Selected Works 2018

This information is reported by the most recent full calendar year. As of press time, 2019 data is still being compiled.



Richardson L, Adams S. Cognitive deficits in patients with depression. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. July 2018;14:437-443.

Adams S, Rice MJ, Jones SL, Herzog E, Mackenzie LJ, Oleck LG. Telemental health: Standards, reimbursement and interstate practice. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. July 2018;24(4):295-305.

Akard TF, Duffy M, Hord A, Randall A, Sanders A, Anani UE, Adelstein K, Gilmer MJ. Bereaved mothers’ and fathers’ perceptions of a legacy intervention for parents of infants in the NICU. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Apr 2018;11(2):21-28.

Cardy C, Ardisson KM, Widmar SB. Atrial fibrillation clinical decision aid for emergency medicine providers: An initiative to improve quality healthcare outcomes in adults with new-onset atrial fibrillation. Heart and Lung – Journal of Acute and Critical Care. July 2018;47(4):314-321.

Girard TD, Exline MC, Carson SS, Hough CL, Rock P, Gong MN, Douglas KS, Malhotra A, Owens RL, Feinstein DJ, Hasn B, Pisani MA, Hyzy RC, Schmidt GA, Schweickert WE, Hite RD, Bowton DL, Masica AL, Thompson JL, Chandrasekhar R, Pun BT, Strength C, Boehm LM, Jackson JC, Pandharipande PP, Brummel NE, Hughes CG, Patel MB, Stollings JL, Bernard GR, Dittus RS, Ely EW. Haloperidol and ziprasidone for treatment of delirium in critical illness. New England Journal of Medicine. Dec 2018;379(26):2506-2516.

Bryant S. Filling the gaps: Preparing nurse practitioners for hospitalist practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Jan 2018;30(1):4-9.

Oermann MH, Christenbery T, Turner K. Writing publishable review, research, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice manuscripts. Nursing Economics. Dec 2018;36(6):268-275.

Abuogi L, Humphrey JM, Mpody C, Yotebieng M, Murnane PM, Clouse K, Otieno L, Cohen CR, Wools-Kaloustian K. Achieving UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets for pregnant and postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa: Progress, gaps, and research needs. Journal of Virus Eradication. Nov 2018;4(2):33-39.

Carlucci JG, Friedman H, Pelayo BE, Robelin K, Sheldon EK, Clouse K, Vermund SH. Attrition of HIV-exposed infants and HIV-infected children from HIV care and treatment programs in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Journal of the International AIDS Society. Nov 2018;21(11):e25209.

Mogoba P, Phillips TK, Myer L, Ndlovu L, Were MC, Clouse K. Smartphone usage and preferences among postpartum HIV-positive women in South Africa. AIDS Care. Dec 2018;31(6):723-729.

Cole S. Evaluation and treatment of adrenal dysfunction in the primary care environment. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sept 2018;53(3):385-394.

Connors LM, Schorn M. Genetics and genomics content in nursing education: A national imperative. Journal of Professional Nursing. July 2018;34(4):235-237.

McCraw B, Crutcher T, Polancich S, Jones P. Preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections in the intensive care unit: App-lication of high-reliability principles. Journal for Healthcare Quality. Dec 2018;40(6):392-397.

Adair M, Murphy B, Yarlagadda S, Deng J, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of tailored yoga in survivors of head and neck cancer: A pilot study. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Sep 2018;17(3):774-784.

Aulino JM, Wulff-Burchfield EM, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH, Niermann KJ, Deng J, Rhoten BA, Doersam JK, Jarett LA, Mannion K, Murphy BA. Evaluation of CT changes in the head and neck after cancer treatment: Development of a measurement tool. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Feb 2018;16(1):69-74.

Beckmann NB, Miller WP, Dietrich MS, Orchard PJ. Quality of life among boys with adrenoleukodystrophy following hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Child Neuropsychology. Oct 2018;24(7):986-998.

Gifford RH, Loiselle L, Natale S, Sheffield SW, Sunderhaus LW, Dietrich MS, Dorman MF. Speech understanding in noise for adults with cochlear implants: Effects of hearing configuration, source location uncertainty, and head movement. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. May 2018;61(5):1306-1321.

Gigli KH, Dietrich MS, Buerhaus PI, Minnick AF. Nurse practitioners and interdisciplinary teams in pediatric critical care. AACN Advanced Clinical Care. Summer 2018;29(2):121-125.

Gigli KH, Dietrich MS, Buerhaus PI, Minnick AF. PICU provider supply and demand: A national survey. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Aug 2018;19(8):e378-e386.

Gigli KH, Dietrich MS, Buerhaus PL, Minnick AF. Regulation of pediatric intensive care unit nurse practitioner practice: A national survey. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Jan 2018;30(1):17-26.

Monroe TB, Fillingim RB, Bruehl SP, Rogers BP, Dietrich MS, Gore JC, Atalla SW, Cowan RL. Sex differences in brain regions modulating pain: A cross sectional resting state functional connectivity study. Pain Medicine. Sep 2018;19(9):1737-1747.

Sarli N, Del Giudice G, De S, Dietrich MS, Herrell SD, Simaan N. Preliminary porcine in vivo evaluation of a telerobotic system for transurethral bladder tumor resection and surveillance. Journal of Endourology. June 2018;32(6):516-522.

Smallheer BA, Vollman M, Dietrich MS. Learned helplessness and depressive symptoms following myocardial infarction. Clinical Nursing Research. June 2018;27(5):597-616.

Wang J, Dietrich MS, Simmons SF, Cowan RL, Monroe TB. Pain interference with depressive symptoms in persons with Alzheimer’s disease: A pilot study. Aging & Mental Health. June 2018;22(6):808-812.

Zatarain LA, Smith DK, Deng J, Gilbert J, Dietrich MS, Niermann KJ, Ridner SH, Murphy BA. A randomized feasibility trial to evaluate use of the jaw dynasplint to prevent trismus in patients with head and neck cancer receiving primary or adjuvant radiation-based therapy. Integrative Cancer Therapies. Sep 2018;17(3):960-967.

Frangoul H, Evans M, Isbell J, Bruce K, Domm J. Haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplant for patients with sickle cell disease using thiotepa, fludarabine, thymoglobulin, low dose cyclophosphamide, 200 cGy tbi and post-transplant cyclophosphamide. Bone Marrow Transplant. May 2018;53(5):647-650.

Folk DM. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Overview and current recommendations. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. May 2018;63(3):289-300.

McCullough A, Ruehrdanz A, Jenkins MA, Gilmer MJ, Olson J, Pawar A, Holley L, Sierra-Rivera S, Linder DE, Pichette D, Grossman NJ, Hellman C, Guérin NA, O’Haire, ME. Measuring the effects of an animal-assisted intervention for pediatric oncology patients and their parents: A multisite randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. May 2018;35(3):159-177.

Hall E, Panepinto R, Bowman K. Preconception care for the patient and family. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2018;53(2):169-176.

Hande K, McDowell M. Developing best practices to mitigate opioid abuse is a priority in cancer care. OncLive. July 2018;19(14):58-59.

Hande K, Parish A, Cook C, Glassford M, Pitts C, Richmond A, Widmar B, Brame C, Kennedy B. Junior faculty teaching fellowship: A model to support nursing education development. Nurse Educator. Mar 2018;43(2):65-67.

Hande K, Phillippi J. The DNP project timeline template: A guide for successful completion. Nurse Educator. May 2018;43(3):115-116.

Huff C, Mastropietro CW, Riley C, Byrnes J, Kwiatkowski DM, Ellis M, Schuette J, Justice L. Comprehensive management considerations of select noncardiac organ systems in the cardiac intensive care unit. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. Nov 2018;9(6):685-695.

Smallheer B, Hunt J, Smith J. Using critical care simulations to prepare nursing students for capstone clinical experiences. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. Mar 2018;37(2):69-77.

Jeffery AD, Dietrich MS, Maxwell CA. Predicting 1-year disability and mortality of injured older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Mar 2018;75:191-196.

Grant SM, Jones P, Pilon B. Strategies and barriers to engaging dual-eligible patients in a hospital patient and family advisory program. Nursing Administration Quarterly. July 2018;42(3):199-205.

Brunhoeber LA, King J, Davis S, Witherspoon B. Nurse practitioner use of point-of-care ultrasound in critical care. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. May 2018;14(5):383-388.

Jefferson B, King J. Impact of the acute care nurse practitioner in reducing the number of unwarranted daily laboratory tests in the intensive care unit. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. May 2018;30(5):285-292.

Kleinpell R, Buchman TG, Harmon L, Nielsen M. Promoting patient- and family-centered care in the intensive care unit: A dissemination project. AACN Advanced Clinical Care. Summer 2018;28(2):155-159.

Kleinpell R, Heyland DK, Lipman J, Sprung CL, Levy M, Mer M, Koh Y, Davidson J, Taha A, Curtis JR, Council of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. Patient and family engagement in the ICU: Report from the task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. Journal of Critical Care. Dec 2018;48:251-256.

Nazer LH, Elaibaid M, Al-Qadheeb, Kleinpell R, Olsen KM, Hawari F. Critical care research in the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean region over two decades: Where do we stand? Intensive Care Medicine. July 2018;44(9):1588-1590.

Ko D, Muehrer RJ, Bratzke LC. Self-management in liver transplant recipients: A narrative review. Progress in Transplantation. June 2018;28(2):100-115.

Lutenbacher M, Elkins T, Dietrich MS, Riggs A. The efficacy of using peer mentors to improve maternal and infant health outcomes in Hispanic families: Findings from a randomized clinical trial. Maternal and Child Health. Oct 2018;22(Suppl 1):92-104.

Lamb AR, Lutenbacher M, Wallston KA, Pepkowitz SH, Holmquist B, Hobel C. Vitamin D deficiency and depressive symptoms in the perinatal period. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. Dec 2018;21(6):745-755.

Maxwell C, Dietrich M, Miller RS. The FRAIL Questionnaire: A useful tool for bedside screening of geriatric trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing. July 2018;25(4):242-247.

Wang J, Simmons SF, Maxwell CA, Schlundt DG, Mion LC. Home health nurses’ perspectives and care processes related to older persons with frailty and depression: A mixed method pilot study. Journal of Community Health Nursing. July 2018;35(3):118-36.

McClure N, Seibert M, Johnson T, Kannenberg L, Brown T, Lutenbacher M. Improving asthma management in the elementary school setting: An education and self-assessment pilot project. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Oct 2018;42:16-20.

Minnick AF, Kleinpell RM, Norman L. Promoting faculty scholarship: A clinical faculty scholars program. Journal of Nursing Education. Feb 2018;57(2):121-125.

Piras SE, Minnick A, Lauderdale J, Dietrich MS, Vogus TJ. The effects of social influence on nurses’ hand hygiene behaviors. Journal of Nursing Administration. Apr 2018;48(4):216-221.

Reed CC, Minnick AF, Dietrich MS. Nurses’ responses to interruptions during medication tasks: A time and motion study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. June 2018;82(nv):113-120.

Moore G, Fleming S. Landing a clinical practicum preceptor. American Nurse. Feb 2018;13(2):47-48.

Moore G, Pierce Y. Selecting and preparing professional references. Career Watch: 2018 Annual Guide. American Nurse Today. Jan 2018;11(1):31-32.

Breiten K, Condie E, Vaillancourt S, Walker J, Moore G. Successfully managing challenging patient encounters. American Nurse. Oct 2018;13(10):6-9.

Bingham D, Suplee P, Morris M, McBride M. Health care strategies for reducing pregnancy-related morbidity and mortality in the postpartum period. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. July 2018;32(3):241-249.

Mulvaney SA, Vaala S, Hood KK, Lybarger C, Carroll R, Williams L, Schmidt DC, Johnson K, Dietrich MS, Laffel L. Mobile momentary assessment and biobehavioral feedback for adolescents with Type 1 diabetes: Feasibility and engagement patterns. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. July 2018;20(7):465-474.

Apple R, Samuels LR, Fonnesbeck C, Schlundt D, Mulvaney SA, Hargreaves M, Crenshaw D, Wallston KA, Heerman WJ. Body mass index and health‐related quality of life. Obesity Science and Practice. Oct 2018;4(5):417-426.

Vaala SE, Lee JM, Hood KK, Mulvaney SA. Sharing and helping: Predictors of adolescents’ willingness to share diabetes personal health information with peers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Feb 2018;25(2):135-141.

Neal JL, Lowe NK, Caughey AB, Hartmann KE, Bennett KA, Tilden EL, Phillippi JC, Dietrich MS. Applying a physiologic partograph to consortium on safe labor data to identify opportunities for safely decreasing cesareans among nulliparous women. Birth. Dec 2018;45(4):358-367.

Neal JL, Lowe NK, Phillippi JC, Carlson NS, Knupp Am, Dietrich MS. Likelihood of cesarean birth among parous women after applying leading active labor diagnostic guidelines. Midwifery. Dec 2018;67:64-69.

Parish A. Degenerative/debilitative neurologic syndromes. Nursing Clinics of North America. June 2018;53(3):447-457.

Anderson A, Parish A, Monroe T. Assessment and management of pain in persons with dementia. Geriatric Nursing. June 2018;39(3):358-360.

Perry L, Ward-Smith P. Expressive writing as an intervention to decrease distress in pediatric critical care nurses. Clinical Nurse Studies. Apr 2018;6(3):96-100.

Phillippi JC, Danhausen K, Alliman J, Phillippi RD. Neonatal outcomes in the birth center setting: A systematic review. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2018;63(1):68-89.

Phillippi JC, Doersam JK, Neal JL, Roumie CL. Electronic informed consent to facilitate recruitment of pregnant women into research. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. July 2018;47(4):529-534.

Phillippi JC, Hartmann KE. Differentiating research, quality improvement, and case studies to ethically incorporate pregnant women. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2018;63(1):104-114.

Phillippi JC, Lauderdale J. A guide to field notes for qualitative research: Context and conversation. Qualitative Health Research. Feb 2018;28(3):381-388.

Phillippi JC, Likis FE, Tilden EL. The Authorship Grids: Practical tools to facilitate collaboration and ethical publication. Research in Nursing & Health. Mar 2018;41(2):195-208.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin No.188: Prelabor rupture of membranes. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Jan 2018;131(1):187-189.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin No.189: Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Jan 2018;131(1):190-193.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin No.190: Gestational diabetes mellitus. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Feb 2018;131(2):406-408.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No.196: Thrombo-embolism in pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology. June 2018;132(1):243-248.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No.197: Inherited thrombophilias in pregnancy. Obstetrics & Gynecology. June 2018;132(1):249-252.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 198: Prevention and management of obstetric lacerations at vaginal delivery. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Sep 2018;132(3):795-797.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 199: Use of prophylactic antibiotics in labor and delivery. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Sep 2018;132(3):798-200.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics (Phillippi JC, member). Practice Bulletin No. 201: Pregestational diabetes mellitus. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dec 2018;132(6):1514-1516.

Piano MR. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy: Is it time for genetic testing? Journal of the American College of Cardiology. May 2018;71(20):2303-2305.

Piano MR, Artinian NT, DeVon HA, Pressler S, Hickey KT, Chyun DA. Cardiovascular nursing science priorities: A statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Sep 2018;33(4):43789.

Bian JT, Piano MR, Kotlo KU, Mahmoud AM, Phillips SA. MicroRNA-21 contributes to reduced microvascular function in binge drinking young adults. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research. Feb 2018;42(2):278-285.

Mogos MF, Piano MR, McFarlin BL, Salemi JL, Liese KL, Briller JE. Heart failure in pregnant women: A concern across the pregnancy continuum. Circulation: Heart Failure. Jan 2018;11(1):e004005.

Stamp K, Prasun M, Lee CS, Jaarsma T, Piano MR, Albert NM. Nursing research in heart failure care: A position statement of the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN). Heart and Lung – Journal of Acute and Critical Care. Mar 2018;47(2):169-175.

Plummer C, Cloyd E, Doersam J, Dietrich M, Hande K. Mindful-ness based stress reduction in graduate nursing programs: A randomized controlled study. Holistic Nursing Practice. Aug 2018;32(4):189-195.

Rhoten BA, Murphy BA, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. Depressive symptoms, social anxiety, and perceived neck function in patients with head and neck cancer. Head & Neck. July 2018;41(7):1443-1452.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Spotanski K, Doersam JK, Cowher MS, Taback B, McLaughlin S, Ajkay N, Boyages J, Koelmeyer L, DeSnyder S, Shah C, Vicini F. A prospective study of L-Dex values in breast cancer patients pretreatment and through 12 months postoperatively. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Oct 2018;16(5):435-441.

Ridner SH, Doersam J, Stolldorf D, Dietrich MS. Development and validation of the Lymphedema Symptom Intensity and Distress Survey-Lower Limb. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Dec 2018;16(6):538-536.

Ridner SH, Rhoten B, Niermann KJ, Murphy BA, Dietrich MS. Vanderbilt head and neck symptom survey, version 2.0: Clinical and research utility for identification of symptom clusters and changes in symptoms over time. Oral Oncology. Aug 2018;83(NV):25-31.

Sherman K, Kilby C, Elder E, Ridner SH. Factors associated with professional health care advice seeking in women at risk for developing breast cancer-related lymphedema. Patient Education and Counseling. Mar 2018;101(3):445-451.

Sanders B, Davis M, Holley S, Phillippi J. Pregnancy-associated stroke. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2018;63(1):23-31.

Unruh L, Rutherford A, Schirle L, Brunell ML. Benefits of less restric-tive regulation of advanced practice registered nurses in Florida. Nursing Outlook. Nov 2018;66(6):539-550.

Schorn MN, Dietrich MS, Donaghey B, Minnick AF. Variables that influence U.S. midwife and physician management of the third stage of labor. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. July 2018;63(4):446-454.

Eklund WM, Scott PA. High-Flow nasal cannula practice patterns reported by neonatologists and neonatal nurse practitioners in the United States. Advances in Neonatal Care. Oct 2018;18(5):400-412.

Horvath K, Sengstack P, Opelka F, Kitts AB, Basch P, Hoyt D, Ommaya A, Cipriano P, Kawamoto K, Paz HL, Overhage JM. A vision for a person-centered health information system. NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine. NAM Discussion Paper. Oct 2018;1(1):43478.

Stolldorf DP, Dietrich MS, Chidume T, McIntosh M, Maxwell CA. Nurse-initiated mobilization practices in two community intensive care units: A pilot study. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. Nov/Dec 2018;37(6):318-323.

Stolldorf DP, Fortune-Greeley AK, Nieuwsma JA, Gierisch JM, Datta SK, Ethridge KA, Angel C, Millspaugh D, Jackson GL. Measuring sustainability of a grass-roots program in a large integrated health care delivery system: The warrior to soul mate program. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health. Oct 2018;4(2):81-90.

Waynick-Rogers P, Hilmes M, Cole S, Provine A, Lofton R, Rosenstiel D, Davidson H. Design and impact of an orientation for an interprofessional education program. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. Dec 2018;13:8-11.

Iannery M, Stein KF, Dougherty DW, Mohie S, Guido J, Wells N. Nurse-delivered symptom assessment for individuals with advanced lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. Sep 2018;45(6):619-630.

Reynolds J, Parker E, Wells N, Card E. Using aromatherapy in the clinical setting: Making sense out of scents. American Nurse Today. June 2018;13(6):

Wilbeck J, Kennedy BK. Educational innovations for continuing education: JumpStart modules for advanced practice providers. Advanced Emergency Nursing. July 2018;40(3):194-197.


Christenbery TL, ed. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Foundations, Skills, and Roles. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2018.



Danhausen K, Phillippi JC, McCance KL. Alterations of the Female Reproductive Systems. In: McCance KL, Huether SE, eds. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. 8th ed. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier; 2018:755-830.

Hall E, Panepinto R, Bowman E. Preconception Care for the Patient and Family. In: March AL, Krau SD, eds. Female Health Across the Lifespan. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:169-176.

Hravnak M, Guttendorf J, Kleinpell RM, Widmar SB, Magdic KS. The Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. In: Tracy MF, Grady ET, eds. Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach. 6th ed. New York, NY: Elsevier; 2018:406-435.

Lauderdale J. Case study: Caring for Urban, American Indian, Gay, or Lesbian Youth at Risk for Suicide. In: Douglas M, Pacquiao D, Purnell L, eds. In: Global Applications of Culturally Competent Health Care: Guidelines for Practice. 1st ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2018:53-57.

Moore G. Preventative Care for Adult Survivors of Sexual Violence. In: Cash J, Glass C, eds. Adult-Gerontology Practice Guidelines. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2018:529.

Phillippi JC. Reproductive Tract and Sexually Transmitted Infections. In: King T, Brucker M, eds. Varney’s Midwifery. 6th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett; 2018:447-502.

Phillippi JC, Danhausen K. Sexually Transmitted Infections. In: McCance KL, Huether SE, eds. Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Chil­dren. 8th ed. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier; 2018:867-889.

Sengstack P. Nursing Informatics. In: Taylor C, Lynn P, Bartlett JL, eds. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2018:484-505.

Sengstack P. Tips and Advice For Obtaining Your First Nursing Informatics Job. In: Houston S, Dieckhaus T, Kircher B, Lardner M, eds. Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Evolution and Innovation. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: CRC Press; 2018:133-146.

Vanderhoef, D. The Influence of Contemporary Trends and Issues on Nursing Education. In: Cherry B, Jacob S, eds. Contemporary Nursing Issues, Trends and Management. 8th ed. Missouri, MO: Elsevier; 2018:37-61.

Wilbeck, J. Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. In: Fitzpatrick J, Alfes CM, Hickman R, eds. A Guide to Mastery in Clinical Nursing: The Comprehensive Reference. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC; 2018:139-140.



Allison M. Why is everyone searching mental health awareness? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. May 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching pancreatic cancer? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. May 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching food poisoning? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. May 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching suicide? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. June 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching medical marijuana? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. June 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching Legionnaires’ disease? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. July 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching HPV vaccine? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. July 2018.

Allison M. Why is everyone searching ketogenic diet? Why Is Everyone Searching? On AccessMedicine. Aug 2018.

Pitts C, Medina R, Dahlem C, Downes L, Beard K, Brooks L. NONPF calls for greater racial and ethnic diversity nurse practitioner education. NONPF Diversity Statement. Aug 2018.



Allison, T. American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Fellows Program Member and Fellows Selection Committee Member, 2018

Davis, M. ACNM, Tennessee affiliate, Secretary, 2018

Evans, M. National Marrow Donor Program, Council Committee: Nurse Planner, 2018

Hande, K. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Editorial Board Member, 2018

Hande, K. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Nomination Committee, Chair-Elect, 2018

Hopkins, L. The Nurse Practitioner, Editorial Board Member, 2018

King, J. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, Nurse Practitioner Residency/ Fellowship Standards Committee Member, 2018

Lutenbacher, M. Family Voices of Tennessee, Tennessee Disability Coalition, Board of Directors, 2018

Maxwell, C. American Trauma Society, Policy and Legislative Committee Member, 2018

Maxwell C. National Trauma Institute, National Trauma Research Action Plan Member, 2018

McClure, N. Tennessee Asthma Coalition, President, 2018

Morris, M. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, Tennessee section, Secretary-Treasurer, 2018

Mulvaney, S. American Diabetes Association, ADA Youth Strategies Committee Member, 2018

Phillippi, J. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, Editorial Board Member, 2018.

Piano, M. American College of Cardiology Patient Reported Outcomes Forum-Planning Committee Member, 2018

Piano, M. BIRCWH K12 Advisory Panel, Reviewer, 2018

Piano, M. Center for Scientific-Review Special Emphasis Panel, RFA Panel: Tobacco Regulatory Science Program, ZRG1 BST-T, Member, 2018

Piano, M. Data Science Vision Working Group Member, 2018

Piano, M. Trans-Institutional Program Review Committee Member, 2018

Piano, M. University Postdoctoral Advisory Committee Member, 2018

Ridner, S. Vanderbilt University Leadership Institute Planning Group Member, 2018

Steanson, K. StatPearls Knowledge Base (Web), Editorship.

Stolldorf, D. Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues, Member-at-Large, 2018

Vanderhoef, D. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Practice Council, Chair, 2018

Vanderhoef, D. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, TN State APNA Chapter President-Elect, 2018

Waynick-Rogers, P. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Program Committee Member, 2018



Akard, T. March of Dimes, Tennessee Chapter Nurse of the Year for Nursing Education, 2018

Alexander, E. International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning, Research Poster Award, 2018

Alexander, E. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Blue Ribbon Poster finalist, 2018

Beuscher, L. Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association, Outstanding Research Oral Presentation, 2018

Christenbery, T. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Media, 2018

Cole, S. University of Kentucky School of Nursing, Outstanding Presentation, University of Kentucky, 2018

Crutcher, T. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Clinical Practice, 2018

Evans, M. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, PNP-AC Faculty, 2018

Folk, D. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, NM Faculty, 2018

Gardner, V. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, PMHNP Faculty, 2018

Gordon, J. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, NI Faculty, 2018

Hande, K. Oncology Nursing Society, Roberta Scofield Memorial Certification Award, 2018

James, M. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Ovation Bronze Award, 2018

Jessee, M.A. Journal of Nursing Education, Christine A. Tanner Scholarly Teaching Award for Journal Article of the Year, 2018

Jones, P. March of Dimes, Tennessee Chapter Nurse of the Year for Nursing Administration, 2018

Jones, P. Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nursing and Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Rebecca Clark Culpepper Education and Mentorship Award, 2018

Karp, S. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Tradition Meets Innovation Award, 2018

Kim, J. American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Fellowship, 2018

Kim, J. National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence, Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing Award, 2018

Kim, J. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer, AGPCNP Faculty, 2018

King, J. American Association of Heart Failure Nurses, Outstanding Member Award, 2018

King, J. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer, AGACNP Faculty, 2018

Kleinpell, R. Vanderbilt University, Independence Foundation Chair in Nursing Education, 2018

Kraft, N. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, NNP Faculty, 2018

Leming-Lee, S. March of Dimes, Tennessee Chapter Nurse of the Year for Quality and Risk Management, 2018

Leming-Lee, S. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Tradition Meets Innovation Award, 2018

Lutenbacher, M. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Ingeborg Mauksch Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award, 2018

Maxwell, C. American Academy of Nursing, Fellowship, 2018

Miller, S. International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning, Research Poster Award, 2018

Minnick, A. AANA Foundation, AANA Foundation Award for Outstanding Research and Mentorship of CRNAs, 2018

Moore-Davis, T. American College of Nurse-Midwives, Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018

Neal, J. American College of Nurse-Midwives, Best Research Presentation Award, 2018

Nelson, B. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, PNP-PC Faculty, 2018

Parish, A. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Tradition Meets Innovation Award, 2018

Pfieffer, ML. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, FNP Faculty, 2018

Phillippi, J. American Academy of Nursing, Fellowship, 2018

Phillippi, J. International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning, Research Poster Award, 2018

Reeves, G. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion, 2018

Rhoten, B. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean Conway-Welch Award, 2018

Rodgers, E. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Academic Endeavors, 2018

Schorn, M. American Academy of Nursing, Fellowship, 2018

Schorn, M. University of Kentucky College of Nursing, Outstanding Alumnus Award, 2018

Searcy, J. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Sara K Archer Award, WHNP Faculty, 2018

Sengstack, P. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean Conway-Welch Award, 2018

Smith, L. American Nurses Association/SAMHSA, SAMHSA Minority Fellowship, 2018

Stewart, L. HPERD, Blue Ribbon finalist, 2018

Stewart, L. International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning, Research Poster Award, 2018

Stolldorf, D. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Research Endeavors, 2018

Trangenstein, T. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for Faculty Achievement in Informatics Endeavors, 2018

Vick, R. March of Dimes, Tennessee Chapter Nurse of the Year for Behavioral Health, 2018

Vick, R. University of Arizona, Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2018


Anderson A, Parish A, Monroe T. Assessment and management of pain in persons with dementia. Geriatric Nursing. May 2018;39(3):358-360.

Gaw M, Rosinia F, Diller T. Quality and the health system. Anesthesiology Clinics. June 2018;36(2):217-226.



Humphrey, S. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Blues City Chapter (Memphis, TN), Education Chair.

Toliver, L. Jennie Stuart Medical Center, Provider Leadership Council.



Beckmann, N. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Dean’s Award for PhD Student Excellence in Writing, 2018

Frechman, E. American Nurses Credentialing Center, ANCC Nurse of the Year: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, 2018

Frechman, E. Atrium Health Quality & Patient Experience, Touchstone Award: Bronze, 2018

Gaw, M. American College of Healthcare Executives, Fellowship, 2018

Saucier, J. Society of Critical Care Medicine, Bronze Research Award: SCCM Abstract, 2018

Wilson, A. Minute Clinic, Area 1 Preceptor of the Year, 2018


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