
Each year, hundreds of alumni and friends make a gift to Vanderbilt School of Nursing. Please read below and visit the following links to learn about the many ways you can show your support and make a difference at one of the nation’s finest nursing schools.


A Fall School Update from Dean Pam Jeffries
August 2024

Dear alumni, friends and supporters,

It has been a wonderful year for Vanderbilt School of Nursing, topped off with graduating 449 students in May—including 30 new Master of Nursing registered nurses. Adding these RNs to the workforce is one step in easing the nursing shortage and a continuation of our history of educating, innovating and remaining dedicated to meeting the needs of our profession, communities and burdened health care system. With each success, we are further emboldened to address new challenges and attract more of the brightest students and faculty into our programs. Your support is vital to our efforts.

  • Read More
    • Scholarship support remains our No. 1 need. Student Joseph Simon began a career in law enforcement. After witnessing vastly different social structures and circumstances, he was inspired to pursue a career in mental health through our Psychiatric-Mental Health NP program. Scholarship support allows him to balance life, academics and clinical experience—a common theme for many students. Without these funds, some would have to choose a different path, and others would be faced with financial sacrifices detrimental to their families.   
    • Focused on health equity. As nurses and educators of future nurses, we are committed to addressing health disparities, which disproportionately affect people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, those with disabilities and rural residents. This year, we launched new initiatives to understand and influence the causes and consequences:
      • The Center for Research on Inequalities and Health connects nursing faculty and researchers with colleagues in the College of Arts and Science on projects to increase equity across populations. It is an honor to partner in this trans-institutional initiative.
      • The Health Equity Fellowship supports this signature area in two ways. Through Dec. 31, gifts and pledges of at least $100,000 to health equity research will be matched dollar for dollar. Additionally, fellowship awards will support faculty and student engagement in equity work.   
    • Addressing a CRNA shortage. The U.S. also faces a shortage of certified registered nurse anesthetists. With area health leaders, we have identified sites for clinical training and placement; we are actively working to develop, and secure approvals for, our own CRNA program. It is expected to start in 2026.   

    These and other programs are only possible with your continued involvement and support. Together, we can empower the next generation of nurses to make meaningful differences in the lives of individuals, families and communities around the world. 

    Please consider a gift today to join our mission by giving online

    This fall, I travel with the chancellor and other Vanderbilt leaders for Dare to Grow events. I hope to see you at some point so I can thank you in person and share about the meaningful impact you have on our students, research and the nursing profession. 

    Best regards,

    Pamela R. Jeffries, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH 
    Dean and Valere Potter Professor of Nursing, RWJF Nurse Executive Fellow Alumna 

Endowed Scholarships

Scholarships are one of the most effective ways to attract outstanding students. At VUSN, we are growing our endowed funds available for scholarships, thereby creating opportunities for both current and future generations of students. Almost 85 percent of VUSN students receive some form of financial assistance and the school is dedicated to providing opportunity to future nurse leaders.

Faculty Support/Endowed Chairs

The recognition and honor an endowed chair confers upon the faculty member holding it are vital incentives in a dynamic market where the best faculty are in great demand.

On any given day, the vast majority of the school's faculty can be found in their offices and classrooms, available to students and energetically involved in the life of the school. Endowed chairs enable us to retain such exceptional professors and to attract talented new faculty which places the School of Nursing at a decided advantage.

The Annual Fund

Annual fund gifts are unrestricted contributions of any size, to the School of Nursing, that are made on a yearly basis. Each academic year, VUSN has new needs that require support. Endowment gifts are earmarked for a specific use, while Annual Fund gifts provide funds that can be used by the dean and administrators to address the most immediate needs and opportunities. Annual fund gifts sustain the VUSN we know and love on a day-to-day basis and provide the foundation for future success. Gifts of all sizes combine to make a large impacts and allow us to do things such as:

  • Diversify our student body by providing scholarship support for promising students to fulfill their lifelong dreams of a nursing career.
  • Create new knowledge utilizing innovative technologies and scientific discovery through funding for research and scientific leaders.
  • Expand opportunities for students by investment in enhanced learning opportunities and the overall student experience.

Reunion Giving

Each fall, the School of Nursing participates in Vanderbilt’s Reunion Weekend by inviting Nursing alumni back to the school to celebrate the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th and 50th anniversary of their graduation from VUSN. Alumni celebrating their Reunion often choose to make a special gift to show their appreciation for the important role Vanderbilt has played in their lives and careers. When you give back in honor of your Reunion, you’re adding to the cumulative generosity of generations of Vanderbilt School of Nursing alumni. Learn more about Reunion giving and how to get involved.

The Julia Hereford Society

The Julia Hereford Society recognizes financial support of Vanderbilt School of Nursing by those who make annual gifts of $2,500 and up. To learn more about JHS click here.

For more information on making a gift to Vanderbilt School of Nursing, please contact or a member of the Development and Alumni Relations staff.

Vanderbilt is a special place for my family. My grandparents met at Vanderbilt and my grandmother earned her master’s degree in nursing in the 1930s. I give to the School of Nursing in honor of my grandparents who donated throughout their lives to Vanderbilt and for the incredible education I received as a psychiatric nurse practitioner in 2018.

Elizabeth Hills, BSN’18
Julia Hereford Society Member

Ways to Give

  • Make a Gift Online

    To make your gift online, use our secure online gift form. Vanderbilt accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards.

    If you would like to restrict your gift to a particular fund at the School of Nursing (e.g., VUSN Alumni Scholarship Fund) please make a note in the special comments section of the online gift form.

  • Mail Your Gift

    To mail your gift or pledge, print our giving form to include with your check, credit card payment or money order.

  • Telephone

    Call us at 1-866-882-FUND (3863) to make an annual gift.

  • Electronic Bank Draft

    To set up an electronic bank draft, call 1-866-882-FUND (3863) or use our printable form.

  • Stocks and Securities

    To request information on transferring gifts of stocks and securities click here. Please call (615) 875-1155 with any questions.

    For information on planned gifts, matching corporate gifts and donor advised funds, please contact Veronica Vincente Ford, Associate Dean of Development at (615) 509-5123 or

Meet the Team

  • Veronica Vincente Ford

    Veronica Vincente Ford

    Associate Director of Development, School of Nursing Development & Alumni Relations

  • Betsey Usher

    Betsey Usher

    Senior Director Alumni Relations

    School of Nursing
    Development and Alumni Relations

  • Andrea Zink

    Andrea Zink

    Director of Annual Giving, Development and Alumni Relations

    School of Nursing
    Development & Alumni Relations

  • Anja Fairholm

    Anja Fairholm

    Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship

    School of Nursing
    Development & Alumni Relations

  • Alexys Ahn

    Alexys Ahn

    DAR Assistant

    School of Nursing
    Development & Alumni Relations

  •  Soma Khoshnaw

    Soma Khoshnaw

    Administrative Assistant, School of Nursing Development & Alumni Relations