New Program Directors

Michelle Collins, PhD, CNM, has been named program director for the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Nurse-Midwifery program.  Collins is an associate professor of Nursing who has been teaching in the VUSN Nurse-Midwifery program for seven years.

Before joining Vanderbilt, she worked as a nurse, charge nurse and educator for 15 years in hospital and clinic Obstetrics.  After earning her Master of Science in Nursing from Marquette University in 2002, she worked for three years as a certified nurse-midwife at Heartland Women’s Healthcare in Marion, Ill.

Since joining Vanderbilt, Collins has taught nine different courses in the school’s Nurse-Midwifery program and is an active member of the Vanderbilt Nurse-Midwives faculty practice.  She led the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nitrous Working Group that resulted in VUMC adding nitrous oxide to its pain management options for women during delivery starting in 2011. She earned her PhD in Nursing from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

Terri Donaldson, DNP, MSN, has been named director of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Program.  This past year, she served as co-director with Donna McArthur, PhD, MSN.  McArthur will continue as faculty in the DNP program that she helped develop.

VUSN’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program has grown from 32 students in its inaugural class of 2008 to incoming classes of 70 or more students.

Donaldson has nearly 30 years of experience in the nursing and nursing education arenas.  She is an associate professor of Nursing, who started with VUSN as adjunct faculty in 1994.

She has also served in various clinical roles, including as an acute care nurse practitioner.

Donaldson’s scholarly work includes numerous articles and presentations.  She earned her Master of Nursing from Emory University in Georgia and her Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis.

Anne Moore, DNP, APRN, has been named program director of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Women’s Health specialty.  Moore, professor of Nursing, is a certified nurse practitioner in both Women’s and Adult Health and is Professor of Nursing at the school.

Moore has taught in various capacities at VUSN for more than 20 years while maintaining an active practice in Nashville.  She collaborated with VUSN’s Janie Daddario to develop the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program at Vanderbilt in 1992, which has graduated more than 400 practitioners to provide care to women of all ages.

She lectures nationally, is the author of numerous articles and has contributed to several books and manuals about competencies and guidelines for women’s health practice.  She earned both her bachelor’s and Master of Science degrees from Vanderbilt, and her Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of Missouri at Kansas City.