Helping VUSN instructors design, develop, and deliver high quality online/hybrid courses.

Work with D³

We offer guidance and technical help to educators on the use, exploration, and experimentation of instructional technologies that promote curricular innovation in online learning.

We do this work in the following ways

  • Providing instructional design expertise and consultation
  • Developing course content within Brightspace
  • Producing custom multimedia course elements
  • Recommending products and strategies for the effective use of technology for teaching
  • Engaging faculty in conversations that focus on emergent teaching and learning issues

The D³ Process

The D³ team consults with VUSN faculty, individually and/or in groups, to facilitate course design and development. In response to the rapidly changing environment of distance education, we combine instructional expertise with innovative technology to assist faculty in enhancing learning experiences in VUSN courses.

At the beginning of each semester. the process begins by identifying gaps or needed improvements in alignment, instruction, assessments, accessibility, and usability. The LXD starts by reviewing the course learning objectives, activities, and assessments and ensures that they are appropriately mapped to the core nursing competencies.

After the review is complete, a meeting is scheduled with the course coordinator, the assigned instructional technologist, LxD, and video producer. In the meeting, the course team goes over any gaps or improvements that can be made to instruction, as well as any opportunities to enhance the student experience and tool usage in the LMS system by the technologist.

As the semester progresses, the D³ team tracks the progress of each course, from verification of the Quality Matters standards and alignment to the creation of the Syllabus in our internal application tool, including course content and development. The D³ team is continually audits and evaluates its processes, with the goal to design and develop high quality learning experiences.

See a graphic of the D³ course design and development process:

Team Members

  • Rhett McDaniel

    Rhett McDaniel

    Director, Course Development and Instructional Technology

  • Carrie Sennett

    Carrie Sennett

    Sr. Learning Experience Designer (LxD)

  • Diana Vasquez

    Diana Vasquez

    Sr. Learning Experience Designer (LxD)

  • Taylor Boll

    Taylor Boll

    Instructional Technologist (IT)

  • Candace McClure

    Candace McClure

    Instructional Technologist (IT)

  • Kelly Croteau

    Kelly Croteau

    Instructional Technologist (IT)

  • Kara Blake

    Kara Blake

    Instructional Technologist (IT)

  • Clay Sturgeon

    Clay Sturgeon

    Media Producer