Academy for Diverse Aspiring Nurse Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions

Section Contents
  • What Is the Cost of the Program?

    Tuition is $1,500. Apply by May 15, 2024 to receive a 25% discount ($375 value).

  • What Are the Selection Criteria for the Program?
    • A minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is preferred.
    • Service as an officer or chair of a committee at your organization is preferred.
    • Are committed to expanding and supporting diversity in nursing leadership
    • A minimum of 3 years or more of nursing experience.
    • Leadership support from your dean, chief nursing officer or direct supervisor.
    • Have identified a mentor at your institution or organization.
  • Other Than Attending the Academy Sessions in July, What Is the Ongoing Time Commitment for Each Fellow?

    You will need to design and implement a career mapping plan; the time commitment for it will vary. You will have post-academy monthly meetings with your academy mentors at the six-month and one-year time frames.

  • What Is the Deadline to Apply?

    June 3, 2024

  • When Will Fellows Be Notified of Acceptance?

    June 17, 2024

  • How Do I Apply?
  • Am I Eligible for Tuition Discounts Through My Nursing Organization?

    The Academies for Diverse Aspiring and Emerging Nurse Leaders are endorsed by several nursing organizations including: The National Association of Hispanic Nurses and The American Association of Men in Nursing. Active members benefit from a 10% tuition discount* upon validation of membership. A discount code will be provided upon acceptance and prior to payment. Please contact your organization or Beth Sims for more details.

  • Who Do I Contact for More Information?

    Co-Directors Mamie Williams, or Rolanda Johnson,