Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

Post-Master’s Certificate Curriculum

This specialty can be completed as part of the Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Nursing Prespecialty, Post-Master’s Certificate and DNP programs; each of these programs have unique curriculum plan options.

Section Contents

PMC Curriculum Overview

Students continuing from Vanderbilt’s MN Prespecialty program do not need to have the gap analysis. See curriculums below by starting semester.

All other admitted post-master’s students will have an individualized curriculum plan based on a gap analysis completed by the program’s academic director.

A sample PMC curriculum will be available shortly.

Spring Start for MN Prespecialty

This plan is for MN Prespecialty students who begin MN classes in the fall.

Fall Start for MN Prespecialty

This plan is for MN Prespecialty students who begin MN classes in the spring.


This plan is for MN Prespecialty students on the MN to DNP plus PMC track. Note: Fall MN start; Summer DNP + PMC start

Attention Students: Looking for clinical hours, lab hours, and more? They can be found in the curriculum plans section of the Student Handbook.

VUSN reserves the right to revise and update the curriculum plans.