Selected works and accomplishments, 2020


Vanderbilt University School of Nursing faculty are recognized for discovery, scholarship and leadership in the nursing profession and higher education. Here is an abridged list of their work, followed by a sampling of student accomplishments.
(This information is reported by most recent full calendar year.)


Brown MJ, Adams SM, Vanderhoef D, Schipani R, Taylor A. Improving PHQ9 Utilization Rates in a Primary Care-Mental Health Integration Setting. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Mar 2020;2(26):206-211.

Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Friedman DL, Gerhardt CA, Given B, Hendricks-Ferguson V, Hinds P, Ridner SH, Beckmann N, Gilmer MJ, Improved Parent-child Communication Following a RCT Evaluating a Legacy Intervention for Children with Advanced Cancer. Progress in Palliative Care. Oct 2020. Epub ahead of print.

Akard TF, Dietrich MS, Friedman DL, Wray S, Gerhardt CA, Hendricks-Ferguson V, Hinds PS, Rhoten B, Gilmer MJ. Randomized Clinical Trial of a Legacy Intervention for Quality of Life in Children with Advanced Cancer [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 30]. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2020;10.1089/jpm.2020.0139.

Akard TF, Gilmer MJ, Research Cooperative Groups in Pediatric Palliative Care Research. Palliative Medicine Reports. Dec 2020. 321-325.

Akard TF, Wray S, Friedman DL, Dietrich MS, Hendricks-Ferguson V, Given B, Gerhardt CA, Hinds PS, Gilmer MJ. Transforming a Face-to-Face Legacy Intervention to a Web-based Legacy Intervention for Children with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Hospice Palliative Nursing. Feb 2020;815(1):49-60.

Andrews SP. Identification of Current Best Practices for Short Term Medical Mission Trips and Adherence to Current Common Principles and Guidelines. Christian Journal of Global Health. June 2020;7(2):67-82.

Anthamatten A, Dellise N. The Use of Technology in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sept 2020; 55(3):379-391.

Anthamatten A, Pfieffer ML, Richmond A, Glassford M. Exploring the Utility of Entrustable Professional Activities as a Framework to Enhance Nurse Practitioner Education. Nurse Educator. Mar 2020;45(2):83-87. 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000697

Caruso AM, Ardisson KM, Ravishankar R, Malkowicz SB. A Shared Decision-making Model for Management of Small Renal Masses: Optimizing the Patient Experience. Kidney Cancer. Dec 2020;169-176.

Boehm LM, Lauderdale JL, Garrett AN. Piras SE. A Multisite Study of Multidisciplinary ICU Team Member Beliefs Toward Early Mobility. Heart & Lung. Epub Oct 2020. doi:  10.1016/j.hrtlng.2020.09.021

Boehm LM, Pun BT, Stollings JL, Girard TD, Rock P, Hough CL, et. al. A Multisite Study of Nurse-Reported Perceptions and Practice of ABCDEF Bundle Components. Intensive Critical Care Nursing. May 2020.

Boehm LM, Stolldorf DP, Jeffery AD. Implementation Science Training and Resources for Nurses and Nurse Scientists. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Jan 2020;52(1):47-54.

McPeake JM, Boehm LM, Hibbert E, Bakhru RN, Bastin AJ, Butcher BW, …Haines KJ, Sevin CM. Key components of ICU Recovery Programmes: What Did Patients Report Provided Benefit? Critical Care Explorations. Apr 2020;2(4).

Drumright K, Gervasio R, Hill C, Reed N, Boehm LM. Implementation of a Patient and Family-Centered ICU Peer Support Program at a Veterans Affairs Hospital. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2020;32(2):203-210.

Spiegelberg J, Song H, Pun BT, Webb P, Boehm LM. Early Identification of Delirium in ICU Patients: Improving the Quality of Care. Critical Care Nurse Journal. Apr 2020;40(2):33-43.

Mickelson RS, Piras SE, Brown L, Carlile C, Drumright KS, Boehm L. The Use and Usefulness of ICU Diaries to Support Family Members of Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Critical Care. 2020 Oct 22;61:168-76.

Jones AC, Hilton R, Ely B, Gororo L, Danesh V, Sevin CM, Jackson JC, Boehm LM. Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth After Critical Illness. American Journal of Critical Care. 2020 Nov 1;29(6):3108-e115. PMCID: PMC7646602

Romano AM, Buxton M. A Multimethod Improvement Project to Strengthen Intermittent Auscultation Practice Among Nurse‐Midwives and Nurses. Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health. May 2020;65(3):362-369.

Chandrasekhar (Raman) R, Brennan J, Ndi D, Sloan C, Markus TM, Schaffner W, Talbot HK. Marked Reduction of Socioeconomic and Racial Disparities in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Associated with Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccines. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. Aug 2020.

Chandrasekhar R, Hughes CG, Pun BT, Orun OM, Ely EW, Pandharipande PP. Statistical analysis plan for the Maximizing the Efficacy of Sedation and Reducing Neurological Dysfunction and Mortality in Septic Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure trial. Critical Care and Resuscitation. Mar 2020;22(1):63-71.

Sloan C, Chandrasekhar R, Mitchel E, Ndi D, Miller L, Thomas A, Bennett NM, Chai S, Spence M, Eckel S, Spina N, Monroe M, Anderson EJ, Lynfield R, Yousey-Hindes K, Bargsten M, Zansky S, Lung K, Schroeder M, Cummings CN, Garg S, Schaffner W, Lindegren ML. Spatial and temporal clustering of patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed influenza in the United States. Epidemics. Feb 2020;3:100387.

Duggan M, Morrell M, Chandrasekhar R, Marra A, Frimpong K, Nair DR, Girard TD, Pandharipande PP, Ely EW, Jackson JC. A brief informant screening instrument for dementia in the ICU: The diagnostic accuracy of the AD8 in critically ill adults suspected of having pre-existing dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. May 2020;48:241-249.

Brummel NE, Girard TD, Pandharipande PP, Thompson JL, Jarrett RT, Chandrasekhar (Raman) R, Hughes CG, Patel MB, Morandi A, Gill TM, Ely EW. Prevalence and Course of Frailty in Survivors of Critical Illness. Critical Care Medicine. June 2020.

Hayhurst CJ, Patel MB, McNeil JB, Girard TD, Brummel NE, Thompson JL, Chandrasekhar R, Ware LB, Pandharipande PP, Ely EW, Hughes CG. Association of neuronal repair biomarkers with delirium among survivors of critical illness. Journal of Critical Care. Apr 2020;56:94-99. doi:  10.1016/j.jcrc.2019.12.010

Hayhurst CJ, Marra A, Han JH, Patel MB, Brummel NE, Thompson JL, Jackson JC, Chandrasekhar R, Ely EW, Pandharipande PP, Hughes CG. Association of Hypoactive and Hyperactive Delirium with Cognitive Function After Critical Illness. Critical Care Medicine. June 2020;48(6):e480-e488.

Clouse K, Malope-Kgokong B, Bor J, Nattey C, Mudau M, Maskew M. The South African National HIV Pregnancy Cohort: Evaluating Continuity of Care Among Women Living With HIV. BMC Public Health, 2020 Nov; 20(1662).

Clouse K, Phillips TK, Camlin C, Noholoza S, Mogoba P, Naidoo J, Langford R, Weiss M, Seebregts CJ, Myer L. CareConekta: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Engagement in Postpartum HIV Care in South Africa. Trials. Mar 2020;21(1):258.

Cragun D, Weidner A, Tezak A, Clouse K, Pal T. Cancer Risk Management Among Female BRCA1/2, PALB2, CHEK2, and ATM carriers. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. May 2020.

Cole S. Herpes Simplex Virus: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Nursing Clinics of North America. July 2020.

Davidson HA, Hilmes MA, Cole S, Waynick-Rogers P, Provine A, Rosenstiel D, Norman L, Miller B. The Vanderbilt Program in Interprofessional Learning: Sustaining a Longitudinal, Clinical Experience that Aligns Practice with Education. Academic Medicine. Apr 2020;95(4):553-558.

Smith MC, Evans PT. Prendergast KM, Schneeberger SJ, Henson CP, McGrane S, Kopp EB, Collins NE, Guillamondegui OD, Dennis BM. Surgical Outcomes and Complications of Bedside Tracheostomy in the ICU for Patients on ECMO. Perfusion. Dec 2020.

Connors LM. Genomics to personalize care of prostate cancer. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2020;32(2):106-108.

Halverson CME, Connors LM, Wessinger BC, Clayton EW, Wiesner GL. Patient Perspectives on Variant Reclassification After Cancer Susceptibility Testing. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine. Apr 2020.

White L, Devane-Johnson S. Increasing Black Breastfeeding by Increasing Black Health Professionals. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Jan 2020;16(1):89.

Mefferd AS, Dietrich MS. Tongue- and Jaw-Specific Articulatory Changes and Their Acoustic Consequences In Talkers With Dysarthria Due to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Effects of Loud, Clear, and Slow Speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Aug 2020;63(8):2625-2636.

Skeens MA, Dietrich MS, Ryan-Wenger N, Gilmer MJ, Mulvaney SA, Foster Akard T, Transplantation and Adherence: Evaluating Tacrolimus Usage in Pediatric Patients With Cancer. The Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2020;24(5):E57-E64.

Beach PA, Cowan R, Dietrich MS, Bruehl SP, Atalla SW, Monroe TB. Thermal Psychophysics and Associated Brain Activation Patterns Along a Continuum of Healthy Aging. Pain Medicine. 2020;21(9);1779-1792.

Natavio N, McQuillien E, Dietrich MS, Wells N, Vallerand A, Rhoten B, Monroe T. A Comparison of the Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate (PACSLAC) and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (PAINAD). Pain Management Nursing. May 2020.

Frechman E, Dietrich MS, Walden RL, Maxwell CA. Exploring the Uptake of Advance Care Planning in Older Adults: An Integrative Review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2020;60(6):1208-122.e59. doi:  10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.06.043

Helt J, Gilmer MJ, Connors L, Clinical Simulation Training in Nurses Caring for Pediatric Oncology Patients. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, Oct 2020. 47, 73-81.

Gooch MD. Preventing Cauliflower Ear. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. July 2020;42(3):204-209.

Hande K, Jessee MA, Christenbery T, Zsamboky M, Kennedy B. Optimizing the Student Learning Environment: A Framework to Select Faculty for Teaching Courses. Journal of Professional Nursing. Mar 2020.

Hande K, Williams T, McClure N. Supporting Student Success: A Meaningful and Efficient Teaching Strategy to Document DNP Practice Hours. Nurse Educator. July 2020.

Haskell B, Schroer M, Zsamboky M. Easing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 for Nurses. American Nurse. Apr 2020;15(4).

Haskell B, Thul S. Impact of a Standardized Patient Simulation on Behavioral Health Nurse Residents’ Confidence and Satisfaction in Learning. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. Mar 2020;36(4):221-226.

Holt JE. Managing Career Advancement Via Driver Diagrams. Nurse Educator. Feb 2020;45(4):E40.

Hopkins L, Dunlap T, Cline H. Pharmacology Update for the Treatment of Hepatitis C. 2020. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sep 2020;55(3):347-359. Epub 2020 Jul 16. PMID: 32762855.

Sutton DE, Fogel JR, Giard AS, Gulker LA, Ivory CH, Rosa AM. Defining an Essential Clinical Dataset for Admission Patient History to Reduce Nursing Documentation Burden. Applied Clinical Informatics. June 2020. 10.1055/s-0040-1713634

Jackson HJ, Walters J, Raman R. Auricular Acupuncture to Facilitate Outpatient Opioid Weaning: A Randomized Pilot Study. Medical Acupuncture. Epub Oct 2020.

Jeffery AD. ANI Emerging Leader Project: Resources For Learning Data Science. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. July 2020;38(7):329-330.

Beamer J, Kromer R, Jeffery AD. Imagining an orientation built on trust. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. Jan 2020;36(1):2-6.

Jessee MA, Kennedy BK, Dietrich MS, Schorn MN. Development and Pilot Testing of a Multidimensional Learning Environment Survey. Nurse Educator. June 2020;45(5):epub ahead of print.

Johnson MK. Impetigo. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. 2020;42(4):262-269.

Johnson R, Steed J, Parker S, Schorn M, The Summer Professional Immersion in Nursing Program: An Immersion Experience of Ethnic-Racial Students to Nursing. Journal of Nursing Education. Oct 2020;59(11), p. 631-636. 

Jones SC, Waynick-Rogers P. An Educational Tool for Promoting Transitional Health Care Planning by Nurses from the Hospital to the Community. Nursing Education Perspectives. May 2020;41(3):190-192. 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000463

Kapu A, et al, Development of an Advanced Practice Clinical Advancement Program within an Academic Medical Center, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, July 2020, Online.

Burrell E, Kapu A, Huggins E, Cole K, Fitzsimmons J. Collins N, Weavind L. Dedicated, Proactive, Nurse Practitioner Rapid Response Team Eliminating Barriers. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Jan 2020;16(1), e17-e20.

Kennedy B, Brame C, Parish A. Speak-up Culture in Academic Nursing: Empowering Junior Faculty. Journal of Nursing Education. May 2020;59(4):210-213.

Kleinpell R, Kapu A, Stempek S, Sicoutris C, Broyhill B. Developing and Expanding Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Physician Assistant Teams: Strategies and Lessons Learned from Five Institutions. American Nurse, Dec 2020.

Kleinpell R, Kapu A, et al. The Use of National Collaborative to Promote Advanced Practice Registered Nurse-led High-value Care Initiatives. Nursing Outlook. Sept/Oct 2020. 68(5):626-636

Kleinpell R, Ferraro DM, Maves RC, Gill SLK, Branson R, Greenberg S, Doersam JK, Raman R, Kaplan LJ. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Measures: Reports From a National Survey of 9,120 ICU Clinicians. Critical Care Medicine. July 2020.

Kleinpell R, Westhoff L, Ochoa LM, Maguigan K, Larson A. Promoting patient and family engagement by implementing therapeutic music during hospitalization. Music and Medicine. Jan 2020;12(1):55-59.

Kaplan LJ, Kleinpell R, Maves RC, et al. Critical care clinician reports on coronavirus disease 2019: Results from a national survey of 4,875 ICU providers. Critical Care Explorations May 2020;2(5):e0125.

Lauderdale J, Fogel S, Schorn MN, Dietrich MS. Perceptions of Sexual and Gender Minority Content in Graduate Nursing Curricula. Nursing Education Perspectives. May 2020.

Bushaw A, Lutenbacher M, Karp S, Dietrich MS, Graf M. Infant Feeding Beliefs and Practices: Effects of Maternal Personal Characteristics. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. May 2020.

Maxwell C, Mixon AM, Conner E, Phillippi J. Receptivity of Hospitalized Older Adults and Family Caregivers to Prognostic Information about Aging, Injury, and Frailty: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Sept 2020.

Maxwell CA, Rothman R, Wolever R, Simmons S, Dietrich MS, Miller R, Patel M, Karlekar MB, Ridner S. Development and Testing of a frailty-focused communication (FCOM) aid for Older Adults. Geriatric Nursing. 2020;41(6):936-941.

McCall WT, Caring for Patients From a School Shooting: A Qualitative Case Series in Emergency Nursing. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2020;46(5):712-721.e1.

McClure N, Bruff D. Students as Producers: Strategies and Activities to Promote Inclusive Patient Interactions. Nurse Educator. 2020; 45(4), E43-E44.

McClure N, Catrambone C, Carlson E, Phillippi J. Maximizing the Role of the Nurse: Strategies to Address Gaps in Asthma Care in Schools. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Jul-Aug 2020;53:52-56.

McClure N, Lutenbacher M, Smith Hayes KM, Evaluation of Two Academic Practice Partnerships for Chronic Disease Management in Nursing Education. Public Health Nursing. Nov 2020; 00: 1-7.

McClure N, Nelson B, Anderson M, Donnell C and Knox D. Child Abuse Response Simulation for Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Students. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 2020;34(4), 157-161.

McClure N, O’Kelley E, Lutenbacher M. Using academic community partnerships to improve asthma care in elementary schools with limited school nurse services. Journal of School Nursing. Feb 2020;90(2):158-161.

Miller SM, Hui-Lio C, Taylor-Piliae RE. Health Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise: A Guide for Nurses. Nursing Clinics of North America. Dec 2020;55(4):581-600.

Mogos MF, Liese KL, Thornton PD, Manuck TA, OʼBrien WD Jr, McFarlin BL. Inpatient Maternal Mortality in the United States, 2002-2014. Nursing Research. Jan 2020;69(1):42-50.

Moore G, Parker S, Rivas S, Yudasz S. Sexual violence screening for women across the lifespan. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. Jan 2020;2: 77-85.

Choi E, Moore G. A Case for Cultural Awareness. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2020;16(2):163-164.

Faught B, Moore G, Hande K, Walker-Hirsch L. Social boundaries in Young-adult Females with Down Syndrome as a Foundation for Sexuality Education. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 2020.

Vaillancourt S, Moore G, Crucial Conversations to Decrease Fat Stigma in Women’s Health. Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs. Oct 2020;8(5):6-12.

Moss C. Neonatal Hypocalcemia in the Infant of a Diabetic Mother. Neonatal Network. Sept 2020; 39(04).

Morris MH. Write it out! CPR for the Soul. Nursing Clinics of North America. Dec 2020;55(4):475-488.

Muchira JM, Gona PN, Mogos MF, Stuart-Shor E, Leveille SG, Piano MR, Hayman LL. Temporal Trends and Familial Clustering of Ideal Cardiovascular Health in Parents and Offspring Over the Life Course: An Investigation Using The Framingham Heart Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. June 2020.

Muchira JM, Gona PN, Mogos MF, Piano M et al. Parental Cardiovascular Health Predicts Time to Onset of Cardiovascular Disease in Offspring European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Epub ahead of print. Nov 2020.

Stone JY, Mulvaney SA, Mara CA, Kichler, JC, Majidi S, Driscoll KA, Westen SC, Rawlinson A, Jacobsen LM, Hood KK, Monaghan M, Adams RN. Screening for Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Type 2 Diabetes Point to a Need for Improvement in Clinical Processes and Resources. Diabetes Care. June 2020;69(2):N/A.

Carlson NS, Breman RB, Neal JL, Phillippi JC. Preventing Cesarean Birth in Women with Obesity: Influence of Midwifery Presence on Use of Cesarean among Women in the Consortium on Safe Labor Dataset. Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health. Aug 2019.

Parish A, Kim J. The role of the primary care nurse practitioner in work-up and management of Parkinson’s Disease. Advances in Family Practice. May 2020;2:37-47.

Parish A. GAPNA 2019 conference and foundation awards. Geriatric Nursing. June 2020;41(3):339-342.

Park C, Spruill TM, Butler MJ, Kwon S, Redeker N, Gharzeddine R, Whittemore R. Gender Differences in Acculturative Stress and Habitual Sleep Duration in Korean Immigrants. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Aug 2020;22(4):736-745.

Pfieffer ML. How to care for adults with low back pain in the primary care setting. Nursing. Feb 2020;50(2):48-55.

Pfieffer ML. Pediatric Fecal Incontinence Evaluation and Management in Primary Care. Advanced in Family Practice Nursing. May 2020;2:187-199.

Lotshaw R, Phillippi JC, Buxton M, McNeil-Simaan E, Newton JM. A Collaborative Model of a Community Birth Center and a Tertiary Medical Center. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mar 2020;135(3):696-702.

Schafer R, Phillippi JC. Group B Streptococcal (GBS) Bacteriuria in Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered Approach to Care. Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health. Feb 2020.

Smith DC, Phillippi JC, Lowe NK, Breman RB, Carlson NS, Neal JL, Tilden EL. Using The Robson Ten-Group Classification System to Compare Cesarean Birth Utilization between U.S. Centers with and without Midwives. Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health. Sept 2019.

Tilden EL, Phillippi JC, Carlson NS, Dissanayake M, Lee CS, Caughey AB, Snowden JM. The Association between Longer Durations of the Latent Phase of Labor and Subsequent Perinatal Processes and Outcomes. Birth. July 2020.

Hwang C-L, Piano MR, Thur LA, Peters TA, Da Silva LG, Phillips SA. The Effects of Repeated Binge Drinking on Arterial Stiffness and Urinary Norepinephrine Levels in Young Adults. Journal of Hypertension. Jan 2020;38(1):111-117.

Hwang C-L, Bian J-T, Thur LA, Peters TA, Piano MR, Phillips SA. Tetrahydrobiopterin restores microvascular dysfunction in young adult binge drinkers. Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research. Feb 2020;44(2):407-414.

Pitts, CJ, Special Issue: Sexually Transmitted Infections. Nursing Clinics of North America, Volume 55, Issue 3, PI, Sep 2020.

Pitts CJ. Update on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Nursing Clinics of North America. 2020;55(3), p417-p427.

Pitts C, Anthamatten A. Pharmacologic Management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Common Chronic Conditions. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Mar 2020;16(3):167-171.

Reeves GC, Holley SL, Keilman LJ, Reyes I. Nurse Practitioner Role Expansion. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. June 2020.

Smith J, Reeves G. Here’s When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Go to the Doctor for Coronavirus Symptoms. Prevention. Mar 2020.

Rhoten B, Davis A, Baraff B, Holler KH, Dietrich MS. Head and Neck Cancer Patient Priorities and Preferences for Discussing and Receiving Information about Sexuality and Perception of Self-Report Measures. Journal of Sexual Medicine. Aug 2020;17(8):1529-1537.

Rhoten B, Sellers JI, Baraff B, Holler KH, Ridner SH. Priorities and preferences of patients with recurrent head and neck cancer: anticipated benefits of treatment, treatment decision, and decision satisfaction. Supportive Care in Cancer. May 2020.

Rhoten BA, Sellers JI, Baraff B, Holler KH, Ridner SH. A Qualitative Examination of Patient Priorities and Preferences During Treatment Decision-Making for Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. May 2020.

Abanes J, Hiers C, Rhoten B, Dietrich MS, Ridner S. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Brief Acupuncture Intervention for Service Members with Perceived Stress. Military Medicine. Feb 2020;185(2):e17-e22. 

Bonomo P, et al., Rhoten BA, Assessing Preferences in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Phase I and II of Questionnaire Development. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(12):E3577. Published 2020 Nov 30.

Richmond A, Pfieffer ML, Henry-Okafor Q. Update on Guidelines for Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment and Management in the Adult and Adolescent Population. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sept 2020;55(3):307-323.

Kozlowski M, Richmond A, Glassford M. The Effects of Pictograph in Combination with an Adapted SKILLD Questionnaire among the Low Literacy Hispanic Population. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications Reviews of Research. Oct 2020;10(2). 2020.10.02.1007

Ridner SH, Deng J, Doersam J, Dietrich MS, Lymphedema Symptom Intensity and Distress Surveys – Truncal and Head and Neck, Version 2.0. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 2020 Nov. Online ahead of print. PMID:33181059

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Davis AJ, Sinclair V. A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Impact of a Web-Based Multimedia Intervention Versus an Educational Pamphlet on Patient Outcomes in Breast Cancer Survivors With Chronic Secondary Lymphedema. Journal of Women’s Health. May 2020;29(5):734-744.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Deng J, Ettema SL, Murphy B. Advanced Pneumatic Compression for Treatment of Lymphedema of the Head and Neck: A Randomized Wait-list Controlled Trial. Supportive Care in Cancer. June 2020.

Ridner SH, Shah C, Boyages J, Koelmeyer L, Ajkay N, DeSnyder Sm, McLaughlen SA, Dietrich MS. L-Dex, Arm Volume, and Symptom Trajectories 24 Months After Breast Cancer Surgery. Cancer Medicine. July 2020;9(14):5164-5173.

Gibson JS, Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Sohn MB, Rhoten BA, Claassen DO. Measuring Functional Status in Huntington’s Disease. Movement Disorders. Epub Oct 2020;10.1002/mds.28363.

Johnson LA, Schreier AM, Swanson MS, Ridner SH. An Exploration of Dimensions of Distress as Measured by the Distress Thermometer and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Lung Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. Nov 2020;47(6):732-738. PMID: 33063781

Shah C, Ridner SH. Bioimpedance Spectroscopy: The Breast Cancer Survivorship Vital Sign. The Breast Journal. Mar 2020;26(3):566-567.

Mohr NM, Wessman BT, Bassin B…Rudy S. Boarding of Critically Ill Patients in the Emergency Department. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. July 2020;1(4):423-431.

Schirle L, Dietrich MS. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Work Environment Perceptions in Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Nursing Management. Apr 2020;28(4):919-926.

Schirle L, Norful AA, Rudner N, Poghosyan L. Organizational Facilitators and Barriers to Optimal APRN Practice: An Integrative Review. Health Care Management Review. 2020;45(4):311-320.

Schirle L, Stone A L, Osmundson S S, Morris M, Walker P, Dietrich MS, Bruehl S. Leftover Opioids Following Adult Surgical Procedures: A Meta-analysis. BMC Systematic Reviews. June 2020;9(139):1-15.

Schorn MN. Management Terminology During the Third Stage of Labor. Journal of Midwifery Women’s Health. May 2020.

Guevel LH, Shifrin MM. Necrotizing Fasciitis in the Adult Patient: Implications for Nurse Practitioners. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. May 2020;16(5):335-337.

Schroer M, Haskell B, Vick R, Treating Child and Adolescent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Behavioral Disorders in Primary Care. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2020;17(1):70-75.

Sinclair VG, Adams SM, Dietrich MS. Associations between Changes in Resilient Coping and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research in Nursing Health. Mar 2020;43(3).

Starks J. Vaginal Irritation in Prepubertal Girls: Age-Specific Considerations in Primary Care. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2020;16(2):35-39.

Steed JM, Henry-Okafor Q, Pitts CJ. Proctitis in Men Who Have Sex with Men. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sept 2020;55(3):325-335.

Swietlik M, Sengstack P. An Evaluation of Nursing Admission Assessment Documentation to Identify Opportunities for Burden Reduction. Journal of Informatics Nursing. 2020. Vol. 5(3), 6-11.

Stolldorf DP, Mixon AS, Auerbach AD, Aylor AR, Shabbir H, Schnipper J, Kripalani S. Implementation and Sustainability of a Medication Reconciliation Toolkit: A Mixed Methods Evaluation. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. June 2020.

Tapp J, Hudson T, Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevalence in the United States and the Relationship to Social Determinants of Health. Nursing Clinics of North America. 2020; 55(3):283-293.

Compton ES, Smallheer BA, Thomason NR, Norris MS, Nordess MF, Smith MD, Patel MB. Minimal-risk traumatic Brain Injury Management Without Neurosurgical Consultation. Journal of Neurocritical Care. Dec 2020;13(2):80-85.

Vergara J, Parish A, Smallheer B. Telehealth: Opportunities in Geriatric Patient Care During COVID-19. Geriatric Nursing. 2020;41(5):657-658.

Wilbeck J, Evans D, Hummer K, and Staebler S. Supporting Program Rigor in Newly Developed Academic Programs. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2020, 32, 579-582.

Hoyt KS, Wilbeck J, Ramirez E. AAENP Celebrates 5 Years! Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. 2020;42(1):1-3.

Kordsmeier JA, Williams CT, Anthamatten A. Teamwork and Oral Health in Diabetes Care. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice. 2020;13(1):17-24.

Yudasz, SE. Assessment and Management of benign Breast Lesions: Role of the WHNP. Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs. Dec 2020;8(6):32-36.

Zsamboky M, Haskell B, Vick R, Schroer M. Treating Child and Adolescent Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2020;17(1):54-59.


Christenbery T. Fast Facts for Writing the DNP Project: Effective Structure, Content and Presentation. New York, NY: Springer; 2020.

Reeves GC, Holley SL, Keilman LJ, Reyes I. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. 2 ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020.

Reeves G, Botsko J, Scales J, Cooper A, Heins A, Effler C, Baxter D, Adams J, Simmons J, Dybvig N, Banniza R. The Future of Cybersecurity in Healthcare. Nashville, TN: CyberMaxx; 2020.

David Klonoff, David Kerr, Shelagh Mulvaney. Diabetes Digital Health 1st Edition. 1 ed. New York, NY: Elsevier; 2020.

Book Chapters

Englebright J, Aldrich K. Innovative Technology, Standardization, and The Impact on High Reliability. In: Oster C & Braaten J, eds. Innovative Technology, Standardization, and The Impact on High Reliability. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2020:196-204.

Marra A, Boehm LM, Kotfis K, Pun BT. Monitoring for Delirium in Critically Ill Adults. In: Hughes C, Pandharipande P & Ely E, eds. Delirium: Acute Brain Dysfunction in the Critically Ill. New York, NY: Springer Nature; 2020:13-25.

D’Apolito K. Perinatal Substance Abuse. In: Verklan T, Walden M & Forest S, eds. Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020:38-50.

Dellise, N, Davidson, B. Therapeutic interventions for cardiogenic shock and end stage heart failure: mechanical circulatory support and heart transplantation. In: Perpetua, L & Keegan, P., ed. Cardiac Nursing. (7th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2020.

Diller C. 7-Year-Old with Migratory Joint Pain. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020.

Evans M. Child with Fever and Rash. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020.

Evans M. An 18-Year-Old with Upper Respiratory Symptoms, Headache and Fever. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020.

James M. Newborn with Hypothermia. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020.

Phillippi JC, Sanders B. Overview of Prenatal Care. In: Schuiling K & Likis F, eds. Women’s Gynecologic Health. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett; 2020.

Simmonds K, Likis FE, Phillippi JC. Pregnancy Diagnosis and Decision Making Support, and Resolution. In: Schuiling K, Likis F, eds. Women’s Gynecologic Health. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett; 2020.

Reeves GC. Pneumonia. In: Buttaro TM, Polgar-Bailey P, Sandberg-Cook J, Trybulski J, eds. Primary Care: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice 6th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020:505-511.

Reeves GC. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System. In: Huether SE, McCance KL &Brashers VL, eds. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System. 7 ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020.

Sengstack P. Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety. In: Saba V & McCormick K, eds. Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety. 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2020.

Steanson K. Child with Respiratory Failure and Transaminitis. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020:427-430.

Steanson K. Osteomyelitis Case Study. In: Kline-Tilford A & Haut C., eds. Cases in Pediatric Acute Care: Strengthening Clinical Decision Making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2020:89-91.

Other publications

Dellise, N, Recognizing Advanced Heart Failure and Referring For Advanced Therapies. The Connection (AAHFN). Fall 2020. p.8,

Evans M. Promoting APP Professionalism in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. HemOnc Today. Feb 2020.

Hande K, McDowell R, Butler T, Cones B, Jackson H, Oncology Nurse Practitioner Fellowship: A Model to Transition into Specialty Practice. Tennessee Nurse. Oct 2020:9.

Haskell B, Schroer M, Zsamboky M. Easing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 for Nurses. Nurseline. Apr 2020.

Haskell B, Schroer M, Zsamboky M. Easing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 for Nurses: An Update for Tennessee Nurses. Tennessee Nurse. June 2020;83(2).

Hicks J. Pregnancy & infant loss awareness. Tennessee Nurse. Sept 2020.83(3), 15.

Hudson T. Vulnerable Patient Populations: The Role of Nurse Resilience. National Black Nurses Association News. Mar 2020.

Greenberg SA, Dunn D, Baker NR, Kim J, Shaughnessy M, Mullaney S. Addressing Nursing Home Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses (GAPNA) Position Statement. Dec. 2020.

Sengstack P. Adrian B, Boyd D, Davis A, Hook M, Hulett S, Karp E, Kennedy R, Heermann L, Niblett T. The Six Domains of Burden: A Conceptual Framework to Address the Burden of Documentation in the Electronic Health Record. Position Paper of the American Nursing Informatics Association Board of Directors. June 2020.


Adams S, Hall of Fame, University of Kentucky College of Nursing.

Anthamatten A. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, FNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Baksh L. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Women’s Health NP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Boehm L. Fellow, American College of Critical-Care Medicine.

Clouse K. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Research Endeavors, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Clouse K. Valere Potter Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University.

Connors L, International Society of Nurses in Genetics’ Founders’ Award for Education, International Society of Nurses in Genetics.

Davis M. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Clinical Practice, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Gast S. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Gilmer MJ. Member, Sigma International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.

Hande K. NLN Foundation Education Scholarship Award, National League for Nursing Foundation.

Hande K. Oncology Nursing Foundation 2020 Academic Scholarship for Doctoral Studies, Oncology Nurses Association.

Hande K. Ingeborg Mauksch Award for Excellence in Mentoring, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Hopkins L. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Hudson T. VUSN Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Hunt J. VUSN Faculty Scholarship Program, Vanderbilt University.

Jones P. Woman to Watch, Nashville Medical News.

Kestner H. Iota Chapter Professional Development and Scholarly Activity Award, Sigma Theta Tau International.

Kleinpell R. Fellow, National Academies of Practice (NAP).

Leming-Lee T. Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the DNP Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Leonard C. Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the PreSpecialty Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Lewallen K. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievements in Informatics Endeavors, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Lord M. VUSN Faculty Scholarship Program, Vanderbilt University.

Mogos M. Valere Potter Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University

Moore-Davis T. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Nurse-Midwifery Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Moss C. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Neonatal NP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Muchira JM. Nursing Research Article of the Year Award, American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing.

Neal J. Dean Colleen Conway-Welch Award for Contributions to PhD Student Learning, Mentoring, Modeling of Professional Behaviors, and Encouragement of Scholarship, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Nelson B. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Pediatric NP—Primary Care Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Phillippi J. Mentee, Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health Editorial Mentorship Program.

Pitts C. Fellow, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Plummer C. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievements in Academics, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Rudy S. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, ENP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Rudy S, Gordon J. LearnX Live! Award: Platinum Status, Best Extended Reality Training Project: Best Hard Skills Training Project—Innovative Teaching. LearnX International Competition.

Schirle L. Nursing Outlook Excellence in Policy Award, Nursing Outlook.

Schroer M. Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the MSN Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Smith J. Dean’s Award for VUSN Tradition Meets Innovation Award for Faculty, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Steanson K. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Pediatric NP—Acute Care Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Stolldorf D. Valere Potter Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University.

Vanderhoef D. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Psychiatric-Mental Health NP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Wilbeck J. 2020 Certified Nurse Award for Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Appointments and Offices

Akard T. Co-chair, Planning Committee, Investigator Meeting, Palliative Care Research Cooperative.
Akard T. Member, Scientific Committee, Investigator Meeting, Palliative Care Research Cooperative.
Andrews S. Co-chair, Institute for Pediatric Nursing.
Arnow D. Board Member, Pediatric Nursing Certification Board.
Arnow D. Treasurer, Pediatric Nursing Certification Board.
Beaird S. Committee Member Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, Primary Care Mental Health Specialist Certification Exam.
Beaird S. Member at Large, Southern Headache Society.
Brown A, Chair, Advanced Practice Provider and Nursing Group, Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network.
Davis M. Co-chair, Advanced Practice Leadership Board.
Devane-Johnson S. Appointment, Health Disparities Case Review Task Force, State of Tennessee.
Evans M. Advanced Practice Provider Sig Co-Chair, American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy.
Evans M. Director at Large, Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses.
Gooch M. Southeastern Regional Director, American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners.
Gooch M, Member. Advanced Practice Advisory Council, Emergency Nurses Association.
Hande K. Appraiser, American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Hande K, Member, Clinical Practice Guidelines, National Community Oncology Disseminating Association and Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Oncology Partnership.
Hande K, Member, Board of Trust, Tennessee Nurses Foundation.
Hicks J. Member, Governance Committee, Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance.
Hopkins L. Chair, Program Director Special Interest Group, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty.
Holt J. Member, Glossary Committee, International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning.
James M. Nursing Curriculum Coordinator, Pediatric Onco-Critical Care Symposium 2020, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Jeffery AD. Director, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.
Jeffery AD. Member, Beacon Program Task Force, American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
Jeffery AD. Member, Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference.
Jeffery AD. Chair, Reference Committee, Tennessee Nurses Association.
Kapu A. President-elect, American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Karp S. Co-chair, Research Committee, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.
Kim J. Mentor, Leadership Institute, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing Association.
Kim J. Member, Review Panel, Journal of Gerontological Nursing.
Kulhanek B, President-elect, Association for Nursing Professional Development of Middle Tennessee.
Lewallen K. Treasurer, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association.
McClure N. President, TN Asthma Coalition.
Morris M. Secretary/Treasurer, Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.
Mulvaney S. Member, Chairman Society for Ambulatory Assessment.
Phillippi J. American College of Nurse-Midwives Liaison, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologist’s Committee on Obstetric Practice.
Piano M. Co-chair, Heart Failure Society of America.
Piano M. Co-chair, Trans-Institutional Program Review Committee.
Pitts C. Appointment, National League for Nursing Public Policy Committee.
Rhoten B. Appointment, TN State Board of Nursing Home Administrators.
Ridner SH. Chair, Graduate School Student Accommodation Review Committee.
Schirle L. Board Trustee, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation.
Schirle L. Member, COVID-19 Quantitative Research Task Force, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation.
Schorn M. Board of Commissioners, Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education.
Shifrin M. Member, Pre-ICU Critical Care Work Group, American Thoracic Society.
Steed J, Appointment, Health Board, Rutherford County, TN.
Steanson K. President-elect, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (Music City Chapter).
Stolldorf D. Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues.
Tucker L. Member, Financial Committee, American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners.
Vick R. Appointment, Committee Member, TN Department of Health: Primary Prevention Clinical Advisory Committee.
Walker J. Chair, Practice Council, American Psychiatric Nurses Association.
Widmar B. Board Member at Large, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties.
Wilbeck J. Member, Pre-ICU Critical Care Work Group, American Thoracic Society.
Zsamboky M. Member, Nominating Committee, American Psychiatric Nurses Association—TN State.
Zsamboky M. Member, Faculty and Preceptor Development Committee, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties.

Editorial Boards & Editorships

Adams S. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.
Adams S. Member, Editorial Board, Journal for Nurse Practitioners.
Boehm L. Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Critical Care.
Christenbery T. Member, Editorial Board, Nurse Educator.
Devane-Johnson S. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Human Lactation
Hopkins L. Member, Editorial Board, Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care.
Jeffery AD. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Medical Systems.
Kapu A. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Kennedy B. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing.
Maxwell C. Member, Editorial Board, BMC Geriatrics.
Miller S. Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of the International Society of Chinese Health Practices.
Phillippi J. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health.
Piano M. Member, Editorial Board, Cardiovascular Toxicology.
Piano M. Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
Pitts C. Editorial Board Member, Journal for Nurse Practitioners.
Pitts C. Guest Editor, Nursing Clinics of North America.
Smith LD. Reviewer, American Journal of Critical Care Junior Peer Reviewer program, American Journal of Critical Care.
Stone E. Guest Editor, Nursing Clinics of North America.
Van Meter J. Member, Editorial Board, The Nurse Practitioner.
Wilbeck J. Editor, Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal.




Benki C, Root M, Adams J. Advance care planning with a teenager: Empowering their voice and choice at end of life. Children’s Project on Palliative/Hospice Services E-Journal. Aug 2020.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Davis AJ, Sinclair V. A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Impact of a Web-Based Multimedia Intervention Versus an Educational Pamphlet on Patient Outcomes in Breast Cancer Survivors with Chronic Secondary Lymphedema. Journal of Women’s Health. May 2020;29(5):734-744.

Rhoten BA, Davis AJ, Baraff BN, Holler KH, Dietrich MS. Priorities and Preferences of Patients With Head and Neck Cancer for Discussing and Receiving Information About Sexuality and Perception of Self-Report Measures. Journal of Sexual Medicine. May 2020:1743-6095.

Schafer R, Phillippi JC. Group B Streptococcal Bacteriuria in Pregnancy: An Evidence‐Based, Patient‐Centered Approach to Care. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Feb 2020.

Stone JY, Bailey TS. Benefits and limitations of continuous glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetes. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Jan 2020;15(1):41-49.

George A, Dinu B, Estrada N, Minard CG, Hurwitz R, Mahoney DH, Yates AM, Vaughan M, Carmouche A, Airewele G, Kirk SE, Fasipe T, Uwaezuoke P, Ware RE. Novel dose escalation to predict treatment with hydroxyurea (NDEPTH): A randomized controlled trial of a dose prediction equation to determine maximum tolerated dose of hydroxyurea in pediatric sickle cell disease. American Journal of Hematology. 2020. Sep;95(9):E242-E244. Epub 2020 Jul 4. PMID: 32472611.

Awards and Grants

De Lisser R, National Award for Excellence in Education, American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

De Lisser R, AMERSA 2020 Conference Best Workshop Award, Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction.

Do E. Fellowship, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program.

Hartch C. University Graduate Fellowship Russell G. Hamilton Scholar, Vanderbilt University, 2020-2021.

Hartch C. Co-PI, VICTR Grant, Vanderbilt University.

Kucinski V. Margaret McClure Scholarship award, New York Organization of Nurse Executive and Leaders, 2020.

Lee A. Fellowship, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program.

Nolte H. PI, Women’s Experience of Body Awareness: Studio. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.

Nguyen C. Fellowship, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program.

Schafer R, Dianne S. Moore Midwifery Research Scholarship, A.C.N.M. Foundation.

Schafer R, Dr. Margaret C. Freda Graduate Nursing Scholarship Award, March of Dimes.

Schafer R, NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Scholarship, National League of Nursing.

Schafer R, Student Achievement Research Award (SARA), Vanderbilt University.


Hair H. Commissioner, American Nurses Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation for Practice Transition Programs.

Hartch CE. President, Yale University School of Nursing Alumni Board, Yale University School of Nursing.

Garrison H. Student Member, PhD Curriculum Sub-Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Root MC. Co-Chair, Pediatric Special Interest Group, Hospice and Palliative Nurses

Schafer R. Fellow, American College of Nurse Midwives.

Uwaezuoke, P, Editor, APHON Position Paper on the Transition of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease from Pediatric to Adult Health Care.



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