Valere Potter Distinguished Dean’s Faculty Fellows

  • Text that reads OUT The National Cancer Survey. The O in out is filled with rainbow colors.

    Vanderbilt cancer researcher pairs with LGBTQI+ expert on OUT: The National Cancer Survey

    Despite research that shows LGBTQI+ people are at increased risk for cancer, resources tailored to this population are few and little is known about their specific health care experiences and needs. Vanderbilt School of Nursing cancer researcher Bethany Rhoten, PhD’13, MSN’09, is co-primary investigator for… Read More

    Oct. 26, 2020

  • Valere Potter Fellows Cathy Maxwell, Shelagh Mulvaney, Bethany Rhoten

    Three School of Nursing faculty named first Valere Potter Distinguished Dean's Faculty Fellows

    Assistant Professor Cathy Maxwell, PhD, FAAN, Associate Professor Shelagh Mulvaney, PhD, and Assistant Professor Bethany Rhoten, PhD, have been named the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s first Valere Potter Distinguished Dean's Faculty Fellows. The new program supports tenure-track faculty in their research and scholarship. The designation includes funding for two fiscal years and is part of an overall Vanderbilt University initiative to expand support for faculty throughout their careers. Read More

    May. 29, 2019