Selected Works 2016


Adams S. Collaborating in an evolving health care system: Opportunities for redesigning health care delivery. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Jan 2016:22(1):62-69.

Stone A, LaMotta CP, Baudino MN, Akard TF, Gilmer MJ. Circumstances surrounding deaths from the perspective of bereaved Honduran families. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. Feb 2016:22(2):82-89.

Tucker PW, Evans DD, Clevenger CK, Ardisson M, Hwang U. Feasibility of nurses measuring gait speed in older community-dwelling emergency department patients. Geriatric Nursing. Dec 2016:37(6):453-457.

Baird SM, Troiano N, Kennedy B. Morbidly adherent placenta: Interprofessional management strategies for the intrapartum period. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing. Dec 2016:30(4):319-326.

Boehm LM, Vasilevskis EE, Mion LC. Interprofessional perspectives on ABCDE bundle implementation: A focus group study. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. Nov 2016:35(6):339-347.

Barut JK, Dietrich MS, Zanoni PA, Ridner SH. Sense of belonging and hope in the lives of persons with schizophrenia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. Apr 2016:30(2):178-184.

Christenbery T, Williamson A, Sandlin V, Wells N. Immersion in evidence-based practice fellowship program: A transforming experience for staff nurses. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. Jan 2016:32(1):15-20.

Odom L, Christenbery T. There is an ‘app’ for that: Designing mobile phone technology to improve asthma action plan use in adolescent patients. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Nov 2016:28(11):583-590.

D’Apolito K. Neonatal Absti-nence Syndrome: A growing problem. Neonatal Network. Sept 2016:35(5):263-264.

Deng J, Murphy B. Lymphedema self-care in patients with head and neck cancer: A qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer. Dec 2016:24(12):4961-4970.

Deng J, Murphy BA, Dietrich MS, Sinard RJ, Mannion K, Ridner SH. Differences of symptoms in head and neck cancer patients with and without lymphedema. Supportive Care in Cancer. Mar 2016:24(3):1305-1316.

Deng J, Ridner S, Rothman R, Murphy B, Sherman K, Moore L, Hall K, Weiner B. Perceived symptom experience in head and neck cancer patients with lymphedema. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Dec 2016:19(12):1267-1274.

Thibeau S, D’Apolito K, Minnick AF, Dietrich MS, Kane B, Cooley S, Groer M. Relationships of maternal stress with milk immune components in African American mothers of healthy term infants. Breastfeeding Medicine. Jan 2016:11(1):6-14.

Bond SM, Schumacher K, Sherrod A, Dietrich MS, Wells N, Lindau RH, Murphy BA. Development of the Head and Neck Cancer Caregiving Task Inventory. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Oct 2016:24(5):29-38.

Kratchman LB, Schuster D, Dietrich MS, Labadie RF. Force perception thresholds in cochlear implantation surgery. Audiology and Neurotology. Aug 2016:21(4):244-249.

Gilmer MJ, Baudino MN, Goddard AT, Vickers DC, Akard TF. Animal-assisted therapy in pediatric palliative care. Nursing Clinics of North America. Sept 2016:51(3):381-395.

Roberts E, Gooch MD. Pharmacologic strategies for treatment of poisonings. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):57-68.

Hamrin V, Vick R, Brame C, Simmons M, Smith L, Vanderhoef D. Teaching a systems approach: An innovative quality improvement project. Journal of Nursing Education. Apr 2016:55(4):209-214.

Holley SL. Ongoing professional performance evaluation: Advanced practice registered nurse practice competency assessment. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Feb 2016:12(2):67-74.

Ivory CH. Mapping perinatal nursing process measurement concepts to standard terminologies. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. July 2016:34(7):312-20.

Kapu AN, McComiskey CA, Buckler L, Derkazarian J, Goda T, Lofgren MA, McIlvennan CK, Raaum J, Selig PM, Sicoutris C, Todd B, Turner V, Card E, Wells N. Advanced practice providers’ perceptions of patient workload: Results of a multi-institutional survey. Journal of Nursing Admin-istration. Oct 2016:46(10):521-529.

Arinze NV, Karp SM, Gesell SB. Evaluating provider advice and women’s beliefs on total weight gain during pregnancy. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Feb 2016:18(1):282-286.

Kennedy BB, Baird SM. Acute myocardial infarction in pregnancy: An update. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing. Jan 2016:30(1):13-24.

Gentry CK, Parker RP, Ketel C, Rosenbloom ST, Crutcher TD, Scott AW, Starks JL, Davidson HA, Pilon BA. Integration of clinical pharmacist services into an underserved primary care clinic utilizing an interprofessional collaborative practice model. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Feb 2016:27(1):1-7.

Krau SD. The role of pharmacogenomics: The same medications do not work the same on everyone. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):ix-x.

Lutenbacher M, Karp SM, Moore ER. Reflections of black women who choose to breastfeed: Influences, challenges and supports. Maternal and Child Health. Feb 2016:20(2):231-239.

Howe-Heyman A, Lutenbacher M. The Baby-Friendly-Hospital-Initiative as an intervention to improve breastfeeding rates: A review of the literature. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. Jan 2016:60(1):77-102.

Jessee MA. Influences of sociocultural factors within the clinical learning environment on students’ perceptions of learning: An integrative review. Journal of Professional Nursing. Dec 2016:32(6):463-486.

Jessee MA, Tanner C. Pursuing improvement in clinical reasoning: Development of the clinical coaching interactions inventory. Journal of Nursing Education. Sept 2016:55(9):495-504.

Maxwell CA, Mion LC, Mukherjee K, Dietrich MS, Minnick A, May A, Miller RS. Preinjury physical frailty and cognitive impairment among geriatric trauma patients determine post-injury functional recovery and survival. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Feb 2016:80(2):195-203.

Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N, Medley N. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Reviews. Nov 2016:(11):CD003519.

Moore G. Preventative treatment for adult survivors of sexual assault. American Nurse. Apr 2016:11(4).

Moore G, Pierce Y. Professional references: Selection and preparation. American Nurse. Jan 2016:11(1):31-32.

Moore G, Rogers JA. Flibanserin: Novel treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Mar 2016:12(3):210-211.

Phillippi JC, Hande K, Allison T. The literature table as a prompt for careful appraisal. Journal of Nursing Education. Oct 2016:55(10):599-600.

Phillippi JC, Holley SL, Morad A, Collins MR. Prevention of vitamin K deficiency bleeding. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. Sept 2016:61(5):632-636.

Phillippi JC, Holley SL, Morad M, Collins M. Share with women: Vitamin K for newborns. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. Sept 2016:61(5):675-676.

Phillippi JC, Holley SL, Payne K, Schorn MN, Karp SM. Facilita-tors of prenatal care in an exemplar urban clinic. Women and Birth. Apr 2016:29(2):160-7.

Phillippi JC, Holley SL, Schorn MN, Lauderdale J, Roumie CL, Bennett K. On the same page: A novel interprofessional model of patient-centered perinatal consultation visits. Journal of Perinat-ology. Nov 2016:36(11):932-938.

Alliman J, Phillippi JC. Maternal outcomes in birth centers: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health. Jan 2016:61(1):21-51.

Oster ME, Aucott SW, Glidewell J, Hackell J, Kochilas L, Martin GR, Phillippi J, Pinto NM, Saarinen A, Sontag M, Kemper AR. Lessons learned from newborn screening for critical congenital heart defects. Pediatrics. May 2016:137(5):e20154573.

Rhoten B. Body image disturbance in adults treated for cancer — A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. May 2016:72(5):1001-1011.

Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Niermann K, Cmelak A, Mannion K, Murphy B. A prospective study of the lymphedema and fibrosis continuum in patients with head and neck cancer. Lymphatic Research and Biology. Dec 2016:14(4):198-205.

Friedman J, Ber RM, Ridner S, Dietrich M, Johnson K. PrimeMD, a real-time symptom management smartphone application for head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Oct 2016:96(2):E524.

Jackson LK, Ridner SH, Deng J, Bartow C, Mannion K, Niermann K, Gilbert J, Dietrich MS, Cmelak AJ, Murphy BA. Internal lymphedema correlates with subjective and objective measures of dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Sept 2016:19(9):949-956.

Shifrin MM, Widmar SB. Platelet inhibitors. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):29-43.

Lopez-Pina JA, Meseguer-Henarejos AB, Gascon-Canovas JJ, Navarro-Villalba DJ, Sinclair VG, Wallston KA. Measurement properties of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus using Rasch Analysis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. Sept 2016:14(1):128-136.

Stolldorf DP. Original research: The benefits of rapid response teams: Exploring perceptions of nurse leaders, team members, and end users. American Journal of Nursing. Mar 2016:16(3):38-47.

Stolldorf DP, Dietrich MS, Ridner SH. A comparison of the quality of life in patients with primary and secondary lower limb lymphedema: A mixed-methods study. Western Journal of Nursing Research. Oct 2016:38(10):1313-1334.

Stolldorf DP, Havens DS, Jones CB. Sustaining innovations in complex health care environments: A multiple-case study of rapid response teams. Journal of Patient Safety. Jan 2016. doi:10.1097 /PTS.0000000000000239.

Bachmann JM, Goggins KM, Nwosu SK Schildcrout JS, Kripalani S, Wallston KA. Perceived health competence predicts health behavior and health-related quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease. Patient Education and Counseling. Dec 2016:99(12):2071-2079.

Birdee G, Sohl S, Wallston K. Development and psychometric properties of the Yoga Self-Efficacy Scale (YSES). BMC Complement-ary and Alternative Medicine. Jan 2016:16(3): doi: 10.1186/s1290601509810.

Cunningham-Erves J, Talbott LL, O’Neal MR, Ivankova N, Wallston K. Development of a theory-based, socio-cultural instrument to assess black maternal intentions to vaccinate their daughters aged 9 to 12 years against HPV. Journal of Cancer Education. Sept 2016:31(3):514-521.

Goggins KM, Wallston KA, Mion LC, Cawthon C, Kripalani S. What patient characteristics influence nurses’ assessment of health literacy? Journal of Health Communication. Oct 2016:12(2):105-108.

Nelson LA, Mayberry LS, Wallston K, Kripalani, S Bergner S, and Osborn CY. Development and usability of REACH: A tailored theory-based text messaging intervention for disadvantaged adults with Type 2 diabetes. JMIR Human Factors. Sept 2016:3(2):e23.

Nugent L, Wallston KA. Modified Social Learning Theory re-examined: Correlates of self-management behaviors of persons with Type 2 diabetes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Dec 2016:39(6):947-953.

Umeukeje EM, Merighi JR, Browne T, Wild M, Alsmann H, Umanath K, Lewis JB, Wallston KA, Cavanaugh KL. Health care providers’ support of patients’ autonomy, phosphate medication adherence, race and gender in end stage renal disease. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Dec 2016:39(6):1104-1114.

White RO, Chakkalakal RJ, Presley CA, Bian A, Schildcrout JS, Wallston KA, Barto S, Kripalani S, Rothman R. Perceptions of provider communication among vulnerable patients with diabetes: Influences of medical mistrust and health literacy. Journal of Health Communication. Oct 2016:12(2):127-134.

Wang J, Kearney JA, Jia H, Shang J. Mental health disorders in elderly people receiving home care: Prevalence and correlates in the national U.S. population. Nursing Research. Mar 2016:65(2):107-116.

Wang J, Shang J, Kearney JA. Mental health disorders in home care elders: An integrative review. Geriatric Nursing. Jan 2016:37(1):44-60.

Watters R, Moore ER, Wallston K. Development and validation of an evidence-based practice instrument for nursing students based on the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Nursing Measurement. Jan 2016:24(1):E1-E17.

Dye E, Wells N. Subjective and objective measurement of neonatal nurse practitioner workload. Advances in Neonatal Care. Oct 2016 17(4):E3-E12, August 2017.

Card EB, Wells NL. An introduction to the smart tots consensus statement on the use of anesthetic and sedative drugs in infants and toddlers. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Feb 2016:31(1):3-5.

Wilbeck J. Pharmacologic therapies: An enduring nursing intervention. The Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):xi-xii.

Evans D, Campo T, Carman M, Wilbeck J. Scope and standards for emergency nurse practitioner practice. American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners. Oct 2016.

Williams CT. Food and drug administration drug approval process: A history and overview. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):1-11.

Young CJ. Updates on the pharmacologic treatment of individuals with human immunodeficiency virus. Nursing Clinics of North America. Mar 2016:51(1):45-56.

Book Chapters

Collins M. Pain in labor and nonpharmacologic methods of relief. In: Kennedy BB, Baird SM, eds. Intrapartum Management Modules: A Perinatal Education Program. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2016:117-125.

Fogel SC. Internalized homophobia, disclosure, and health. In: Eckstrand K, Ehrenfeld J, eds. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Healthcare. 1st ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International; 2016:39-48.

Fogel SC, Eliason M. Body size/weight. In: Goldberg AE, eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies. 1st ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2016:149-153.

Holley S, Thomson-Smith C, Kennedy C. Credentialing and Essential Documents. In: Slager J, eds. An Administrative Manual for Midwifery Practices. 4th ed. Silver Spring, MD: American College of Nurse-Midwives; 2016:117-129.

King J. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education; 2016:Case 29:321-330.

King J. Anemia: Of chronic disease, OR Anemia: Of unknown etiology? In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education; 2016:Case 6:69-78.

Love R, Vick R. Anxiety Disorders. In: Buttaro TM, Trybulski J, Polgar-Bailey P, Sandberg-Cook J, eds. Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2017:1349-1353.

Schorn MN. Management of the third stage of labor: Implementing best practices. In: Anderson BA, Rooks JP, Barroso R, eds. Best Practices in Midwifery. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer; 2016:459-475.

Shifrin MM. Type A Aortic Dissection. In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nursing: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2016:79-87.

Shifrin MM. Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis. In: Burns SM, Delgado SA, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nursing: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2016:307-320.

Wallston K. An autobiography of Rotter’s Social Learning Theory applied to health. In: Reich JW, Infurna FJ, eds. Perceived Control: Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years. 1st ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2016:109-130

Widmar B. Pericarditis; Postoperative (CABG). In: Burns S, Delgado S, eds. Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2016:589-599.


Nizielski S, Pope J. Nutrition for a Changing World. 1st ed. New York, NY: Macmillan Learning and Scientific American; 2016.

Johnson K, Vanderhoef D. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Review and Resource Manual. 4th ed. Silver Spring, MD: ANA Enterprise; 2016.

Editorships and Appointments

Kim J. Editorship, Nursing Clinics of North America, Mar 2016-Sept 2017

Lutenbacher M. Member, March of Dimes National Advocacy Leaders Team, Dec 16-present

Maxwell C. Editorial Board member, BMC Geriatrics, 2016-present

Wilbeck J. Editorship, Nursing Clinics of North America, Nov 2015-May 2016


Beuscher L. National Academies of Practice, Distinguished Scholar and Fellow Nursing Academy, 2016

Busby S. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Family Nurse Practitioner Specialty, 2016

Collins M. American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, Award of Merit, 2016

Collins M. American Academy of Nursing, Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing, 2016

Collins M. University of Rochester, 10th annual Elizabeth Cooper Guest Lectureship, 2016

Deng J, American Academy of Nursing, Fellowship in the American Academy of Nursing, 2016

Dietrich M, Katherine Bennett, Nancy Wells, Elizabeth (Bette) Moore. 2016 Professional Research Recognition Award, 2016

Hande K. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty Leadership Mentoring Program Fellow, 2016

Hensley J. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Women’s Health Specialty, 2016

Holley S. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Nurse-Midwifery Specialty 2016

King J. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Adult–Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty, 2016

Leming-Lee S. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Dean Colleen Conway-Welch Award, 2016

Lutenbacher M. Nurses for Newborns Tennessee, Miller Award, 2016

Maxwell C. Southern Nursing Research Society, Rising Investigator Award in Aging Research, 2016

McClure N. March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year for Nursing Education, 2016

Minnick A. Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Dean Colleen Conway-Welch Award, 2016

Moore E. American Academy of Nursing, American Academy of Nursing Fellowship, 2016

Moore G. Tennessee Nurses Association, TNA Nursing Excellence in Education Award, 2016

Moore-Davis T. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016

Morris M. University of Tennessee Knoxville, College of Nursing Office of Research Administration funding award, 2016

Nelson B. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner– Primary Care Specialty, 2016

Parish A. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Adult–Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty, 2016

Phillippi J. Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Trainee Travel Award, 2016

Phillippi J. March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year for Research, 2016

Read A. NLN, Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), 2016

Schroer M. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Specialty, 2016

Scott P. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Specialty, 2016

Steanson K. Sarah K. Archer Excellence in Teaching Award, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Acute Care Specialty, 2016

Wells N, Mary Dietrich, Bette Moore, Kathryn Bennett. Child Life Council, 2016 Professional Research Recognition Award, 2016


Adams S. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Chair APNA Minimal Education Evaluation Data Set of APNA Education Activities, July 2016-July 2017

Adams S. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, APNA Representative to the National Competency-Based Education Work Group for APRNs — convened by American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Mar 2016-2017

Adams S. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Chair of APNA Task Force on Motivational Interviewing, June 2016-2018

Adams S. American Psychiatric Nurses Association, APNA Representative on the National Task Force Criteria for Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner Programs, Mar 2015-2016

Adams S. American Psychiatric Nurses Organization, APNA and ANA at PCORI meeting 3/7/2016 in Washington, DC on Preventing Opioid Misuse in the Management of Pain: A Stakeholder Workshop, Mar 2016

Adams S. FUNDISA-PLUME Project — South Africa, Faculty Research Mentor for PLUME Project, Nov 2016-present

Collins M. ACOG/HRSA Women’s Preventive Services Initiative, Representative for American College of Nurse-Midwives, Mar 2016-June 2017

Hande K. Tennessee Board of Nursing, Safe Prescribing Screening Panel member, Sept 2016-present

Maxwell C. American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program, Expert Panel for Best Practice Guidelines for End-of-Life, 2016

Phillippi J. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Practice Bulletins — Obstetrics, member, Mar 2016-present

Student Publications

Bahreman Swoboda SM. Honoring diversity: Developing culturally competent communication skills through simulation. Journal of Nursing Education. Feb 2016:55(2):105-108.

Graf MD. Superfoods for picky eaters. Ready, Set, Grow: Raising Healthy Kids. June/July 2016:(2):24-28.

Hittle Gigli K, Creaden JA, Manion A. Position statement on reimbursement for nurse practitioner services. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. May 2016:30 (3):17A-18A.

Hittle Gigli K, Heuer B, Manion A, Rankin A. Position statement on nurse practitioner prescriptive privileges. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. May 2016:30 (3):15A-16A.

Wenner A, Hittle Gigli K, Opioid addiction in adolescents: A background and policy brief. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. Sept 2016:30 (6):606-609.

Howe-Heyman A. Lutenbacher M. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative as an intervention to improve breastfeeding rates: A review of the literature. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. Jan 2016:61(1):77-102.

Mickelson RS, Unertl KM, Holden RJ. Medication management: The macrocognitive workflow of older adults with heart failure. JMIR Human Factors. Sept 2016:3(2):e27.

Hasslinger J, Sirviö S, Berggren S, Myers L, Flygare O, Tammimies K, Bölte S. A comparative randomized controlled pragmatic trial of neurofeedback and working memory training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Protocol. Translation Developmental Psychiatry. Mar 2016:4(1):30556.

Skeens MA, McArthur J, Ira M, Cheifetz, CD, Randolph AG, Stanek J, Lehman L, Bajwa R. High variability in the reported management of Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease in children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Oct 2016:22(10):1823-1828.

Haugen MS, Landier W, Mandrell BN, Sullivan J, Schwartz C, Skeens MA, Hockenberry M. Educating families of children newly diagnosed with cancer: Insights of a Delphi Panel of Expert Clinicians from the Children’s Oncology Group. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. Nov 2016:33(6):405-413.


Student Book Chapters

Bahreman N, Foronda C, Swoboda S. Cultural competence, safety, and humility in simulation. In: Foronda C, Swoboda S, Bahreman N, Foisy-Doll C, eds. Simulation champions: Fostering courage, caring, and connection. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2016

Pisa M, Saucier J, Martin N. Decompressive laparotomy. In: Taylor D, Sherry A, Sing R, eds. Interventional Critical Care: A Manual for Advanced Care Practitioners. 1st ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2016:327-338.


Student Awards

Archer N. VUSN Amy Frances Brown Prize for Excellence in Writing. 2016

Beckmann N. Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare, Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar, 2016

Drummond M. VUSN Outstanding Family Nurse Practitioner Student, 2016

Gabele C. Patricia Labbe Award for Clinical Excellence, 2016

Howe-Heyman A. PhD Student Research Award, 2016

Miller E. VUSN Outstanding Nursing Informatics Student, 2016

Myers L. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research, Extramural Training Research Award, 2016

Myers L. Sigma Theta Tau International, Chi At-Large Research Scholarship, 2016

Neczypor J. March of Dimes, Nurse of the Year, Graduate Student Nurse, 2016

Neczypor J. Outstanding Nurse-Midwifery Student, 2016

Nicholls D. VUSN Outstanding Pediatric Nurse Practitioner–Primary Care Student, 2016

Noori H. VUSN Outstanding Pediatric Nurse Practitioner­–Acute Care Student, 2016

Rasa A. VUSN Outstanding Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Student, 2016

Savage K. VUSN Outstanding Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Lifespan) Student, 2016

Skeens M. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Excellence in Innovation Award, 2016

Skeens M. Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Innovator of the Year, 2016

Skeens M. Children’s Oncology Group, Nursing Discipline Merit Award, 2016

Smith K. VUSN Alumni Association Award for Student Excellence in Service and Leadership to School and Community, 2016

Villarreal B. American Nursing Informatics Association, 2016 ANIA Scholarship, 2016

Walton R. VUSN Outstanding Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Student, 2016

Weaver M. Outstanding Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Student, 2016

White S. Outstanding Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Student, 2016


Student Appointments

Fusillo N. Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida, Facilitator-Mourner’s Path Grief Recovery Group, Sept 2016-Present

Hill C. ACHE, Diversity

Chairman, Aug 2016-Aug 2018

Hill C. Arkansas chapter of ACHE, President, Aug 2016-Sept 2018

Hittle K. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Advanced Practice Institute Planning Committee member, June 2016-May 2017

Hittle K. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Health Policy Committee member, July 2016-July 2019

McFarland M. Emory Health Care, lead APP in Division of Hospital Medicine, Sept 2016-Present

Skeens M. Children’s Oncology Group, appointed, Sept 2016-Sept 2021


Student Editorships

Hill C. Editorship, AHEF monthly newsletter, Dec 2016-Dec 2018

Myers L. Editorial Board member, The Nurse Practitioner, Fall 2016-Present