Military and Veteran Students Affinity Group

The Military and Veteran Students Affinity Group (MVSAG) endeavors to provide resources and support to military and veteran students at VUSN. The group looks for opportunities for relationship building among military and veteran students through volunteer/service opportunities as well as informative meetings. The MVSAG also wants to bring attention to the unique needs of military and veteran students returning to civilian life.

Group Leadership

Student Leadership 

  • President: Rachel Foti

Faculty Advisor


  • Serve as a Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN) student organizing body for students with an emphasis on, but not limited to, active duty military students, military reserves students, and veteran students.
  • Provide networking opportunities for nursing students.
  • Serve as a means of social support for students matriculating through VUSN.


The MVSAG (formerly known as the Military/Veteran Students Organization (MVSO)) was formed in 2015 to bring attention to military and veteran students by holding Veterans Day presentations as well as discussions regarding resources for military and veteran students. Over the years, the group has also built relationships by participating in different activities including mixers with other military and veteran students from the different VU graduate schools, making care packages for deployed military service members, and leading a Toys for Tot drive.


Membership is open to any military or veteran nursing student or any nursing student who desires to support our mission.

Standing Meeting Time

No set scheduled time/dates.