Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions

Section Contents
  • What Is the Cost of the Program?


  • Is Financial Support Available?

    Yes. Information on fellowships will soon be available.

  • What Are the Selection Criteria for the Program?
    • A Master of Science in Nursing degree in nursing preferred
    • Serving in a leadership role less than 5 years
    • Are committed to expanding and supporting diversity in nursing leadership
    • Leadership support from your dean, chief nursing officer or direct supervisor
    • Have identified a mentor at your institution or organization
  • Other Than Attending the Academy Sessions, What Is the Ongoing Time Commitment for Each Fellow?

    You will need to design and implement a leadership project; the time commitment for it will vary. You will have post-academy monthly meetings with your academy mentor for six months.

  • What Is the Deadline to Apply?

    The deadline will be announced, but you can apply anytime for the academy.

  • When Will Fellows Be Notified of Acceptance?

    We will begin notifying individuals in mid to late September, or sooner.

  • How Do I Apply?
  • Will CEUs Be Offered for the Academy?

    Yes. Information on CEUs will be forthcoming.

  • Why Do I Need to Have a Mentor in My Own Organization?

    Mentors will facilitate implementation of your leadership project. They will assist in removing any barriers related to implementation and will serve as a resource/support person for you. As leaders themselves, they will be able to provide recommendations as you develop your project to completion.

  • How Do I Select a Mentor at My Organization?

    We recommend you follow these steps when making your selection:

    1. Establish specific goals. Think about what you want to achieve during the program and beyond and how a mentor can help you reach these goals.
    2. Identify successful professionals in your organization. Try to find someone that has achieved what you hope you might achieve and who meets our mentor and eligibility requirements below.
    3. Approach your proposed mentor. Inform them of the program requirements and the expectations for mentors, and ask if they are able to commit to mentoring you through this cohort year.
  • What are the Expectations for Mentors?* (Home Institution)

    Mentors will:

    • Guide their mentee through the yearlong program
    • Facilitate their mentee’s project completion and learning
    • Commit time to mentoring, making it a priority
    • Build a relationship with their mentee
    • Establish regular meetings with their mentee, e.g., twice a month, for at least 45 minutes
    • Actively listen and give feedback without judgment
    • Work through issues that arise throughout the year as well as in the mentor/mentee relationship
    • Evaluate the process

    * Adapted from University of Maryland Mentor Leadership Institute

  • If I Receive a Fellowship, Is There Criteria for How It Can Be Used?

    Yes. The recommended and expected uses of the Nursing Leadership Academy fellowship funds are:

    1. Travel to the Academy for Diverse Emerging Nursing Leaders
    2. Accommodations/lodging and meals at the Academy for Diverse Emerging Nursing Leaders
    3. Project development
    4. Mentor outreach - travel
  • What if I Am Unable to Attend After Being Accepted and Submitting My Payment?

    If you are accepted for the academy but are unable to attend, you may defer your acceptance for that session and instead attend the next Emerging Academy. Your payment will transfer over to that session.

  • When Is Payment Due?

    Full payment must be submitted no later than two weeks from the start of the academy.

  • Am I Eligible for Tuition Discounts Through My Nursing Organization?

    The Academies for Diverse Aspiring and Emerging Nurse Leaders are endorsed by several nursing organizations including: The National Association of Hispanic Nurses and The American Association of Men in Nursing. Active members benefit from a 10% tuition discount* upon validation of membership. A discount code will be provided upon acceptance and prior to payment. Please contact your organization or Beth Sims for more details.

  • Who Do I Contact for More Information?

    Co-Directors Mamie Williams, or Rolanda Johnson,