Remote Proctor Testing Policy

Remote Proctor NOW Policy for Online Exams

The Remote Proctor NOW (RPNOW) system will be used with online examinations and quizzes as instructed by faculty using these guidelines.


Testing Preparation Student Responsibilities   

  • Exams should be taken at your residence or other secure location that meets the testing area requirements. If you need to take an exam at VUSN or in the FNIC, this must be arranged at least one week ahead of time (reserve room or contact FNIC staff).
  • Students are responsible for self‐testing the functionality of the system within one week prior to all Remote Proctored examinations so that any required troubleshooting can   be accomplished.  Students are also responsible for self-testing the functionality again within 24 hours of taking an exam because system updates in the interim could impact the functionality. Completing these self-testing steps will decrease unanticipated functionality issues at the time of the exam. Students should contact their faculty member for available practice exams.
  • Students should have the faculty and tech support contact information readily available before taking the exam.
  • Students must purchase a whiteboard no larger than 9″ x 12″and dry erase markers to be used during examinations rather than sheets of paper. The only exception is if examinations are taken in the Frist Nursing Informatics Center, where only paper will be allowed.
  • Students must close and restart computers before logging into the proctored test environment. All other programs and/or windows on the testing computer MUST be closed prior to logging into the proctored test environment and must remain closed until the exam is completed.
  • Students MUST establish identity using the VU Identification badge or an official Driver License following the procedures as outlined in the RPNOW instructions.
  • In case of a rare RPNOW failure, a cell phone may be used to contact the faculty member or technical staff during the exam. Cell phones should be in the testing environment, turned off, and stored out of view, either face down on the floor beneath the desk/table or in a pocket.

Test Environment Requirements: The online testing environment should mimic the ‘in class’ testing environment, and MUST conform to the following:


Testing Area

  • Sit at a clean desk or table if available. In the event a desk is not available, you may utilize a seating bench (not on the bed or floor).
  •    Ensure the camera view is free from obstruction or limitation of view.
  • If the instructor permits writing during the exam, writing must be completed on a whiteboard. The whiteboard must be shown blank at the beginning of the exam and shown erased at the end of the exam.
  • Be sure the desk or table is cleared of all other materials. This means the removal of all books, papers, notebooks, calculators, phones, tablets, etc. is necessary unless specifically permitted in posted guidelines for that particular examination.
  • No writing should be visible on the desk or walls.
  • No other computer monitors, screens or tablets should be on during the exam.
  •     No watches (any type) are allowed to be worn during the testing period or in the testing environment.
  • No use of headsets, ear plugs (or similar audio devices) are permitted. This includes Bluetooth earbuds.
  • For the 360‐degree Exam‐Environment‐View process prior to each exam, it is permissible for a student to use a mirror to show the testing environment behind, and on the desktop surface in front of, the computer screen (including above and on the floor in front of the student) rather than physically moving a laptop or desktop camera. (Show the camera the back of the mirror before you start.)
  • No computer programs should be open at any time while Remote Proctor is in use for examination or review.
  • Maintain room lighting bright enough to be considered “daylight” quality. Overhead lighting is preferred; however, if overhead is not possible, the source of light should not be behind the test taker.
  • No radio or television should be operating in the background.
  • No other persons except the test‐taker should be permitted to enter the room during testing. There should be no communication with others by any means during testing.



  • Dress as if in a public setting.
  • Under no circumstances should students exit remote proctor during the exam or review
  • No exam items should be copied, saved or shared during or following the exam. Screenshots   of exam information are prohibited.
  • Do not leave the room during the testing period at any time, unless specifically permitted in   posted guidelines for that particular examination. Do not take the computer into another room to finish testing (exam must be completed in the same room the “Exam Environment View” is completed).


Policy Violation Consequences

  • Students are required to adhere to the policy as listed above.
  • Policy violations recognized by the proctor will be flagged, and the student and faculty member will be notified.
  • Each exam and quiz are reviewed for policy violations. Any minor or major violation may result in several consequences ranging from student notifications to reporting possible honor code violations to the Honor Council, which could result in dismissal from the program.
  • If a student deviates from this policy during the exam, the student must email the instructor as soon as the exam is complete to explain the nature of the policy violation. Failure to do so could result in an allegation of violation of the Honor Code.
  • If there is a reasonable explanation for the deviation, and the instructor’s review of the recording does not produce evidence to the contrary, the instructor will resolve the deviation with student. This process provides the student a chance to modify behavior to comply with this policy in order to prevent future flags and avoid possible punitive action. A student who receives multiple flags may be reported to the Honor Council for suspected violation of the Honor Code.
  • If the explanation for the deviation is unsatisfactory, the instructor at their discretion may either 1) issue an Honor Code warning that a second occurrence of policy violation will be reported as a suspected Honor Code violation or 2) report the matter directly to the Honor Council for investigation.
  • Any student is suspected of a violation of the Honor Code, whether or not a flag occurred, will be contacted directly by course faculty. If an honor violation occurred or there is concern of a violation, the Honor Code policies will be followed.


Statement of Policy Acknowledgement

Prior to each exam or quiz, each student must acknowledge understanding the remote proctor policy.

I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Remote Proctor policy and understand my responsibilities as a student.  I will adhere to this policy and I recognize the potential consequences for violations.

I also acknowledge that I have reviewed and will abide by the Honor Code policies as outlined in the MSN, Post Master’s Certificate, and DNP Student Handbook which can be found at  .

By clicking next, you are electronically accepting and acknowledging the remote proctor policy and honor code.


Remote Proctor NOW Procedure Quick Checklist

  • Self‐test the functionality of the remote proctored system within one week prior to all remote proctored examinations.
  • Have the faculty and tech support contact information readily available before taking the exam.
  • Ensure the environment is free of people and pets.
  • Ensure proper lighting in the testing environment.
  • Clear the testing environment of all materials. This means the removal of all books, papers, notebooks, calculators, additional computers, screens, phones, tablets, etc.
  • Double-check that cell phones are out of view and turned off, but readily available within the testing room should you need to contact faculty/staff.
  • Restart computer before logging into the proctored test environment.
  • Close all other programs and/or windows on the testing computer before logging into the proctored test environment. Keep all other programs closed until the exam is completed.
  • Ensure the camera view is not obstructed or limited.
  • Complete the 360‐degree Exam‐Environment scan prior to beginning an examination.
  • Establish identification by displaying your VU Identification badge or an official Driver License.
  • Display a clean whiteboard no larger than 9″ x 12″ prior to the exam (Do not forget to show an erased whiteboard at the end of the exam).
  • Remember no use of headsets, ear plugs or earbuds (or similar audio devices) are permitted.
  • Remain in view of the camera during the entire exam.
  • Complete the examination.
  • Display a clean whiteboard.
  • Submit/close the exam.

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