The DNP Project Matching Initiative matches DNP students with stakeholders. The initiative provides the opportunity for new, expanded, or extended practice improvement projects. Students benefit from collaborative opportunities with stakeholders and interprofessional teams.
Project Matching Process
- Collaborate with stakeholders
- Generate project ideas
- Match students
- Establish project purpose
- Advice and track projects
Please contact the DNP Program Office for more information.
Matched Projects Faculty
Ty Williams, Karen Hande, Ruth Kleinpell, Linking Process Improvement with DNP Projects: Strategies to Advance Clinical Leadership Initiatives, Nurse Leader, Volume 20, Issue 5, 2022, 444-450, ISSN 1541-4612, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2022.04.010.
Student Benefits
- Seasoned project stakeholder experience
- Networking opportunities for professional development
- Exposure to different practice, leadership, and organizational settings
- Possibility for publication collaboration
Community Partner Benefits
- Alignment with a world class/top-tier nursing school
- Structured project timeline to meet expectations and deliverables
- Projects are designed to align with organizational needs
- Expert resources available to analyze data and make work products aesthetically pleasing