Ruth Kleinpell
Kleinpell receives AACN Pioneering Spirit award
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreMay. 2, 2024
VUSN faculty honored with advocacy award, fellowships
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreApr. 26, 2024
Research studies focus on nurse staffing, discharge transitions and social drivers of health for patients.
Three targeted research projects aimed at improving hospital models of care delivery are coming together at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing Education Ruth Kleinpell PhD, ACNP-BC, FAAN, FAANP, FNAP, MCCM, and colleagued talked to "DIscoveries in Medicine" about their work on social determinants of health and how a new State of Tennessee grant is helping them evaluate how to fit routine SDOH screening into care. Read MoreDec. 15, 2023
School of Nursing participates in new VUMC initiative funded by Tennessee Dept. of Health
Members of the School of Nursing are participating in a new Vanderbilt University Medical Center initiative funded with a $3.9 million grant to VUMC from the Tennessee Department of Health. The grant program will evaluate innovative models of nursing care that include screening and responding to social drivers of health. It will also investigate how to mitigate nursing staffing shortages while ensuring optimal patient care. Read MoreAug. 16, 2023
Vanderbilt School of Nursing Approved for a $250,000 Engagement Award for Project on Overcoming Barriers to Patient- and Family-Centered Comparative Effectiveness Research
A team at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing has been approved for a $250,000 funding award through the Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Awards program, an initiative of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The funds will support identifying and disseminating strategies for overcoming barriers to patient- and family-centered comparative effectiveness research with patients who are critically ill and hospitalized in an intensive care unit setting. Read MoreJan. 30, 2023
Nursing faculty honored as fellows
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreAug. 8, 2022
Kleinpell receives AANP Legacy and Culpepper awards
Vanderbilt Independence Foundation Professor of Education and Associate Dean for Clinical Scholarship Ruth Kleinpell, PhD, FAAN, FAANP, MCCM, received a 2022 Fellow of American Association of Nurse Practitioners’ Legacy Award at the 2022 American Association of Nurse Practitioner annual conference in June and the 2022 Rebecca Clark Culpepper Education and Mentorship Award, given jointly by Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in May. Read MoreJul. 19, 2022
National Study: Pandemic, Oversight Waivers Impact Advanced Practice Nurses
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreNov. 11, 2020
Recent promotions for VUSN faculty
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreSep. 23, 2020
Nurse researchers study expanded autonomy for advanced practice nurses during pandemic
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreJul. 2, 2020
VUSN professor elected to leadership in three organizations
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreNov. 18, 2019
Ruth Kleinpell announced as keynote speaker at the University of Rochester Doctor of Nursing Practice Summit
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreSep. 30, 2019
Currently Funded Grants and Contracts
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreOct. 9, 2018
It’s family time in the ICU
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreMar. 7, 2018
Vanderbilt awards endowed chairs to two School of Nursing professors
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreFeb. 9, 2018
Kleinpell named VUSN Assistant Dean for Clinical Scholarship
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreSep. 19, 2017
VUSN and VUMC researchers receive FAANP funding for Choosing Wisely collaborative study
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreAug. 10, 2017
Meeting highlights Advanced Practice Nursing
Ruth Kleinpell Independence Foundation Professor Ruth Kleinpell has been awarded the Pioneering Spirit Award by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The award recognizes significant contributions that influence progressive and critical nursing and relate to the association’s mission, vision and values. She will be presented with the award during… Read MoreOct. 20, 2016