VUSN Technology Overview & Requirements

Managing information is a central role for nursing at all levels. The science of finding, organizing, sharing, and adding to information – especially with the assistance of technology – is essential. Consequently, expectations at Vanderbilt regarding student computer skills are increasing. You need the computer skills to negotiate the Internet; download, move and copy files; and utilize word-processing and spreadsheet software. It is important for you to be able to perform these skills before you begin classes.

We at the Frist Nursing Informatics Center (FNIC) would like to help better prepare you for your experience at Vanderbilt by sharing an overview of our computing environment. Also read the technology letter; it will introduce you to School of Nursing support for the technology requirements and expectations that are listed on this page. While Vanderbilt School of Nursing provides computing resources it is essential to your success that you have your own computer and software.

School of Nursing Computing Environment

Vanderbilt School of Nursing has wireless networking capabilities throughout the school. The school's computing environment is Microsoft Windows based. Please note: Windows 10S is not supported.

The standard FNIC lab computer is a Dell computer and has an Intel i7-7700 3.6GHz processor, 8 GB RAM, a 1TB hard drive, a 24” ViewSonic flat panel monitor, a 16X DVD-RW Drive, USB access for a personal thumb drive, and Windows 10 Enterprise. The FNIC will support student use of a wide array of software for your educational needs. Microsoft Office 365, along with the following web browsers Chrome and Firefox, are installed on all lab computers.

Each print is six (6) cents a copy for black and white or twenty-five (25) cents per page for color and is purchased on a Commodore card. Visit the VUPrint page for more information about the pay-for-print service on the Vanderbilt campus.  

  • Computer Requirements and Recommendations

    Vanderbilt School of Nursing requires each student have a computer that meets our requirements as well as an internet connection that will handle video conferencing (especially in the specialty years). Vanderbilt School of Nursing recommends that you do not change your computer to a new platform, meaning, if you are a Windows user continue to be a Windows user. The same for MAC users. Now is NOT the time to change to a different computer platform that you are not comfortable with. Over the years we have had many students regret the jump to a platform and are typically the ones with the most technology problems. You, the student, need to worry about your studies, not about trying to learn a different computer platform.

    With that being said, there could be software used within your courses that requires a Windows computer. This is rare but does happen. You will be given plenty of notice should this be a requirement. MAC users can have bootcamp installed by the FNIC for free. 

    Windows 10 or MAC OS 10.14 or better is required, anything less is not supported. Remote Proctor, our test taking software requires these versions of operating systems. If your computer does not meet that specification you will not be able to use that computer for exams.

    For a complete set of requirements, please refer to the information at the bottom of this page.

    An Android tablet, iPad, or Chromebook as your primary computer is not supported. Your program and testing software will require a laptop. 

    A high speed internet connection is required. Examples of such companies are cable companies (Comcast, Charter, Time-Warner, etc), DSL service provided by your phone company, or the uVerse service offered by AT&T. Satellite (HughesNet) or cellular networks with 3G, 4G, or 5G  (VerizonWireless, Sprint/Nextel, ATT, Cricket etc.) connectivity is not supported.  

    We also require a webcam (either built-in on a laptop or a USB webcam) and headphones with microphone. USB webcams such as those by Logitech are preferred. 

    You will need at a minimum the following software:

    • Browsers: Chrome and Firefox.
    • Office 365. DO NOTpurchase Microsoft Office or Microsoft Windows from anywhere besides the Vanderbilt Software store, as you receive it for FREE as a student! 
  • Minimum Technical Skills
    • Using the learning management system
    • Using email with attachments
    • Creating and submitting files in commonly used word processing program formats
    • Copying and pasting
    • Downloading and installing software
    • Using presentation and graphics programs

Technology Requirements by Program & Specialty

Below are the technology requirements for VUSN Program and Specialties. All products are subject to change. Please consult with your advisor if you have any questions.

VUnetID, VUMC VUnetID, and Vmail Accounts

Your Vanderbilt User Account (your VUnetID) will be used to access student services, including class registration, access to academic information, and Vanderbilt email. You need to complete the Vanderbilt User Account (VUnetID) registration process to obtain your email address, unless you are a Vanderbilt employee. The University Registrar will begin the process by sending a message to your personal email account about ten days following payment of your matriculation fee.

If you do not receive a message from the University Registrar about the VUnetID process and you are not currently a student or an employee of Vanderbilt, please contact Tim Groves ( ) if it has been at least 10 days. 

If you are a current Vanderbilt student or employee, your current VUNet ID and password will remain the same and you do not need to take any action.

Vanderbilt University has separated from Vanderbilt University Medical Center. You may or may not have a clinical rotation in the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. If you do, you will be assigned a second VUnetId. We refer it to as your VUMC VUnetId.

The Tech Knowledge Base Web page has more information and updates about email account management.