Community Health Worker Training Program of Tennessee


The CHWTPT is currently accepting applications. Eligible applicants will receive an email once the program is enrolling new applicants. Applicants are generally contacted around 6 weeks after they apply for the program. 

To apply for the Community Health Worker Training Program of Tennessee (CHWTPT), please complete the following steps in order:

  1. Watch the program orientation video to learn more about the details of the program.
  2. Submit the application
  3. Wait for program staff to register you in the online learning platform (usually within 1-2 months of your application). (If you do not hear something within 8 weeks, contact us at
  4. After registration, activate your account using these instructions.
  5. Log into the online learning platform and begin the course.


The orientation video contains details about how the stipends work. In brief, trainees would receive $7,500 in stipends over the course of the program as they achieve the milestones.

Please note that because of restrictions with our funding, trainees must be either U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents in order to receive stipends while in the program. However, there are no citizenship or immigration status related requirements for participating in the program. Anyone who does not meet the criteria for the stipend can still complete the certification program; they simply would not be able to receive any stipends while doing so.


There are many CHWs in Tennessee who have significant training and experience and would like to receive certification.

  1. Certification - Current CHWs can submit a training portfolio and application to receive CHW certification. If CHWs need additional training to complete certification requirements, it will be provided at no cost. Apply for CHW certification.
  2. Upskilling - Advanced curriculum modules are being developed for CHWs who have reached proficiency in competencies required for certification.  To apply for upskilling, CHWs must first complete the application for certification. Training will be provided at no cost. Upskilling will consist of completion of 42 hours of training related to leadership and advocacy, including online learning and group projects. Applications are being accepted on an ongoing basis. When we have enough qualified candidates (12-20 for a cohort), we will notify qualified candidates regarding upcoming dates for training.