Selected Works and Accomplishments, 2019

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing faculty are recognized for discovery, scholarship and leadership in the nursing profession and higher education. Here is an abridged list of their work, followed by a sampling of student accomplishments.

(This information is reported by most recent full calendar year.)

Selected Works

Cockroft JD, Adams SM, Bonnet K, Matlock D, McMillan J, Schlundt D. A scarlet letter: Stigma and other factors affecting trust in the healthcare system for women seeking substance abuse treatment in a community setting. Substance Abuse. Feb 2019;40(2):170-177. doi: .1544184. Epub 2019 Feb 13. PMID: 30759047.

Cockroft JD, Adams SM, Matlock D, Dietrich MS. Reliability and construct validity of three psychometric trust scales for women seeking substance abuse treatment in a community setting. Substance Abuse. Aug 2019; Epub 2019 Aug 1. PMID: 31368857.

Brown MJ, Adams SM, Vanderhoef D, Schipani R, Taylor A. Improving PHQ9 utilization rates in a primary care-mental health integration setting. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. July 2019. Epub 2019 Jul 25 doi:

Akard TF, Skeens MA, Fortney CA, Dietrich MS, Gilmer MJ, Vannatta K, Barrera M, Davies B, Wray S, Gerhardt CA. Changes in siblings over time after the death of a brother or sister to cancer. Cancer Nursing. Jan 2019;42(1):E21-E27.

Smith L, Maybach A, Feldma A, Darling, A, Akard T, Gilmer MJ. Parent and child preferences and styles of communication about cancer diagnoses and treatment. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. Nov/Dec;36(6):390-401. doi: https://10.1177/1043454219859235

Andrews S. The Pediatric Toy Project: Teaching growth and development through play. Journal of Nursing Education. Aug 2019;58(8):493.

Anthamatten A, Parish A. Clinical update on osteoporosis. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2019;64(3):265-275.

Anthamatten A, Pfieffer ML, Richmond A, Glassford M. Exploring the utility of entrustable professional activities as a framework to enhance nurse practitioner education. Nurse Educator. May 2019. doi:

Boehm L, Stolldorf DP, Jeffery A. Implementation science training and resources for nurses and nurse scientists. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Sept 2019;52:47-54. doi:

Eaton TL, McPeake JM, Rogan J, Johnson A, Boehm LM. Caring for the critical illness survivor: Current practices and the role of the nurse in ICU aftercare. American Journal of Critical Care. Nov 2019;28(6):481-485. doi:

Haines KJ, McPeake JM, Hibbert E, Boehm LM, Aparanji K, Bakhru RN, … Sevin CM. Enablers and Barriers to Implementing ICU Follow-up Clinics and Peer Support Groups Following Critical Illness: The THRIVE Collaboratives. Critical Care Medicine. Sept 2019;47(9):1194-1200.

Haines KJ, Sevin CM, Hibbert E, Boehm LM, Aparanji K, Bakhru RN, … McPeake JM. Key mechanisms by which post-ICU activities can improve in-ICU care: Results of the International Thrive Collaboratives. Intensive Care Medicine. June 2019;45:939-947.

Wilson JE, Boehm LM, Samuels LR, Unger D, Leonard M, Roumie C, .. Han JH. Use of the brief confusion assessment method in a veteran palliative care population: A pilot validation study. Palliative and Supportive Care. Mar 2019:1-5.

Bryant SE, McNabb K. Postintensive care syndrome. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. Dec 2019;31(4):507-16. doi:

Evans CS, Self W, Ginde AA, Chandrasekhar R, Ely EW, Han JH. Vitamin D deficiency and long-term cognitive impairment among older adult emergency department patients. The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. Nov 2019;20(6):926-930. doi:

Han JH, Chen A, Vasilevskis EE, Schnelle JF, Ely EW, Chandrasekhar R, Morrison RD, Ryan TP, Daniels JS, Sutherland JJ, Simmons SF. Supratherapeutic psychotropic drug levels in the emergency department and their association with delirium duration: A preliminary study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Sept 2019;67(11):2387-2392. doi:

Hayat MJ, Staggs VS, Schwartz TA, Higgins M, Azuero A, Budhathoki C, Chandrasekhar R, Cook P, Cramer E, Dietrich MS, Garnier-Villarreal M, Hanlon A, He J, Hu J, Kim MJ, Mueller M, Nolan JR, Perkhounkova Y, Rother J, … Ye S. Moving nursing beyond p < .05 . International Journal of Nursing Studies. July 2019;95:A1-A2. doi:

McNeil JB, Hughes CG, Girard T, Ware LB, Ely EW, Chandrasekhar R, Han JH. Plasma biomarkers of inflammation, coagulation, and brain injury as predictors of delirium duration in older hospitalized patients. PLOS One. Dec 2019;14(12):e0226412. doi:

Samuels DC, T Hulgan, Fessel JP, Billings FT, Thompson JL, Chandrasekhar R, Girard TD. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and delirium during sepsis. Critical Care Medicine. Aug 2019;47(8):1065-1071. doi:

Shinall MC Jr, Hoskins A, Hawkins AT, Bailey C, Brown A, Agarwal R, Duggan MC, Beskow LM, Periyakoil VS, Penson DF, Jarrett RT, Chandrasekhar R, Ely EW. A randomized trial of a specialist palliative care intervention for patients undergoing surgery for cancer: rationale and design of the Surgery for Cancer with Option of Palliative Care Expert (SCOPE) trial. Trials. Dec 2019;20(1):713. doi:

Wilson JE, Duggan MC, Chandrasekhar R, Brummel NE, Dittus RS, Ely EW, Patel MB, Jackson JC. Deficits in self-reported initiation are associated with subsequent disability in ICU survivors. Psychosomatics. July 2019;60(4):376-384. doi:

Christenbery T. Appreciative advising pilot study: An innovative approach to advising doctor of nursing practice students. Nurse Educator. July 2019;44(4):187-191.

Clouse K, Shehabi A, Suleimat AM, Faouri S, Khuri-Bulos N, Al Jammal A, Chappell J, Fortner KB, Chamby AB, Randis TM, Ratner AJ, Aronoff DM, Halasa N. High prevalence of Group B Streptococcus colonization among pregnant women in Amman, Jordan. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. May 2019;19(1):177.

Ahonkhai A, Banigbe B, Audet CM, Okonkwo P, Arije O, Bassi E, Clouse K, Simmons M, Aliyu M, Freedberg M. Effect of PEPFAR funding policy change on HIV service delivery in a large HIV care and treatment network in Nigeria. PLoS One. Sept 2019;14(9):e0221809. doi:

Carlucci JG, Liu Y, Clouse K, Vermund SH. Attrition of HIV-positive children from HIV services in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysi. AIDS. Dec 2019;33(15):2375-2386. doi:

Oliver C, Rebeiro PF, Hopkins FJ, Byram B, Carpenter L, Clouse K, Castilho JL, Rogers W, Turner M, Bebawy SS, Pettit AC. Substance use, demographic, and socioeconomic factors are independently related to post-partum retention in care and viral suppression among women in HIV care in the south, 1999-2016. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. Jan 2019;19(6):2.

Phillips TK, Bonnet K, Myer L, Buthelezi S, Rini Z, Bassett J, Schlundt D, Clouse K. Acceptability of interventions to improve engagement in HIV care among pregnant and postpartum women in South Africa. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Sept 2019;23(9):1260-1270. doi:

Cole S, Hopkins L. The consequences of sugar consumption. Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care. Oct 2019;44(10):38-42.

Davidson H, Hilmes M, Cole S, Waynick-Rogers P, Provine A, Rosensteil D, Norman L, Miller B. Sustaining a longitudinal, clinical experience aligning practice with education. Academic Medicine. Dec 2019;95(4):553-558.

Connors L. Metastatic prostate cancer: Effects of genetic testing on care. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Feb 2019;23:32-35.

McReynolds KM, Connors LM. Genomics of prostate cancer: What nurses need to know. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. Feb 2019;35(1):79-92.

Higginbotham K, Crutcher T, Karp SM. Screening for social determinants of health at well-child appointments: A quality improvement project. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):141-148.

Phillip JR, Polomano C, Crutcher T, Leming-Lee T. Evaluation of telemetry utilization on medical surgical units. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):97-114.

Danhausen K, Reynolds T. Safe medications in primary care of the pregnant woman. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. M 2019;1(1):143-159.

Jessup MA, Oerther SE, Gance-Cleveland B, Cleveland LM, Czubaruk K, Byrne MW, D’Apolito KD, Adams SM, Braxter BJ, Martinez-Rogers N. Pregnant and parenting women with a substance use disorder: Actions and policy for enduring therapeutic practice. Nursing Outlook. Mar 2019;67(3):199-204.

Schafer R, Davis M, Phillippi JC. Herpes zoster in pregnancy. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Feb 2019;64(2):230-235.

Hein L, DeGregory C, Umari F. Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome: It’s not your normal hoofbeats. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Apr 2019;15(4):277-281.

Polyakova-Norwood V, Heiney S, DeGregory C. Using a multimedia case study to develop critical thinking and empathy. Journal of Nursing Education. Mar 2019;58(3):169-172.

Bryant A, Lyerly A, DeVane-Johnson S, Kistler C.E, Stuebe A. Breastfeeding, hormonal birth control, and bedside advocacy: the case for patient-center Care. Contraception. Feb 2019;99(2):73-76. doi:

Castellanos EH, Dietrich MS, Bond SM, Wells N, Schumacher K, Ganti AK, Murphy BA. Impact of patient symptoms and caregiving tasks on psychological distress in caregivers for head and neck cancer (HNC). Psycho-Oncology. Mar 2019;28(3):511-517. PMID: 30578599

Doersam JK, Dietrich MS, Adair MA, Rhoten B, Deng J, Ridner SH. A comparison of symptoms among patients with head and neck or truncal lymphedema and normal controls. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Dec 2019;17(6):661-670. doi:

Mefferd AS, Dietrich MS. Tongue- and jaw-specific articulatory underpinnings of reduced and enhanced acoustic vowed contrast in talkers with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. July 2019;62(7):2118-2132. PMID: 31306611

Sarli N, Del Giudice G, De S, Dietrich MS, Herrell SD, Simaan N. TURBot: A system for robot-assisted transurethral bladder tumor resection. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. Aug 2019;24(4):1452-1463. doi:

Skeens MA, Dietrich MS, Ryan-Wenger N, Gilmer MJ, Mulvaney SA, Akard TF. The Medication Level Variability Index (MLVI) as a potential predictive biomarker of graft-versus-host disease in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Pediatric Transplantation. Aug 2019;23(5):e13452. PMID: 31066981\\

Smallheer BA, Dietrich MS. Social support, self-efficacy, and helplessness following myocardial infarctions. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. July 2019;42(3):246-255. doi:

Williams MT, Zimmerman E, Barry M, Trantum L, Dietrich MS, Doersam JK, Karlekar M. A retrospective review of patients with acute stroke with and without palliative care consultations. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Jan 2019;36(1):60-64. PMID: 29991277

Wulff-Burchfield E, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH, Murphy B. Late systemic symptoms in head and neck cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer. Aug 2019;27(8):2893-2902. doi:

Clarkson G, Gilmer MJ, Moore E, Dietrich MS, McBride BA. Cross-sectional survey of factors associated with paternal involvement in the neonatal intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Nursing. June 2019;28(21):3977-3990. doi:

Hogan N, Schmidt L, Sharp K, Barrera M, Compas B, Davies B, Fairclough D, Gilmer MJ, Vannatta K, Gerhardt CA. Development and testing of the Hogan Inventory of Bereavement short form for children and adolescents. Death Studies. July 2019. doi:

Howard Sharp KM, Meadows E, Winning AM, Keim M, Barrera M, Gilmer MJ, Foster Akard T, Compas BE, Fairclough DL, Davies B, Hogan N, Vannatta K, Gerhardt CA. The impact of parent distress and parenting behaviors on adolescent bereaved siblings’ externalizing problems. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Dec 2019;29:1081-1093. doi:

Hande K. Cannabidiol: The need for more information about its potential benefits and side effects. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Apr 2019;23(2):131-134.

Hande K, Christenbery T, Phillippi J. Appreciative advising pilot study: An innovative approach to advising DNP students. Nurse Educator. July 2019;44(4):187-191.

Jessee M. Teaching prioritization: “Who, what & why?” Journal of Nursing Education. May 2019;58(5):302-305.

Johnson M. Nursemaid’s elbow reduction. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. Oct 2019;41(4):330-335. doi:

Johnson R, Cook T. Low-income residents’ perceptions of medication availability. Journal of Community Health Nursing. Feb 2019;36(2):78-85.

Kapu A, Card E, Kleinpell R, Jackson H, Kendal J, Krauser Lupear B, LeBar K, Dietrich MS, Araya W, Delle J, Payne K, Ford J, Dubree M. Assessing and addressing practitioner burnout: Results from an advanced practice registered nurse health and well-being study. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Nov 2019;31(10). doi:

LeCroy MN, Truesdale KP, Matheson DM, Karp SM, Moore SM, Robinson TN, Berge JM, Nicastro HL, Thomas AJ. Snacking characteristics and patterns and their associations with diet quality and BMI in the Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Research Consortium. Public Health Nutrition. Dec 2019;22(17):3189-3199. doi:

Yeager LJ, Karp SM, Leming-Lee T. Barriers to the implementation of pediatric overweight and obesity guidelines in a school-based health center. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):159-168.

Kennedy B, Russell R, Martinez W, Gigante I, Penrod C, Ehrenfeld J, Vinso K, Swan R, Brady DW, Schorn M, Miller B. Development of an inter-professional clinical learning environment report card. Journal of Professional Nursing. July 2019;35(4):314-319.

Baker N, Kim J. Recognizing and addressing elder abuse in the primary care setting. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. Feb 2019;1(1):99-115.

Kleinpell R, Blot S, Boulanger C, Fulbrook P, Blackwood B. International critical care nursing considerations and quality indicators for the 2017 surviving sepsis campaign guidelines. Intensive Care Medicine. Oct 2019;45(11):1663-1666.

Kleinpell R, Grabenkort WR, Kapu A, Constantine R, Sicoutris C. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants in acute and critical care: A concise review of the literature and data 2008-2018. Critical Care Medicine. Oct 2019;47(10):1442-1449.

 Kleinpell R, Sessler CN, Wiencek C, Moss M. Choosing Wisely in critical care: Results of a national survey from the critical care societies collaborative. Critical Care Medicine. Mar 2019;47:331-336.

Kleinpell R, Zimmerman J, Vermoch KL, Harmon LA, Vondracek H, Hamilton R, Hanson B, Hwang DY. Promoting family engagement in the ICU: Experience from a national collaborative of 63 ICUs. Critical Care Medicine. Dec 2019;47(12):1692-1698. doi:

Rincon TA, Bakshi V, Beninati W, Kleinpell R. Describing advanced practice provider roles within critical care teams with Tele-ICU: Exemplars from seven US health systems. Nursing Outlook. Aug 2019:1-9. doi:

Wiencek CA, Kleinpell R, Moss M, Sessler CN. Choosing Wisely in critical care: A national survey of critical care nurses. American Journal of Critical Care. Nov 2019;28(6):434-440. doi:

Leming-Lee T, Polancich S, Pilon B. The application of the Toyota Production System Lean 5S methodology in the operating room setting. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):53-79.

Leming-Lee T, Watters R. Quality improvement: Application of evidence-based practice. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):1-20.

Gillespie G, Leming-Lee T. Chart It to Stop It: Failure modes and effect analysis for the reporting of workplace aggression. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):21-32.

Gillis B, Holley S, Leming-Lee T, Parish A. Implementation of a perinatal depression care bundle at a midwifery practice: A quality improvement initiative. Nursing for Women’s Health. Aug 2019;23(4):288-298.

Russell JA, Leming-Lee T, Watters R. Implementation of a nurse-driven CAUTI prevention algorithm. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):81-96.

Lintner AC, Brennan P, Miles MVP, Leonard C, Alexander KM, Kahn SA. Oral administration of injectable ketamine during burn wound dressing changes. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Sept 2019. doi:

Jordan K, Mion L, Lutenbacher M, Dietrich M, Murry V. Innovative Work Behavior of Middle School Faculty and Staff Related to Student Mental Health. Journal of School Nursing. May 2019. doi:

Maxwell C. Change in vulnerability among older adults after hospital discharge: Does home health make a difference? BMJ Open. Jan 2019;9(1):e024766.

Maxwell C. Frailty and prognostication in geriatric surgery and trauma. Clinics of Geriatric Medicine. Feb 2019;35(1):13-26.

McClure N, Brame C. Applying asthma medication knowledge: A Think, Pair, Share Square activity for NP students. Nurse Educator. Sept 2019. doi:

McClure N, Ziegler C, Christenbery T. Enhancement of the community health nursing student experience: An interdisciplinary global health immersion project. Nurse Educator. July 2019. doi: PMID: 31033875

Venrick HW, McClure N, Hande K. Leveraging school nurse expertise to meet children’s health and nutrition needs in afterschool programs. NASN School Nurse. 2019. doi:

 Minnick AF, Kleinpell R, Allison TL. DNPs’ labor participation, activities, and reports of degree contributions. Nursing Outlook. Jan 2019;67(1):89-100. doi:

Minnick AF, Kleinpell R, Allison TL. Reports of three organizations’ members about DNP project experiences and outcomes. Nursing Outlook. Nov 2019;67(6):671-689. doi:

Minnick AF, Schorn MN, Dietrich MS, Donaghey B. Providers’ reports of environmental conditions and resources at births in the United States. Western Journal of Nursing Research. June 2019;41(6):854-871.

Mogos MF, Jones LM, Robinson NS, Whitehead AO, Piscotty R, Goba GK. Prevalence, correlates, and outcomes of co-occurring depression and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Journal of Women’s Health. Nov 2019;28(11):1460-1467. doi: Epub 2019 Aug 2

Mogos MF, Salemi JL, Phillips SA, Piano MR. Contemporary appraisal of sex differences in prevalence, correlates, and outcomes of alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Alcohol and Alcoholism. July 2019;1(54):386-395. doi:

Thornton PD, Campbell RT, Mogos MF, Klima CS, Parsson J, Strid M. Meconium aspiration syndrome: Incidence and outcomes using discharge data. Early Human Development. Sept 2019; 136, 21-26. doi: Epub 2019 Jul 8

Moore ER, Watters R, Leming-Lee T. Quality improvement. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):1-20.

Moore ER, Watters R, Wallston KA. Effect of evidence-based practice (EBP) courses on MSN and DNP students use of EBP. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Apr 2019;16(4):319-326. doi:

Vaillancourt S, Moore G. Fat stigma in women’s health. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2019;15(2):207-208.

Mulvaney SA, Mara CA, Kichler JC, Majidi S, Driscoll KA, Westen SC, Rawlinson A, Jacobsen LM, Adams RN, Hood KK, Monaghan M. A retrospective multisite examination of depression screening practices, scores, and correlates in pediatric diabetes care. Translational Behavioral Medicine. Nov 2019. doi:

Mulvaney SA, Vaala SE, Carroll RB, Williams LK, Lybarger CK, Schmidt DC, Dietrich MS, Laffel LM, Hood KK. A mobile app identifies momentary psychosocial and contextual factors related to mealtime self-management in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. Dec 2019;26(12):1627-1631. doi:

Carlson NS, Neal JL, Tilden EL, Smith DC, Breman RB, Lowe NK, Dietrich MS, Phillippi JC. Influence of midwifery presence in United States centers on labor care and outcomes of low-risk parous women: A Consortium on Safe Labor study. Birth. Sept 2019;46(3):487-499. doi:

Carlson NS, Breman R, Neal JL, Phillippi JC. Preventing cesarean birth in women with obesity: Influence of unit-level midwifery presence on use of cesarean among women in the Consortium on Safe Labor Data Set. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Aug 2019. doi:

Savarirayan R, Irving M, Bacino CA, Bostwick B, Charrow J, Cormier-Daire V, Le Quan Sang K-H, Dickson P, Harmatz P, Phillips J, Owen N, Cherukuri A, Jayaram K, Jeha G.S, Larimore K, Chan M-L, Labed, AH, Day J, Hoover-Fong J. C-type natruiretic peptide analogue therapy in children with achondroplasia. New England Journal of Medicine. July 2019;381(1):25-35.

Parish A, Kim J, Lewallen K, Miller S, Myers J, Panepinto R, Maxwell C. Knowledge and perceptions about aging and frailty: An integrative review. Geriatric Nursing. Jan 2019;40(1):13-24.

Gillis B, Parish A. Group-based interventions for postpartum depression: An integrative review and conceptual model. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. June 2019;33(3):290-298.

Park C, Nam S, Redeker N, Shebl F, Dixon J, Jung T, Whittemore R. The effects of acculturation and environment on lifestyle behaviors in Korean immigrants: the mediating role of acculturative stress and body image discrepancy. Ethnicity & Health. Sept 2019;1-17. doi:

Pfieffer ML. Evaluating and managing low back pain in primary care. The Nurse Practitioner. Aug 2019;44(8):40-47. doi:

Pfieffer ML. PCOS management: A multifaceted approach to care. Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care. July 2019;44(7):2.

Pfieffer ML. Polycystic ovary syndrome: An update. Nursing2020. Aug 2019;49(8):34-40. doi: https://10.1097/01.NURSE.0000569748.65796.d1

Pfieffer ML. Polycystic ovary syndrome: Diagnosis and management. Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care. Mar 2019;44(3):30-35.

Pfieffer ML, Anthamatten A, Glassford M. Assessment and treatment of dizziness and vertigo. The Nurse Practitioner. Oct 2019;44(10):29-36. doi: https://10.1097/01.NPR.0000579744.73514.4b

Phillippi JC, Holley SH, Thompson J, Virostko K, Bennett K. A planning checklist for interprofessional consultations for women in midwifery care. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2019;64(1):98-103.

Phillippi JC, Kennedy B. Who is missing or unheard? Seeking and ‘seeing’ the underserved in our communities. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. Apr/June 2019;33(2):97-98.

Phillippi JC, King T. Defining and Redefining Midwifery Practice. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2019;64(3):259-260.

Smith DC, Phillippi JC, Lowe NK, Breman RB, Carlson NS, Neal JL, Gutierrez E, Tilden EL. Using the Robson Ten-Group Classification System to compare cesarean birth utilization between U.S. Centers with and without midwives. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Sept 2019. doi:

Tilden E, Phillippi JC, Ahlberg M, King T, Dissanayake M, Lee C, Snowden J, Caughey A. Describing latent phase duration and associated characteristics among 1281 low-risk women in spontaneous labor. Birth. Dec 2019;46(4):592-601. doi:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 202: Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Jan 2019;133(1):e1-25.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 203: Chronic hypertension in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Jan 2019;133(1):e26-50.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 204: Fetal growth restriction. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Feb 2019;133(2):e97-109.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 205: Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Feb 2019;133(2):e110-127.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 207: Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mar 2019;133(3):e208-225.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 209: Obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mar 2019;133(3):e208-225.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics. (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 211: Critical care in pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology. May 2019;133(5):e303-319.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics. (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 212: Pregnancy and heart disease. Obstetrics and Gynecology. May 2019;133(5):e320-356.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics. (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 216: Macrosomia. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Jan 2019;135(1):246-248.

Dickens C, Dickenson VV, Piano MR. Impact of stress and sociodemographic factors on self-care in low socioeconomic status patients who experience frequent hospital admissions. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. May 2019;34(3):E1-E8.

Levine GN, O’Gara PT, Beckman JA, Al-Khatib SM, Birtcher KK, Cigarroa JE, de Las Fuentes L, Deswal A, Fleisher LA, Gentile F, Goldberger ZD, Hlatky MA, Joglar JA, Piano MR, Wijeysundera DN. Recent innovations, modifications and evolution of ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines: An update for our constituencies: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. May 2019;139(17):e879-e886.

Phillips A, Osborn K, Hwang C-L, Sabbahi A, Piano MR. Ethanol induced oxidative stress in the vasculature: Friend or foe. Current Hypertension Reviews. Mar 2019. doi:

Shurson L, Pilon B, Ketel C, Anthamatten A. Development of an interprofessional home healthcare management service: Within an urban housing development. Home Healthcare Now. Sept 2019;37(5):285-291. doi:

Pitts C. Chronic abdominal pain and rectal bleeding: A missed opportunity. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. May 2019(15):e127-e130.

Pitts C, Anthamatten A. Pharmacologic management of human immunodeficiency virus and common chronic conditions. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Dec 2019;16(3):167-171. doi:

Pitts C, Christenbery T. Novice nurse practitioner faculty and the online educator’s role. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. May 2019;15(2):E29-E36.

Pitts C, Hudson T, Reeves C, Christenbery T, Johnson R. Writing a diversity and inclusivity statement: guidelines for nursing programs and faculty. Nurse Educator. July 2020. doi:

Pitts C, Padden D, Knestrick J, Bigley MB. A checklist for faculty and preceptor to enhance the nurse practitioner student clinical experience. The Journal for the Association of American Nurse Practitioners. Nov 2019;31(10):591-597.

 Powers SC, Morris MH, Flynn H, Perry J. Faculty-led role-play simulation: Going live to teach patient-centered care to nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education. Nov 2019;58(11):665-668. doi:

Reeves G. Primary care nurse practitioner practice in a new era. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. June 2019;1(1):xv-xvi.

Rhoten B, Sellers J, Charron E, Paul N, Radina M. Sexual activity after treatment for head and neck cancer: The lived experience of survivors. Cancer Nursing Practice. Mar 2019;18(3):22-28.

Abanes J, Hiers C, Rhoten B, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Feasibility and acceptability of a brief acupuncture intervention for service members with perceived stress. Journal of Military Medicine. June 2019;185(1-2):e17-e22. doi:

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Cowher MS, Taback B, McLaughlin S, Ajkay N, Boyages J, Koelmeyer L, DeSnyder SM, Wagner J, Abramson V, Moore A, Shah C. A Randomized Trial Evaluating Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Versus Tape Measurement for the Prevention of Lymphedema Following Treatment for Breast Cancer: Interim Analysis. Annals of Surgical Oncology. Oct 19;26(10):3250-3259. doi:

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Davis AJ, Sinclair V. A randomized clinical trial comparing the impact of a Web-based multimedia intervention versus an educational pamphlet on patient outcomes in breast cancer survivors with chronic secondary lymphedema. Journal of Womens Health. July 2019;29(5):734-744. doi:

Johnson LA, Bell CH, Ridner S, Murphy B. Health-care professionals perceived barriers to effective cancer pain management in the home hospice setting: Is dying at home really best? OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. June 2019. doi:

Johnson LA, Schreier AM, Swanson M, Moye JP, Ridner S. Stigma and quality of life in patients with advanced lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. May 2019;46(3):318-328. doi:

Sellers J, Ridner SH, Claassen DO. A systematic review of neuropsychiatric symptoms and functional capacity in Huntington’s disease. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Aug 2019;32(2):109-124. doi:

Munoz E, Robbins H. First-trimester bleeding: Assessment, diagnosis and management by the primary care nurse practitioner. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. May 2019;1(1):117-129.

Elie-Turenne MC, Jones K, Rudy S, Healy H, Mohr N, et al. Is there a bed yet? Prevalence of critical care boarding in U.S. emergency departments. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Dec 2019;47(1):42. doi:

Schorn MN. Providers’ reports of environmental conditions and resources at births in the United States. Western Journal of Nursing Research. June 2019;41(6):854-871.

Kiepek W, Sengstack P. An evaluation of system end-user support during implementation of an electronic health record using the model for improvement framework. Journal of Applied Clinical Informatics. Nov 2019;10(5):964-97. doi:

Shifrin, MM, Widmar SB, Ashby N. Adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner and registered nurse student perceptions of rapid response team simulations. Journal of Nursing Simulation. Jan 2019;26:32-40.

Smith L, Hande K, Kennedy B. Mentoring nursing faculty: An inclusive scholarship support group. Nurse Educator. July 2019;45(4):185-186. doi:

Stewart LS, Stringer TH, VanRegenmorter J, Miller S, Alexander EH, Phillippi JC. Interprofessional simulation for nursing and divinity students: Learning beyond checklists. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Oct 2019;35:10-16. doi:

Stolldorf DP, Schnipper J, Mixon AS, Dietrich MS, Kripalani S. A cross-sectional observational study of the organizational context of hospitals that participated in a multi-site mentored quality improvement project (MARQUIS2). BMJ Open. Nov 2019. doi:

Mixon AS, Smith GR, Mallouk M, Reyes Nieva H, Kripalani S, Rennke S, Chu E, Sridharan A, Dalal A, Mueller S, Williams M, Wetterneck T, Stein JM, Stolldorf D, Howell E, Orav J, Labonville S, Levin B, Yoon C, Gresham M, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Schnipper JL. Design of MARQUIS2: Study protocol for a mentored implementation study of an evidence-based toolkit to improve patient safety through medication reconciliation. BMC Health Services Research. Sept 2019;19(1). doi:

Squires A, Germack H, Muench U, Stolldorf D, Witkoski-Stimpfel A, Yakusheva O, Brom H, Harrison J, Patel E, Riman K, Martsolf G. The interdisciplinary research group on nursing issues: Advancing health services research, policy, regulation, and practice. Journal of Nursing Regulation. July 2019;10(2):55-59. doi:

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Cummins K, Watters R, Leming-Lee T. Reducing pressure injuries in the pediatric intensive care unit. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2019;54(1):127-140.

Weaver A, Lord MM, Owen LA. Implementing an interactive pediatric skills day. Journal of Nursing Education. Mar 2019;58(3):186.

Weiner E, Gordon J, Rudy S, McNew R. Expanding virtual reality to teach ultrasound skills to nurse practitioner students. Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics. Aug 2019;264:893-897. doi:

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Evans D, Wilbeck J. Emergency nurse practitioner practice updates. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Mar 2019;15(3):A11-A12.

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Lannen AM, DeStephano CC, Wilbeck J. Word catheter placements for Bartholin gland abscess: Applications for clinical practice and simulation. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. Mar 2019;41(1): 39-42. doi:



Dunlap JT. Influence of Motivational Text Messages on Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy (PhD Dissertation). Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, Knoxville; 2019.

Reeves G, Holley S, Keilman L, Reyes I, ed. Advances in Family Practice Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019.



 Adams SM. Identifying research questions. In: Schmidt N, Brown J, eds. Evidence-based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Bartlett Learning, LLC; 2019:69-92.

Bryant SE, McNabb K. Postintensive Care Syndrome. In: Chapa DW, eds. Psychological Issues in the ICU. Volume 31, Issue 4 ed. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier; 2019:507-516.

Hande K. The Hepatitis C epidemic: Outreach and Intervention for Boomers. In: de Chenay M & Anderson B, eds. Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice, and Research. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2019:239-246.

Iliopoulous I, Huff C, Graham E. Endocrine Function in Critical Heart Disease. In: Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019.

Neal JL, Lowe NK, Ryan SL, Hunter LA. First Stage of Labor. In: King TL, Brucker MC, Osborne K, Jevitt CM, eds. Varney’s Midwifery 6th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2019:881-912.

Reeves G, Hopkins L. Benjamin Smallheer. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System. In: McCance KL & Heuther SE, eds. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. 8th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2019:1395-1422.

Sengstack P. Health Information Technology: Striving to Improve Patient Safety. In: Saba V & McCormick K, eds. Essentials of Nursing Informatics. 7th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2019:419 – 428.

Lipsett BJ, Reddy V, Steanson K. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Fontanelles. StatPearls[Internet]. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing; 2019.


Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Biomarkers for Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. June 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Food Allergies in Adults? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Jan 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) for Multiple Sclerosis? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Jan 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Liquid Biopsy to Detect Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Apr 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching New Treatment for Wet (Neovascular) Age-Related Macular Degeneration? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. May 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Occupational Burnout? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. May 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Pancreatic Cancer? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. June 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Peanut Allergy? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Feb 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Stroke? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Mar 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Three-Dimensional (3D) Printed Heart? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Apr 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Varicella-Zoster (Chickenpox) Vaccine Debate? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Mar 2019.

Allison M. Why Is Everyone Searching Women and Heart Disease? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Feb 2019.

Dunlap JT. Influence of Motivational Text Messages on Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy. PhD Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. May 2019.

Phillippi JC. White Paper: Maternal Mortality in Tennessee. Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy. 2019.

Reeves GC. Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Understanding Pathophysiology. Elsevier Educational Software. 2019.



Boehm L. American Delirium Society, Board of Directors, June 2019-June 2022

Chandrasekhar R. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Data and Safety Monitoring Board Member, 2019-

Chandrasekhar R. National Institute on Aging, Data and Safety Monitoring Board Member, 2019-

Dowdy D. Inteleos, American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, Chair, Jan 2019-Dec 2020

Gooch M. American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Southeastern Regional Director, Oct 2019-

Hande K. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, NONPF Nominating Committee, Chair, May 2019 -May 2020

Hande K. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Oncology Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Clinical Coordinator, Jan 2019-

Ivory C. American Medical Informatics Association, Health Informatics Certification Commission, Vice-Chair, Aug 2019-

James M. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Pediatric Onco-Critical Care Symposium, Nursing Curriculum Coordinator, Aug 2019-Apr 2020

Jeffery AD. Center for Nursing Informatics, Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference, Member, June 2019-June 2022

Keck B. Business Officer Nursing Schools, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Secretary, 2019-

Kim J. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Treasurer, Oct 2019-Oct 2020

Kim J. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Leadership Institute Steering Committee, Jan 2019-

Kim J. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing Association, Leadership Institute Mentor, Sep 2019-

Kleinpell R. World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care, Oct 2019-Oct 2021

Morris M. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, Tennessee Section Secretary-Treasurer, Jan 2019-Dec 21

Mulvaney S. Society for Ambulatory Assessment, Member, 2019-

Piano M. Vanderbilt University, Trans-Institutional Program Review Panel, Co-Chair, 2019

Ridner S, Graduate School Student Accommodation Review Committee, Chairman, August 2019-

Schirle L, American Pain Society, Co-Lead, Pain Measurement and Its Impact Special Interest Group, 5/2019-8/2019

Schirle L, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation, Board of Trustee, 8/2019-8/2025

Schorn M, Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education, Board of Commissioners, 9/2019-8/2022

Steanson K, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Music City Chapter, Chapter Treasurer, July 2019-June 2019

Walker J, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Practice Council Chair, 12/2019-12/2022

Walker J, Sigma Theta Tau International, Iota Chapter Secretary, 12/2019-12/2021

Zsamboky M, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Faculty and Preceptor Development Committee, July 2019-July 2020

Zsamboky M, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Faculty and Preceptor Development Committee, July 2019-June 2021



Adams SM. Psychiatric Nurse of the Year, American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

Alexander E. Top 5 Blue Ribbon Poster Award, Vanderbilt University Health Professions Education Research Day.

Anthamatten A. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, FNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Chorong P. Vanderbilt University Provost Research Studio Award, Vanderbilt University.

Christenbery T. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Media.

Connors LM. Fellow, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Connors LM. Founders’ Award for Excellence in Genomic Nursing Education, International Society of Nurses in Genetics.

Dietrich MS. Dean Colleen Conway-Welch Award for Contributions to PhD Student Learning, Mentoring, Modeling of Professional Behaviors, and Encouragement of Scholarship, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Dowdy D. Fellow, American College of Nurse-Midwives.

Dunlap JT. Outstanding Dissertation Award, University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of Nursing.

Evans M. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Fogel SC. The Spotlight Award, Vanderbilt University Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Life.

Hande KA. Fellow, American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Hande KA. Ingeborg Mauksch Award for Excellence in Faculty Mentoring, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Haskell B. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Holt J. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Informatics Endeavors, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Hudson TS. Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Hudson TS. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award, Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Vanderbilt School of Nursing.

Hunt J. Scholarly Project Award, Iota Chapter. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Hunt J. Scholarship Award, Gamma Eta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International.

Hunt J. Susan Pollock Award.  Roy Adaptation Association International Workshops and Conference.

James M. Advanced Practice Provider of the Year Nominee. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

James M. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, PNP-AC Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Jeffery A. Circle of Excellence Award, American Association of Critical Care Nurses.

Jones P. Fellow, American Academy of Nursing.

Kapu A. Fellow, American Academy of Nursing.

Ketel C. TNA Nursing Excellence Award, Tennessee Nurses Association.

Ketel C. Ingeborg Mauksch Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Kim J. Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the MSN Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Kim J. Sara K. Archer Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching, Scholarliness, and Faculty Student Relations­­, AGPCNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Kleinpell R. Distinguished Service Award, Society of Critical Care Medicine.

Kovaleva M. Center for Clinician Advancement: UnitedHealth Group Award, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association Foundation.

Leonard C. Julia Hereford Award for Contributions to Student-Faculty Relations Outside of the Classroom or Clinic, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Leonard C. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Lewallen K. Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing, National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence.

Lewallen K. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association Excellence in Education Award, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association.

Lord M. Scholarly Project Award, Iota Chapter. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Lord M. Scholarship Award, Gamma Eta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International.

Lord M. Susan Pollock Award, Roy Adaptation Association International Conference and Workshops.

Lutenbacher M. First Place Poster Presentation, International Association of Forensic Nurses.

Maxwell C. Blue Ribbon Poster Presentation, Vanderbilt Health Professions Education Research Day, Vanderbilt University.

Maxwell C. Dean’s Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Research Endeavors, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Maxwell C. Valere Potter Distinguished Dean’s Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University.

Miller S. Blue Ribbon Poster Presentation, Vanderbilt Health Professions Education Research Day, Vanderbilt University.

Miller S. Top 5 Blue Ribbon Poster Award, Vanderbilt University Health Professions Education Research Day, Vanderbilt University.

Mogos MF. Provost Research Studio Award, Vanderbilt University.

Moore G. Alma Gault Alumni Award for Public Service, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Moore G. First Place Poster Presentation, International Association of Forensic Nurses.

Moore-Davis T. Excellence in Teaching Award, American College of Nurse-Midwives.

Moore-Davis T. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, WH Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Morris M. Iota Chapter Scholarship Award. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Moss C. Manuscript of Exceptional Merit, Neonatal Network.

Mulvaney S. Valere Potter Distinguished Dean’s Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University.

Nelson B. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, PNP-PC Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Parish AL. Dean Colleen Conway-Welch Award for Contributions to DNP Student Learning, Mentoring, Modeling of Professional Behaviors, and Encouragement of Scholarship, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Parish A. Rising Star award, Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association.

Phillippi J. Susan Smith Mentoring Editors Award, International Academy of Nursing Editors.

Phillippi J. Top 5 Blue Ribbon Poster Award, Vanderbilt University Health Professions Education Research Day.

Piano M. International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International.

Piano M. UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Reeves G. VUSN Award for Recognition of Faculty Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Rhoten BA. Sexual Tipping Point Mental Health Award, Sexual Medicine Society of North America & the MAP Education and Research Foundation.

Rhoten BA. Valere Potter Distinguished Dean’s Faculty Fellow, Vanderbilt University.

Ridgway J. The Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the PreSpecialty Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Ridgway J. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Rudy S. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, ENP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Ruslavage M. Indian Health Service Director’s Award for Fostering Relationships. Indian Health Service.

Schorn MN. Award for Interprofessional Education Partnership. Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance.

Schorn MN. Distinguished Fellow. National Academies of Practice.

Schorn MN. First Place Poster Presentation, International Association of Forensic Nurses.

Scott P. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, NNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Shifrin M. Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Academic Endeavors, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Shifrin M. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, AGACNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Smith L. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Smith L. SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Recipient, American Nursing Association.

Smith LD. APRN of the Year. Middle TN Advanced Practice Nurses.

Starks J. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award, Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Vanderbilt School of Nursing.

Steanson K. Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Vanderbilt University.

Stewart L. Top 5 Blue Ribbon Poster Award, Vanderbilt University Health Professions Education Research Day.

Tapp J. Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Tapp J. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award, Vanderbilt University Medical Center/Vanderbilt School of Nursing.

Van Meter J. Vanderbilt Medical Center 2019 Magnet Nurse of the Year, Vanderbilt Medical Center.

Walker JN. Early Career Professional Scholarship, Beck Institute.

Weiner B. Nursing Informatics Award, Friends of the National Library of Medicine.

Wilbeck J. Fellow, American Academy of Nursing.

Wilbeck J. First Place Poster Presentation, International Association of Forensic Nurses.

Williams T. The Daisy Award for Recognition of Small Group Facilitator at the DNP Level, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

Ziegler C. “Tradition Meets Innovation” Award for Faculty, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Zsamboky M. Sara K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, PMHNP Program, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.



 Abanes J, Hiers C, Rhoten B, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Brief Acupuncture Intervention for Service Members with Perceived Stress. Military Medicine. June 2019;185(1-2):e17-e22. doi: https//

Romano RR, Anderson AR, Failla MD, Dietrich MS, Atalla S, Carter MA, Monroe TB. Sex differences in associations of cognitive function with perceptions of pain in older adults. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease. 2019;70(3):715-722.

Romano RR, Carter MA, Anderson AR, Monroe TB. An integrative review of system-level factors influencing dementia detection in primary care. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Epub June 2019. doi:

Bushaw A. Call for action: Addressing obesity in early childhood. The Nurse Practitioner. Sept 2019;44(9):11-14.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Davis AJ, Sinclair V. A randomized clinical trial comparing the impact of a web-based multimedia intervention versus an educational pamphlet on patient outcomes in breast cancer survivors with chronic secondary lymphedema. Journal of Women’s Health. Epub July 2019. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2019.7676

Hansen K. Replicable, sustainable whole person care model for chronic pain. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Mar 2019;25:s86-s94.

Osborn K. Ethanol induced oxidative stress in the vasculature: Friend or foe. Current Hypertension Reviews. Epub Mar 2019. doi: https://10.2174/1573402115666190325124622

Robson P. Quality of life improves after palliative placement of percutaneous tunneled drainage catheter for refractory ascites in prospective study of patients with end-stage cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care. Mar 2019;18:1-9.

Schafer R, Davis M, and Phillippi JC. Herpes zoster in pregnancy. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Feb 2019;64(2):230-235.

Sellers J, Darby RR, Farooque A, Claassen DO. Pimavanserin for psychosis in Parkinson’s disease‑related disorders: A retrospective chart review. Drugs & Aging. Mar 2019;36(7):647-653.



Humphrey S. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Blues City Chapter, Continuing Education Chair.

Root MC. Russel G. Hamilton Scholar, Vanderbilt University.

Sellers J.  Dean’s Award for PhD Student Excellence in Writing, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.



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