Hispanic/Latinx Student Affinity Group

The Hispanic/Latinx Student Affinity Group is committed to representing students of all nursing levels who identify as Hispanic/Latinx at VUSN. We are a passionate group of nursing students that focus on exploring the health-related aspects of the Hispanic/Latinx patient population to ultimately raise awareness on how we, and our nursing peers/colleagues, can provide culturally-appropriate care for this community. Additionally, our organization also functions as a safe resource of support and mentorship to its members as they embark on and/or explore their journey as an APRN who desires to best serve the Hispanic/Latinx population.

Group Leadership

Student Leadership 

Faculty Advisor

  • Shelza Rivas, DNP, WHGRNP-BC, AGPCNP-BC
    Instructor in Nursing / Women's Health & Adult-Gerontology NP Programs


Our mission is to raise awareness about the cultural, social, and health aspects and disparities of the Hispanic/Latinx population. We aim to create a sense of community at VUSN that honors and advocates for Hispanic/Latinx culture and its communities.


The Hispanic/Latinx Student Affinity group (previously known as the Hispanic Latino Student Nurses Association) was first established at VUSN in 2018. As the number of students who identified as Hispanic/Latinx grew among students of all nursing levels at VUSN, the need for an organizational group that provided representation and support became a necessary component of these students' learning experience. Never before had an affinity group for Hispanic/Latinx students existed at VUSN and with the help of Dr. Shelza Rivas, who has served as faculty advisor, the number of students involved has steadily grown over the years.


Student members within the Hispanic/Latinx Student Affinity Group identify as being Hispanic/Latinx. Many speak both Spanish and English, however knowing both languages is never a requirement to join. They are from all levels of nursing at VUSN and involve both local and distance learning students since participation has been a mix of in-person and virtual meetings. Interested students can find leadership members at VUSN Admitted Students Day sessions, Open House sessions, and can also email Dr. Rivas at shelza.j.rivas@vanderbilt.edu for more information on how to join!


Standing Meeting Time

Meetings are scheduled once monthly. Days/hours based on student availability.