Best nursing school for men

The American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN) has named Vanderbilt University School of Nursing an AAMN Best School of Nursing. The honor recognizes a nursing school for significant efforts in recruiting and retaining men in the nursing profession. In informing VUSN of the honor, the AAMN noted that its recognition review committee was very impressed. “Your history, consistency, quality and commitment to creating an inclusive environment for men who are becoming professional nurses is impressive. You should be very proud of your work and the work of your leadership team,” they wrote. Among the information the AAMN reviewed was material on how the school meets male student and faculty needs, data on student pass rates, demographics and statistics on male students, faculty and staff. Professor Tom Christenbery, PhD’04, MSN’87, and Instructor Chance Allen, MSN’12, led the drive for the recognition.