Prospective Students

Non-degree Students

Section Contents

Non-degree students are those enrolled in one or more non-clinical courses who have not been admitted as a degree- or certificate-seeking student. Non-degree students have a lifetime limit of 7 credit hours. For non-degree status, an applicant must submit a completed application form with transcripts and the non-refundable application fee at least two weeks before the beginning of classes.

Admissions Information for Non-degree Applicants

  • Have the Registrar send your official electronic transcripts from all colleges/universities that you have attended to Vanderbilt’s Center for Data Management at Please do not have the Registrar send paper transcripts.
  • Request the course(s) you wish to take in the application.
  • The Registrar’s office will place you in your course(s) and send you a confirmation by email. You may contact the Registrar’s office at if you have any questions regarding registration.
  • If you have questions regarding the application, contact the Admissions Office at

Tuition and Fees

Tuition is $1,939 per credit hour.

Non-degree students will be charged student service fees of $305.00 for the fall and spring semesters and $104 for the summer semester. Student service fees cannot be waived. 

All non-degree students must pay a one-time university transcript fee of $100, which covers transcript charges for a lifetime.

In addition, all students must pay a $3,735/year health insurance fee if unable to present evidence of personal insurance to the Office of Student Accounts. If students have their own health insurance, they can complete an online petition to waive insurance.

Students taking 4 or more hours will be charged automatically for health insurance for the entire year unless they have completed this waiver and provide verification of other health insurance coverage. Please make sure you receive a confirmation of the waiver.

Application Checklist

  • Start Your Application
    • Application fee is $50
    • Submit a completed application and transcripts a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the class start.

    Application Components 

    • Standardized test scores are not required.
    • Transcripts:
      • Request official electronic transcripts from all colleges and universities attended be sent to