress of Lymphology; September 2013; Rome, Italy.

Deng J, Fu M, Armer J, Cormier J, Radina E, Thiaden S, Dietrich M, Weiss J, Tuppo C, Ridner SH. Factors associated with symptoms and infection occurrence among individuals with extremity lymphedema. International Congress of Lymphology; September 2013; Rome, Italy.

Fogel S. Healthy weight in lesbians and bisexual women. Workshop: GLMA: Healthcare Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality; September 2013; Denver, CO.

Schwartz L, Manring S, Misiti B, Eversole M, Barrera M, Compas BE, Fairclough DL, Foster TL, Gilmer MJ, Vannatta K, Gerhardt CA. The role of dyadic interactions in parent and sibling distress after a child’s death from cancer. World Congress of Psycho-Oncology; November 2013; Rotterdam. Poster: Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Meeting; September 2013; Baltimore, MD.

Gooch M. Name that sign. Sweet as sugar. Southeastern Seaboard Emergency Nursing Symposium; April 2013; Concord, NC.

Gooch M. Toxins, tablets, and drugs: What’s new on the streets?’  Emergency Nurses Association; September 2013; Nashville, TN.

Gooch M. The ABC’s of respiratory pharmacology: ALS, GBS, MG: Weird neurological diseases.  American Nurses Credentialing Center; October 2013; Destin, FL.

Gooch M. Ear disorders. Head trauma: Keys to judicious assessment. Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education; December 2013; Las Vegas, NV.

Hull A. Chronic pelvic pain: Evaluation and treatment. Evaluation and management
of chronic pelvic pain. Workshops: American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013;
Nashville, TN.

Inott T, Jessee MA. Interactive teaching-learning strategies in the large classroom setting: Development of skills to enhance client-centered care. Poster: American Association of Colleges of Nursing; November 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Ivory C. Current strategies to improve maternal and infant
outcomes. Technology’s role in
the support of optimal nurse staffing.  Invited address and/or keynote presented at: Montana Perinatal Association; April 2013; Bozeman, MT.

Ivory C. Health IT: Leveraging the nursing possibilities. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; April 2013; Clearwater Beach, FL.

Ivory C. Evidence based use of oxytocin for labor. Midwest Medical Insurance Company; January 2013; Webinar, IA.

Ivory C. Health IT and the nurse midwife: Your paycheck depends on it. American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Ivory C. The ability of SNOMED CT to capture perinatal process concepts. SNOMED CT Implementation Showcase; October 2013; Washington, DC.

Jessee MA. Is evidence guiding practice? Reported versus observed adherence to contact precautions: a pilot study. Poster: Improvement Science Research Network: Summer Institutes on Quality Improvement; July 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Karp SM, Schlundt D. Micro-analysis of mother-toddler feeding in the home environment. Poster: Obesity Society; November 2013; Atlanta, GA.

Kennedy BB. Empowering nurses through mentoring. Relational aggression: It’s the new name
for bullying. Symposia: Contemporary Forums; April 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Kennedy BB. Mythbusters: Facts, fiction, and moving the profession forward. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Leming-Lee T. The hand hygiene challenge: Going to Gemba to protect your surgical team and patients. Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN); March 2013; San Diego, CA.

Love R. Dancing with the changes: Advocating for and transitioning our advanced practice psychiatric nursing workforce. International Society of Psychiatric Nurses; San Antonio, TX.

Lutenbacher M, Dietrich MS, Picklesmeir A. A comparison of maternal and neonatal health outcomes: Women enrolled and not enrolled in an evidence-based nurse home visitation program. American Public Health Association – Maternal Child Health Section; November 2013; Boston, MA.

Maxwell CA. Prevalence of geriatric resources for injured older adults in U.S. hospitals. Screening injured older adults for cognitive and functional impairments. Posters: American Geriatrics Society; May 2013; Grapevine, TX.

Maxwell CA. Comprehensive geriatric assessment and outcomes of hospitalized injured older adults. Poster: Academy of Health; June 2013; Baltimore, MD.

Maxwell CA, Miller RS, Dietrich MS, Fallon WF, Mion LC, Minnick AF. The aging of America: A comprehensive look at over 25,000 geriatric trauma admissions to U.S. hospitals. Poster: American Association of the Surgery of Trauma; September 2013; Las Vegas, NV.

Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Minnick AF. Prevalence of geriatric resources for injured older adults in U.S. hospitals. Poster: Society of Trauma Nurses; April 2013; Las Vegas, NV.

Maxwell CA. Screening injured older adults for cognitive and functional impairments. Society of Trauma Nurses; April 2013; Las Vegas, NV.

McArthur D. Doctoral writing in the age of Twitter: How to create a scholarly writing environment. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties; April 2013; Pittsburgh, PA.

McClure N. Innovations in community health nursing education: A novel approach to improving pediatric asthma control. American Association of Colleges of Nursing; November 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Mion LC. Unassisted falls in U.S. hospitals. Poster: American Geriatrics Society; May 2013; Grapevine, TX.

Mion LC, Bradas C, Amat S, Sandhu S. Association of hospital nurses’ characteristics and their decisions to request physical. Symposia: Gerontologic Society of America; November 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Solberg LM, May KN, Fick DM, Mion LC. Implementing an interdisciplinary assessment and management practice: Lessons learned. Symposia Gerontologic Society of America; November 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Monroe TB. Pain in nursing home residents with dementia. Poster: American Geriatrics Society; April 2013; Dallas, TX.

Monroe TB. The psychophysical response to experimental thermal pain. Poster: The American Pain Society; May 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Monroe TB. The psychophysical response to thermal pain in people with dementia. Poster: Society of Biological Psychiatry; May 2013; San Francisco, CA.

Monroe TB. Research committee annual symposium. Symposia: National Gerontological Nurses Association; October 2013; Tampa, FL.

Moore ER. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Moore ER. Educating DNP students about critical appraisal and knowledge translation. Educator’s EBP Workshop Academic Center for Evidence Based Practice; July 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Moore ER. Educating DNP students about critical appraisal and knowledge translation. Teaching EBP: Measurement of attitudes, support, self-efficacy and behavior. Posters: Summer Institute on Evidence Based Practice; July 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Mulvaney SA. Utilizing health technology to improve diabetes adherence. Society of Behavioral Medicine; April 2013; San Francisco, CA.

Mulvaney SA. Addressing
diabetes numeracy to improve patient self-management.
Diabetes Technology Society; October 2013; San Francisco, CA.

Norman LD. Using blended interprofessional e-learning to teach collaborative practice, principles of patient safety and quality, and improving transitions of care. Workshop: Southeast Consortium for Interprofessional Education; June 2013; Vancouver, BC.

Parish A, Holliday K. Long-term care acquired urinary tract infections’ antibiotic resistance patterns and empiric therapy: A pilot study. BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology; October 2013; Dalian, TX.

Parish A, Monroe TB, Mion LC. Nurses’ perceptions of pain in long term care residents with dementia: A focus group study. Poster: Gerontological Advance Practice Nurses Association; September 2013; Chicago, IL.

Phillippi JC. Expanding primary care opportunities for midwifery students: Simulation for clinical reasoning. American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Phillippi JC. Exciting learning environments for a new generation of midwifery students. American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Pilon B. Population health initiatives update: CMS funded projects and other early exemplars. Invited address and/or keynote. Tidal wave or tsunami? The impact of allied health providers. Discussion Panel. Advanced practice nursing roles, models and continuum care management: Weaving the tapestry into a successful program. Workshop: Contemporary Forums; November 2013; Chicago, IL.

Pilon B. A long and painful journey for Americans: Policy, politics and health. Oncology Nurses Society; November 2013; Nashville, TN.

Pilon B, Ketel C. Development evaluation of an IPCP team providing primary care to vulnerable populations. West Michigan Interprofessional Education Initiative; November 2013; Grand Rapids, MI.

Plummer CE, Carter M, Mion LC. Analysis of individual and health care risk factors associated with Community-based Accumulation of Home Medications (CACHES).
Poster:  Gerontologic Society of America; November 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Rhoten BA, Ridner SH, Deng J, Dietrich MS, Murphy BA. Body image, social anxiety, and viral-related tumors in patients with head and neck cancer. Poster: Oncology Nurses Society; November 2013; Dallas, TX.

Ridner SH. Lymphatic research: National & local perspectives. Symptoms associated with lower limb lymphedema and implications for professional treatment and self-care.  Lymphedema Lifeline Foundation; May 2013; Grand Junction, CO.

Ridner SH. Lymphatic research: National & local perspectives. Symptoms associated with lower limb lymphedema and implications for professional treatment and self-care. Lymphedema Lifeline Foundation; Grand Junction, CO.

Ridner SH. Take charge of lymphedema – it’s not just breast cancer. What every survivor needs to know. National Women’s Survivors Convention; August 2013; Nashville, TN.

Ridner SH. Lymphedema self-monitoring with bioelectrical impedance. Lower limb lymphedema associated symptoms. International Congress of Lymphology; September 2013; Rome, Italy.

Mackenzie AG, Ridner SH, Franjic J, Zimmerman C. Take charge of lymphedema – It’s not just breast cancer. What EVERY survivor needs to know. Women Survivors Alliance; Nashville, TN.

Schorn M. It’s not over ‘til it’s over: Third & fourth stage of labor and current evidence. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; June 2013; Nashville, TN.

Schorn M. Getting the job you want. Workshop: American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Scott P. Key points in neonatal post resuscitation and stabilization. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing; April 2013; Nashville, TN.

Smallheer B, Squiers J, Ashby N. Implementing and managing integrated simulation within and between various levels of nursing student education. Integrating simulation within and between various levels of nursing student education. Symposia: Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing; November 2013; Indianapolis, IN.

Vanderhoef D. Diagnostic and treatment dilemmas for patients with a psychiatric disorder and co-morbid substance use disorders: A case based evaluation. University of McNeese; Lake Charles, LA.

Kaas M, Hjartardotti K, Kristofersson G, Peterson B, Vanderhoef D. Bridging an integrative approach to psych/mental health nursing.  The Nordic Conference of Mental Health Nursing; September 2013; Reykjavik, Iceland.

Wallston K. Attitudes affect phosphate control in ESRD. Poster: National Kidney Foundation 2013 Spring Clinical Meetings; April 2013; Orlando, FL.

Wallston K. Expressive writing as adjuvant treatment in t2dm: Short-term effects on clinical status and patient well-being. American Diabetes Association; June 2013; Chicago, IL.

Wallston K. Teaching EBP: Measurement of attitudes,support, self-efficacy & behavior. Poster: UT Health Science Center; July 2013; San Antonio, TX.

Waynick-Rogers P. The Vanderbilt program in interprofessional learning: Innovation in building a collaborative ready workforce. Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing; November 2013; Indianapolis, IN.

Weiner E, Weaver C, Kennedy R, Mari, H, Brennan P. A proposed model for advancing the science of nursing informatics and its value proposition for clinical practice, nursing education and research. Discussion Panel: American Medical Informatics Association/ Nursing Informatics Working Group; November 2013; Washington, DC.

Wells N. Post-operative pain time from severe to mild: effect of frequent and mutimodual interventions. American Pain Society; May 2013; New Orleans, LA.

Wells N, Dubree M, Sandlin B. Developing local leaders for evidence-based practice. American Nurses Credentialing Center; October 2013; Orlando, FL.

Widmar B. Hospital care structure and self-care education processes of ventricular assist device programs: A national study. Poster: The future of mechanical circulatory support nursing research. Discussion Panel: American Association of Heart Failure Nurses; June 2013; Montreal, Canada.

Wilbeck J. The evidence for assessing ACNP procedural competence: Evidence-based template utilization. Poster: Tennessee Nursing Association; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Young C. Addressing musculoskeletal complaints in primary care. Workshop: American College of Nurse Midwives; May 2013; Nashville, TN.

Book Chapters

Collins M, Holley S, Moore-Davis T, Narrigan D, Brucker M. Family planning. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H., ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:477-499.

Collins M, Dahlgren-Roemmich DM. Water immersion for labor and birth. In: Avery, M, ed. Supporting a Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth: A Practical Guide. Aimes, IA: Wiley-Blackwell; 2013:157-172.

Collins M, Holley S, Moore-Davis T, Narrigan D, Brucker M. Nonhormonal contraception. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H, ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:501-523.

Collins M, Holley S, Moore-Davis T, Narrigan D, Brucker M. Hormonal contraception. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H, ed. Varney’s Midwife. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:539-561.

Brucker MC, Collins M, Holley S, Moore-Davis T, Narrigan D. Procedure for IUD insertion. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H, ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:525-538.

Baird SM, Kennedy BB. Pulmonary complications of pregnancy. In: Simpson KR, Creehan P, ed. AWHONN’s Perinatal Nursing. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013:246-269.

Lauderdale J. Transcultural perspectives in childbearing. In: Andrews M, Boyle J, ed. Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:91-122.

Maxwell CA, Rader E, Fallon W. Outcomes for surgical care of the elderly. In: Yelon JA, Luchette FA, ed. Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care. New York, NY: Springer; 2013:225-235.

McArthur D. The journey to the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. In: Moran K, Burson R, Conrad D, ed. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project – A Framework for Success. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:15-32.

Phillippi JC. Reproductive tract and sexually transmitted infections. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H., ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:431-475.

Ridner SH. Lymphedema. In: Yarbro CH, Wujcik D, Holmes B, ed. Cancer Symptom Management. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2013:555-568.

Schorn MN, King TL. Third and fourth stages of labor. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H, ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:1031-1069.

Low LK, Vedam S, Schorn MN, Brucker MC, King, TL. Hand maneuvers for birth. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Kriebs JM, Fahey JO, Gegor CL, Varney H, ed. Varney’s Midwifery. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2013:935-940.

Faculty Awards

Michelle Collins,, Advance Practice Nurse of the Year, 2013

Colleen Conway-Welch, American College of Nurse-Midwives, Distinguished Service Award, 2013

Janie Daddario, Phi Kappa Phi Society, Georgia Regents University, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member, 2013

Jie Deng, Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation, Roberta Scofield Memorial Certification Award, 2013

Sharon Holley, American College of Nurse-Midwives, American College of Nurse-Midwives Foundation Leadership Development Award 2013.

Kathryn Lindstrom, Prospect, Inc., Community Partner of the Year, 2013

Melanie Lutenbacher, March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year – Nurse Researcher, 2013

Lorraine Mion, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Research and Clinical Project Poster Award, 2013

Todd Monroe, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Research and Clinical Project Poster Award, 2013

Abby Parish, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Research and Clinical Project Poster Award, 2013