Mary Ann Jessee receives top writing award from Journal of Nursing Education

Mary Ann JesseeAn article written by Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Assistant Professor and PreSpecialty Level Academic Director Mary Ann Jessee, PhD, RN, has won the Christine A. Tanner Scholarly Teaching Award given by the Journal of Nursing Education.

Jessee’s article, “Pursuing Improvement in Clinical Reasoning: The Integrated Clinical Education Theory,” was selected from all the major articles published in the journal between June 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018.

The award recognizes excellence in writing and the impact of outstanding research or scholarly works on advancing knowledge in nursing education. It is named in honor of Christine Tanner, PhD, FAAN, the long-time editor of the journal who now serves as its editor emeritus.

Jessee received the award at the journal’s editorial board meeting during the National League for Nursing’s 2018 Education Summit in Chicago earlier this month.

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