
  • Three male nurses and one female nurse from diverse backgrounds listening in a classroom

    Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders adds new March 2024 session

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Dec. 14, 2023

  • How to Edit a Syllabus Template

    How to Edit a Syllabus Template

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Dec. 12, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    School of Nursing recognizes alumni and friends for health care and education excellence

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Dec. 4, 2023

  • Group of 13 women stand in front of a modern looking staircase

    HRSA awards $4 million to VUSN to address need for nurse-midwives and access to care

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Nov. 30, 2023

  • One man and two women seated, listening to a woman standing and gesturing

    School of Nursing secures Moore Foundation grant for leadership academy

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Nov. 29, 2023

  • Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier in a suit with alumna Erin Miller holding a framed award

    School of Nursing alum Erin Miller receives VU early career achievement award

    Erin Miller, MSN’19, was honored with Vanderbilt's 2023 Early Career Professional Achievement Award during Reunion and Homecoming weekend Nov. 2-5. The award is given by the Vanderbilt University Alumni Association and recognizes alumni age 40 and under for their significant record of career achievement and promise for professional success. Both a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and a pediatric sexual assault nurse examiner, Miller was one of the first graduates from VUSN’s pilot VEP-SANE program. Today, her expertise as a pediatric SANE, child advocate and health care leader is recognized in more than 1,000 completed sexual assault exams and court testimony in more than 100 cases. Read More

    Nov. 8, 2023

  • person laying in hospital bed, hand only showing, with IV

    Anxiety Sensitivity: ‘What If’ Fears Impact Care for ICU Patients, During and After Hospitalization

    Clinicians need to have a better understanding of the potential impact of patients’ anxiety sensitivity, or “fear of fear,” according to an article published in American Journal of Critical Care. When a patient has anxiety sensitivity, they misinterpret nonthreatening symptoms as threatening, assessing the potential meaning across physical, social or cognitive domains. These “what if” thoughts may trigger a spiral effect, stimulating the nervous system and resulting in stronger sensations and further catastrophic misinterpretations. Read More

    Nov. 7, 2023

  • Colleen Conway-Welch in apricot colored suit stands on stone steps

    Conway-Welch Family Foundation gift to honor longtime dean, support Master of Nursing students

    The number of dedicated nurses entering the profession will increase, thanks to a $1.25 million pledge from the Conway-Welch Family Foundation to establish the Conway-Welch Second Degree in Nursing Scholarship at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. This milestone gift, which will be awarded to a student enrolling in Vanderbilt’s new Master of Nursing program, was made in honor of Colleen Conway-Welch, the former dean of the school who died five years ago from pancreatic cancer. Read More

    Oct. 26, 2023

  • photo of stairway and entrance of VUSN

    VUSN receives $1.52 million NFLP grant to educate future faculty

    Vanderbilt has added a second session of its Academy for Diverse Emerging Nurse Leaders to take place March 18-22, 2024. Applications for the week-long academy are now open through February 26. The unique leadership development program is led by experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds who are committed to… Read More

    Oct. 23, 2023

  • Hands above a black and white piano keyboard

    Vanderbilt partners with AANP and National Museum of African-American Music on therapeutic music program

    A new partnership with AARP Tennessee and the National Museum of African-American Music is allowing the Theraputic Music in the ICU program led by Vanderbilt School of Nursing Professor Ruth Kleinpell, PhD, FAAN, MCCM, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center Professor Joseph Schlesinger, MD, FCCM, to expand with outreach to veterans and older adults at long-term care facilities in Middle Tennessee. Read More

    Oct. 18, 2023