Research Project Information for Participants

At the Center for Research Development and Scholarship, our faculty members are dedicated researchers at the forefront of their fields. This page includes descriptions and contact information for potential participants to reach out to our faculty members regarding their studies.

  • Acute & Chronic Illness

    Turning the Tide on Early Childhood Obesity: Maternal Ideal Cardiovascular Health and Under-Five Childhood Obesity

    PI: James Muchira, Mariann Piano

    Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the mother’s ideal cardiovascular health (measured by 7 lifestyle behaviors/factors: diet, smoking, physical activity, body mass index, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose) and their child’s risk for obesity.

    Procedures: Mothers will be asked questions on their history of smoking, dietary intake and physical activity. Measurements for body mass index, blood cholesterol, blood pressure (measured over 24-hours via ambulatory blood pressure), and fasting blood glucose will be taken. For children, only body weight, height, and blood pressure will be taken. Children will have 3-4 blood pressure readings taken over a 1-hour period. The study is designed to take approximately 1 hour (not including the blood pressure measurements).

    Eligibility: Mothers with child(ren) aged 1-5 years, living in the greater Nashville area who do not have Polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease/syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, heart murmur/rhythm or vascular disease problems, and are not pregnant. Child(ren) must not have congenital heart disease, developmental disabilities, history of liver disease, Type 1 diabetes, or any other chronic medical condition.

    Contact Information:

    James Muchira
    Phone: 615-343-9878

  • Data Science and Health Technologies

    Coming soon

  • Palliative Care Science

    Coming soon

  • Pregnancy Outcomes, Mother & Infant Health, Family Health

    Turning the Tide on Early Childhood Obesity: Maternal Ideal Cardiovascular Health and Under-Five Childhood Obesity

    PI: James Muchira, Mariann Piano

    Description: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the mother’s ideal cardiovascular health (measured by 7 lifestyle behaviors/factors: diet, smoking, physical activity, body mass index, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose) and their child’s risk for obesity.

    Procedures: Mothers will be asked questions on their history of smoking, dietary intake and physical activity. Measurements for body mass index, blood cholesterol, blood pressure (measured over 24-hours via ambulatory blood pressure), and fasting blood glucose will be taken. For children, only body weight, height, and blood pressure will be taken. Children will have 3-4 blood pressure readings taken over a 1-hour period. The study is designed to take approximately 1 hour (not including the blood pressure measurements).

    Eligibility: Mothers with child(ren) aged 1-5 years, living in the greater Nashville area who do not have Polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease/syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, heart murmur/rhythm or vascular disease problems, and are not pregnant. Child(ren) must not have congenital heart disease, developmental disabilities, history of liver disease, Type 1 diabetes, or any other chronic medical condition.

    Contact Information: Email James Muchira at

    24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Parameters during Pregnancy: A Pilot Study

    PI: Mulubrhan Mogos, Mariann R. Piano, James Muchira, Chorong Park, Sarah Osmundson

    Description: This study will recruit eligible pregnant women within their first three months of pregnancy to determine the feasibility and acceptability of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement among pregnant women with or without previous history of pregnancy complications.

    Procedures: Participants will wear one small device on their wrist and a second device on their waist for 24 hours; complete surveys about their background, physical activity, sleep, medical history, and other factors related to their health; have their blood pressure, height, weight, and mid-upper arm circumference measured; give consent for the study team to retrieve their pregnancy outcome data from their electronic medical record.

    Eligibility: Women aged 18+ who are at/near 12 weeks of pregnancy and have a history of at least one previous pregnancy (regardless of outcome).

    Contact Information:

    Mulubrhan Mogos
    Phone: 615 343 0243

If you are a CRDS faculty member with a current or upcoming study you would like to include on this page, please complete this intake form and submit to Daien Sanchez.