Fall 2014 Inaugural Clinical Scholarship Awardees

Sharon Holley – Develop Metrics to Help Quantify and Qualify Midwifery Competency Measures for Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluations

Ginny Moore – Promoting Effective Patient Communication Among Vulnerable Women

Natasha McClure* – Asthma Interventions to Decrease Potentially Avoidable Emergency Department Visits: Adding the School Environment to an Existing Home-Based Model

K. Melissa Smith* – Implementation of an Academic Clinical Partnership: Heart Failure and Transitional Care

Jennifer Wilbeck – Bringing Attention to the Emergency Nurse Practitioner Role through Newly Established American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners

Carol Zeigler – Gap Analysis and Community Needs Assessment of Nandi Healers in Western Kenya


*Editor’s Note:  Melissa Smith’s and Natasha McClure’s Scholarly Practice Program projects are featured in the article, “Connecting the Dots,” that follows this article.

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