CAP Program FAQ

Preceptor Topics

  • How do preceptor responsibilities differ for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN) students participating in the CAP program compared to other students?

    Preceptor responsibilities are primarily the same for both groups of students. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, clinical site orientation; direct supervision of patient encounters; evaluation of student clinical performance, and communications related to student progress in the clinical environment. Preceptors will be asked to complete two surveys to assist in data collection for federal reporting.

  • Are preceptors financially compensated for hosting a CAP student?

    Yes. Funds for hosting a CAP student will be disbursed directly to the clinical site. It is the clinical site’s discretion how the money is used.

  • What are the benefits of becoming a preceptor for a CAP student?

    Preceptors of CAP program students are eligible to apply for adjunct faculty status. Preceptors also gain access to a password protected Preceptor Portal that contains useful resources on how to serve as a preceptor, as well as continuing education unit (CEU) opportunities.

  • What is the process of becoming an adjunct faculty member at VUSN?

    Adjunct faculty status is a benefit provided to clinical preceptors as a form of gratitude for preceptor’s willingness to serve the nursing profession and their contribution to the clinical education of VUSN students. Preceptors must have completed at least one academic semester of service. Appointment to adjunct faculty status grants preceptors access to Vanderbilt’s campus and electronic libraries, faculty discount programs, and some VUSN courses. The process for requesting adjunct faculty status includes submission of a current Curriculum Vitae (CV), letter of interest, and two professional letters of reference. To begin the application process, please contact Allison Smith at Additional questions about adjunct faculty applications can be directed to the CAP program coordinator, Dr. Cole at

  • What is the commitment of the clinical partner sites and preceptors participating in the CAP program?

    Clinical partner sites are asked to commit to a minimum of 420 hours (roughly 4 months) as students are required to complete a longitudinal clinical immersion. It is preferred that students are assigned to one preceptor for the entirety of the experience. However, it is understandable if the student must be shared between two preceptors or spend time with another preceptor at the clinical site to gain experience in a particular area (e.g. women’s health, pediatrics, etc.). The goal of the CAP program is to build lasting partnerships that will extend through the remainder of the CAP program and beyond.

Student/Applicant Topics

  • The program promotes payment of up to $22,250 during the academic year. How and when are monies disbursed?

    The monetary incentive for participating in the CAP program occurs through stipends and tuition reimbursement. Each student will receive up to $10,000 of tuition reimbursement during the academic year. The tuition funds are applied directly to the students’ accounts on the first day of the semester. The remaining amount is supplied to students in the form of a stipend. Stipends are disbursed on the last business day of the second month of the semester.

  • What are the additional responsibilities of a CAP Program student?

    CAP students have the same requirements as non-CAP specialty students. However, CAP students are also required to complete an additional behavioral health for primary care course for a total of 3 additional credit hours added into their plan of study. The behavioral health course is offered during the spring semester. CAP students are also required to complete a minimum of 420 hours at a site that focuses on rural or underserved populations. All students will have access to additional content on social determinants of health content that has been integrated into the curriculum. CAP students are required to complete an initial demographic survey and a program satisfaction survey during the program.

  • Are there any post-graduation requirements for students?

    One of the goals of the CAP program is to train future APRNs to be prepared to work with rural and underserved populations upon graduation. CAP alumni will be required to complete a one-year post-graduation survey. While there are no post-graduation requirements, our hope is that CAP participants’ passion for care of the underserved continues and they find employment working with these populations.

  • I am a HRSA/Nurse Corps recipient, may I still apply?

    Yes. HRSA/Nurse Corps recipients are eligible to apply for the CAP program. The tuition and stipend benefits are adjusted based on the student’s current financial package.

  • How many students are accepted?

    The CAP program accepts a minimum of 20 students each year. The size of the cohort is contingent upon funding.

  • I am an OMTA student, can I apply?

    Yes. There are a limited number of CAP spots available to OMTA applicants. OMTA students are required to locate their own clinical placement site and submit it to the CAP program coordinator, Dr. Cole, before applying to the program.

  • When should I apply to the CAP program?

    All students should apply during the year in which they will be enrolled in clinical practicum courses (N6555, N6565, and N6585 for FNP and NM/FNP and 6215 and 6295 for AGPCNP). Post-master’s certificate students are ineligible. If you are a prespecialty student and have questions about the CAP program, please direct them to Dr. Cole at

  • Who should apply to the CAP program?

    Any FNP, NM/FNP, or AGPCNP student who is passionate about or interested in the care of persons who reside in rural or medically underserved communities should apply.

  • Is the additional courses an additional burden?

    There is one additional behavioral health in primary care course that is required for the program. It is a 3-credit hour course that is offered in the Spring semester. While the content presented is quite robust, the time commitment is not extensive. Feedback from the previous cohort(s) suggest that the information presented is rich, timely, and immediately applicable but is not very time intensive.

  • How far should I expect to travel to my clinical site?

    Travel to clinical sites for the CAP program is the same as the guidelines outlined in the student handbook for all students. MTA CAP students will be placed in urban or rural underserved partner clinical setting within a 150-mile radius of VUSN similar to their non-CAP counterparts. OMTA applicants also complete their clinical experience in rural or underserved clinical settings up to 150 miles from their residence.