The Veterans Administration Quality Scholars Program nurtures fellows

The Veterans Administration Quality Scholars (VAQS) program is a two-year fellowship for physicians and pre/post-doctoral nurses.  This national program is designed as a ‘hub and spokes’ model with the Program Center (hub) at Dartmouth Medical School and spokes at eight VA sites across the country.  Each VA site is partnered with a school of medicine and school of nursing.   Senior Scholars are faculty who provide mentoring.   The aim of the program is to nurture fellows to develop a career in research in quality improvement and health services or in leadership in quality improvement practice.

Pre-doctoral nurses must be enrolled at VUSN as either a PhD or DNP student.  Post-
doctoral nurses are also designated as a VUSN fellow and able to access all Vanderbilt University learning and educational opportunities provided to post-doctoral fellows.

For further information on the VAQS Program, contact Lorraine Mion, PhD, RN, FAAN at