Middle Tennessee Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)

The Middle Tennessee Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (Middle TN GWEP) addresses Tennessee’s poor health rankings, dementia care needs, and health profession shortfall by integrating geriatrics into primary care delivery systems while increasing the pool of quality geriatric providers.

The program will enhance training for a multidisciplinary group of providers, healthcare professionals, students, trainees, patients, caregivers, and policy makers via collaborations with 14 community partners to deliver age-friendly and dementia-friendly care prioritizing TTOUR primary care sites/delivery systems. The Middle TN GWEP has received funding to expand the progress of prior funding and continue to provide high value geriatrics education to more healthcare professionals and enhance geriatric care in our region.

Goals & Objectives

To educate and train the primary care and geriatrics workforces and other appropriate specialties to provide age-friendly and dementia-friendly care for older adults.  

Develop reciprocal partnerships between academia, primary care sites/delivery systems (including nursing homes), and community organizations, to transform clinical training environments into integrated geriatrics and primary care sites/delivery systems that are age-friendly and dementia-friendly.  

  1. Age-friendly Care 
    • Meharry 
    • TVHS and VA Region 
    • VUMC 
    • Cherokee Health System 
  2. Dementia-friendly Care 
    • Cherokee Health System 


  • Jennifer Kim

    Jennifer Kim

    PI, VUSN

  • Jade Vergara

    Jade Vergara

    Geriatric Nursing Expert, VUSN

  • Jim Powers

    Jim Powers

    Community Partner, AARP of Tennessee and Tennessee Collation for Better Aging Site Director, VUMC & TVHS

  • Grace Smith

    Grace Smith

    Community Partern, AARP of Tennessee and Tennessee Collation for Better Aging
    Site Director, AgeWell Middle TN

  • Cheryl Blanchford

    Cheryl Blanchford

    Site Director, Alzheimer’s Tennessee

  • Laura Porter, PhD

    Site Director, Cherokee Health

  • Deborah Lee

    Site Director, Middle Tennessee State University

  • Kay Murphree

    Kay Murphree

    Educational Partner, Middle Tennessee State University

  • Brooke Vanderpool

    Site Contact, National Healthcare Corporation

  • Stella Lartey

    Stella Lartey

    Academic Partner, Clemson University

  • Rochelle Roberts

    Rochelle Roberts

    Government Partner, TN Department of Health

  • Sean Huang

    Sean Huang

    Epic Physician Builder, VUMC

  • Sandra Simmons

    Sandra Simmons

    Lead Program Evaluator, VUMC

  • Rohini Chakravathy

    Rohini Chakravathy

    Community Medicine Educator, VUMC

  • Parul Goya

    Parul Goya

    Geriatric Medicine Expert, VUMC

  • Maria Duggan

    Geriatric Medicine Expert, VUMC

  • Emily Hollingsworth

    Assistant Program Evaluator, VUMC

  • Abbie Burka

    Abbie Burka

    Site Director, Lipscomb School of Pharmacy

  • Sarah Christmann

    Sarah Christmann

    Program Manager, VUSN


Academic Partners

Community Partners

Government Partners

Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC

AgeWell Middle TN AgeWell

Tennessee Valley Healthcare System TVHS

Meharry Medical College MMC

Alzheimer's Tennessee

The Tennessee Department of Health

Middle Tennessee State University School of Nursing MTSU

Cherokee Health Systems

Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy

National Healthcare Corporation NHC

University of Memphis School of Public Health

Advocacy Partners AARP of TN and Tennessee Collation for Better Aging

GWEP is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $5,000,000 with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.