Graduate Student Council

Graduate Student Council is the student government organization at the School of Nursing. Graduate Council activities include nominating members of the Honor Council, facilitating community service projects, designing VUSN apparel, collecting student feedback, and planning social events within the School of Nursing.

Group Leadership

Student Leadership 

  • Chair: Kristen Anderson
  • Vice-chair: Helana Yacoub
  • Secretary: Krislyn Milligan
  • Treasurer: Clay Gaddis
  • By-laws chair: Ian Lucas
  • Communications/PR Chair: Sidney Helberg
  • Community Service and Outreach Co-chairs: Angela Labenberg and Maggie Allomonger
  • Support Chair: Noah Pacis
  • Social Events Chair: Sidney Helberg

Faculty Advisor


The purpose of the Graduate Nursing Council is to serve as a liaison between students (MSN, Post Masters Certificate, and DNP students), faculty, administration, and the greater Vanderbilt University community. The Graduate Council achieves this purpose by providing a framework for vocalization of graduate students’ needs, serving as representatives to VUSN and University committees, and promoting social interaction within and outside of VUSN.


The Graduate Council solicits members through a self-nomination process. Interested students are encouraged to complete the attached self-nomination form. Any interested student is invited to become a member of the Graduate Council. Members will serve from September through August. Council members must be full time students in good academic standing. Graduate Council membership generally consists of members from the PreSpecialty, direct entry, DNP, and PhD student groups.


School of Nursing #179
461 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37240 

Standing Meeting Time

First Monday of every month at 12 PM.