Community Health Worker Training Program of Tennessee


What are the enrollment dates?

  • Enrollment for 2024 is currently open.  The first 50 eligible applicants will be invited to start the program in January 2024. After the January cohort is full, applications will be considered for the next cohort, happening in April 2024.

How long will it take to process my application?

  • You should receive an automatic email after application submission to the email you provided confirming that your application was received by our office. Applications will be processed in January 2024.

How long will it take to complete the program?

Trainees can complete the program at their own pace.

  • Curriculum (Online training): Curriculum is 144 hours of training and is completed in two phases (each 72 hours). Phase 1 will take at least 6 weeks to complete, but trainees can choose to take a more leisurely pace that suits their schedule. Phase 2 can also be completed in about 6 weeks if trainees complete about 12 hours/week, but many trainees do not have that much time to devote to the program, so it may take longer. Overall, it will take about 3-6 months to complete the online training.
  • On the job learning: On the job learning allows the trainee to practice the skills. Trainees can complete Phase 2 concurrently with the on the job learning but have to count the hours separately. There are two ways to complete the on the job learning. If trainees complete the field placement, it will take approximately 6-12 weeks. Trainees who choose apprenticeship will complete the program in 1-2 years (2000 hours).